Batty--E. Jean (YWCA Staff)

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Miss E. Jean Batty
College Eye 4:19, p.6
Has taken a Y. W. C. A. position in South America.
2 Emma Jean Batty
College Eye 1:25, p.7
Was recently elected as the home secretary of the Baptist Ladies Foreign Missionary Society.
3 Word has been received
Normal Eyte 12:29, p.459
Jean Batty doing well in New York.
4 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 12:27, p.423
Will be without secretary until fall 1902 when Lillian Chantry will arrive; new executive committee in place.
5 The good done by Miss Batty
Normal Eyte 12:25, p.397
Will be missed when she goes to a new position in New York.
6 Mrs. C. E. Hall
Normal Eyte 12:25, p.395
Visited Jean Batty.
7 The local editor
Normal Eyte 12:24, p.380
E. Jean Batty will take up YWCA work in New York.
8 The students are sorry to learn
Normal Eyte 12:23, p.365
YWCA secretary Jean Batty will leave her position; Lillian Chantry will take her place.
9 The Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 12:21, p.331
Selected delegates to meeting in Toronto.
10 Chrestomathian
Normal Eyte 12:15, p.230
Roster of officers; enjoyed quotation contest.
11 Miss Batty
Normal Eyte 12:12, p.186
Entertained students who remained over Thanksgiving.
12 The Junior Association
Normal Eyte 12:11, p.172
Groups organize.
13 Miss Batty
Normal Eyte 12:10, p.156
Thanks friends for their support during her mother's illness.
14 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 12:10, p.152
Enjoyed state convention at Cornell College.
15 The following is the list of delegates
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.142
Roster of those who will attend the YWCA convention in Cedar Rapids.
16 There was a great rejoicing
Normal Eyte 12:9, p.142
E. Jean Batty returns to campus; her mother seems to be recovering.
17 Word was received
Normal Eyte 12:8, p.123
Arrived home in time to find her mother still alive, but she will likely not live long.
18 Directory
Normal Eyte 12:7, p.111
Roster of student organization officers.
19 A telegram came Thursday
Normal Eyte 12:7, p.106
E. Jean Batty's mother is gravely ill.
20 Miss Johnson
Normal Eyte 12:7, p.105
Visited E. Jean Batty.
21 Directory
Normal Eyte 12:6, p.95
Roster of student organization officers.
22 Directory
Normal Eyte 12:5, p.79
Roster of student organization officers.
23 Directory
Normal Eyte 12:4, p.63
Roster of student organization officers.
24 Directory
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.47

Roster of student organization officers.

25 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 12:1, p.11
Getting organized for the year; gave reception for new students; Bible study organized.
26 Miss E. Jean Batty
Normal Eyte 12:1, p.10
Has returned for work as secretary of the YWCA.
27 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 10:13, p.315
Noon meetings well attended; two mission study classes scheduled; reasons to join the association.
28 Tuesday night
Normal Eyte 10:12, p.287
E. Jean Batty entertained students.
29 Normalites are thankful
Normal Eyte 10:11, p.261
Students and faculty tell what they are thankful for.
30 Each Thursday
Normal Eyte 10:5, p.108
YWCA secretary entertains group of women.
31 The office hours
Normal Eyte 10:3, p.59
E. Jean Batty keeps hours for the YWCA.
32 Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 10:2, p.39
Greet new students; President Seerley addresses group; enthusiastic about Bible study.
33 School directory
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.17
Student organizations and their officers.
34 Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.15
Bible classes will be organized; will hold noon prayer meetings.
35 Miss Batty
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.13
Doing fine job for YWCA.
36 Normal students and friends
Normal Eyte 9:34, p.809
E. Jean Batty will serve as YWCA secretary next year.