Bates--Delbert M. (Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 25 teachers get leaves of absence
College Eye 43:4, p.8
List of those who will be away for military service or advanced study.
2 Twenty-five faculty members will be on leave of absence during the 1951-52 academic year
Public Relations News Release 1951:63, p.1
Nine faculty members in the teaching department, three from the departments of education and English and speech, two from industrial arts and mathematics, and one from home economics, art, music, physical education for women, social science, and library.
3 Nine new instructors start new duties today in four departments
College Eye 43:1, p.7
Brief profiles of new faculty.
4 The appointment of nine new faculty members at the college was announced this week
Public Relations News Release 1951:20, p.1
Newcomers in teaching include Don Barnhart, Beverly Jane Butrem, Max Hosier, Betts Ann Roth, and Edith Ennis.
5 News about the faculty
Alumnus 35:3, p.3

List of faculty appointments, resignations, changes, and achievements.

6 Nelson announces faculty on leave
College Eye 42:40, p.1

List of faculty who will be on leave in the fall; some will be on military duty.

7 Dr. Delbert M. Bates, instructor in education has been recalled to Air Force service
Public Relations News Release 1950:435, p.1
A weather officer in the Air Force active reserve, Bates recently received orders to report August 17 to Selfridge field, Michigan, where he will e assigned duty in the station weather office. Bates joined the staff in 1949.
8 Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
Brief description of the department; photo.
9 Dr. Delbert Bates, of the education department at Iowa State Teachers college, has been ordered to Andrews Air Force Base, Washington, D. C.
Public Relations News Release 1950:372, p.1
Active in the air force reserves, Bates will report at the base Monday, May 21, for a week of processing and reclassification.
10 The Iowa Association of Elementary School Principals will meet Friday, April 20, at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:308, p.1
The conference will feature three discussion groups, observation in the campus laboratory school, and an address by Gilbert S. Willey, superintendent of schools, Winnetka, Illinois.
11 Seven from ISTC to attend curriculum meeting in Fort Dodge
Public Relations News Release 1950:171, p.1
The third annual meeting of the Iowa Chapter of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development will be held Friday and Saturday. Guy Wagner, president of the chapter, will preside. Other faculty listed.
12 Unusual vacations - 15 Dec. to Dec. 1 - for ISTC aculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:160, p.1
Instructors Dorothy Price and William Walsh of the teaching department are honeymooning after their marriage Dec. 16 in Cedar Falls. Three faculty families barely beat the Internal Revenue Service out of extra exemptions. Other vacations noted.
13 News in brief
College Eye 41:32, p.5
Campus news.
14 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.211
List of faculty; photo.