Bartine--Charles W. (Class of 1892)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 52 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Chas. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 9:22, p.519 |
Completed four year course this year. | |
2 | Chas. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 9:20, p.474 |
Has not reported for two years. | |
3 | Chas. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 5:35, p.350 |
Will be in charge in Leclaire. | |
4 | C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 5:7, p.53 |
Visits campus often. | |
5 | C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 5:4, p.27 |
Now in insurance business. | |
6 | Mr. C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 5:2, p.14 |
Visited friends. | |
7 | C. W. Bartine and Jno. Boyle Normal Eyte 5:2, p.13 |
Visited the campus. | |
8 | C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 4:36, p.579 |
Principal at Monona. | |
9 | A. J. Miller Normal Eyte 4:32, p.508 |
Will succeed Charles Bartine in Monona. | |
10 | Mr. C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 4:1, p.11 |
Will teach in Monona. | |
11 | Harriet Bunker Normal Eyte 3:17, p.134 |
Will teach in Monona where C. W. Bartine is principal. | |
12 | C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 3:13, p.101 |
Doing well in Monona. | |
13 | C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 3:11, p.83 |
Principal in Monona. | |
14 | School Directory Normal Eyte 3:8, p.63 |
Roster of student organizations and their officers. |
15 | C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 3:7, p.56 |
Acting principal at Monona while Joe Parker campaigns for county superintendency. | |
16 | School Directory Normal Eyte 3:1, p.5 |
Roster of student organizations and their officers. | |
17 | Memories of '93 Normal Eyte 2:37, p.294 |
Poetic tribute to Class of 1893; commencement oration. | |
18 | Normal vs. Waverly Normal Eyte 2:37, p.284 |
Normal defeats Waverly in return match, 18-9; account of game. | |
19 | Class Day Normal Eyte 2:37, p.283 |
Representatives of classes give their orations. | |
20 | Field Day Normal Eyte 2:36, p.277 |
Three hundred attend second annual Field Day; detailed tally of winners and their times or marks. | |
21 | M'Arey Natural History Association Normal Eyte 2:32, p.246 |
Roster of speakers and topics. | |
22 | School Directory Normal Eyte 2:28, p.217 |
Roster of student organizations and officers. | |
23 | Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Normal Eyte 2:26, p.207 |
Meeting leaders announced; Sunday School officers and teachers listed. | |
24 | Field work has been taken up Normal Eyte 2:26, p.209 |
Several changes in officers in student battalion. | |
25 | The Athletic Association Normal Eyte 2:26, p.210 |
Held regular meeting; officers and managers elected. | |
26 | The Fourth Year class effected a permanent organization Normal Eyte 2:20, p.160 |
Roster of officers. | |
27 | Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Normal Eyte 2:15, p.120 |
Meeting leaders announced; description of bathing renovations in Cedar Rapids. | |
28 | School Directory Normal Eyte 2:15, p.121 |
Roster of school organizations and their officers. | |
29 | At 8 o'clock Thanksgiving evening Normal Eyte 2:13, p.104 |
Fire discovered in roof of Patterson Hall; Normal students help put out fire; speculates on adequate fire protection on Normal Hill. | |
30 | The S. N. S. Battalion has now completed its organization Normal Eyte 2:11, p.84 |
Hours for indoor drills; roster of commissioned and non-commissioned officers. | |
31 | The Philos Normal Eyte 2:10, p.80 |
Offer toasts on recent Democrat election success. | |
32 | Wednesday afternoon at the appointed hour Normal Eyte 2:9, p.72 |
Men take three-hour examination to determine student battalion officers. | |
33 | School Directory Normal Eyte 2:7, p.56 |
Roster of student organizations and their officers. | |
34 | Base Ball Normal Eyte 2:2, p.18 |
Detailed account of campus ball game between the Spinners and the Sprinters. | |
35 | The Third Year Class of 1892 Normal Eyte 2:2, p.15 |
Whereabouts and occupations of class members. | |
36 | The State Normal School Athletic Association Normal Eyte 2:2, p.17 |
Association meets, outlines goals, and elects officers. | |
37 | In the absence of Pres. Hutchinson Pres. Seerley delivered a lecture Normal Eyte 2:1, p.8 |
Sunday School elects officers. | |
38 | Messers. Huggett . . . . Normal Eyte 1:18, p.142 |
Cadets perform drills at Philo open session; will also perform at Opera House. | |
39 | The Philo open session Normal Eyte 1:18, p.143 |
Detailed description of program. | |
40 | The Philomathean Society Normal Eyte 1:17, p.134 |
Program for the open session. | |
41 | The ball game Normal Eyte 1:17, p.132 |
Detailed account of game won by Seniors over Juniors, 9-5; game slow to start because of lost ball; bicyclist goes to town to buy one. | |
42 | Baseball was in order last Friday Normal Eyte 1:16, p.122 |
Detailed description of game against Cedar Falls team which defeated the Normal, 19-11. | |
43 | Major Dinwiddie has made the following appointments Normal Eyte 1:15, p.119 |
Roster of officers. | |
44 | They have done it. Normal Eyte 1:15, p.116 |
Detailed account of baseball game between Aristos and Philos. | |
45 | The following are the Sunday School officers and teachers Normal Eyte 1:10, p.79 |
Roster of officers and teachers. | |
46 | C. W. Bartine Normal Eyte 1:9, p.69 |
Will lead prayer meeting. | |
47 | The third year class met Normal Eyte 1:8, p.63 |
Elected officers and class day committee. | |
48 | Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Normal Eyte 1:7, p.55 |
Meeting leaders announced; President Seerley will address the young men; YMCA officers elected; pamphlet on missionary service by Sarah Peters in ISNS library. | |
49 | Y. M. & Y. W. C. A Normal Eyte 1:5, p.40 |
Meeting leaders announced; delegates to state convention; meeting reports. | |
50 | School Directory Normal Eyte 1:5, p.37 |
Roster of officers of student organizations. |