Baum--Greg (Student--1979)

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'What if God, in all his infinite wisdom, was right?'
Northern Iowan 79:51, p.2
Student discusses religion today.
2 Untitled
Northern Iowan 79:5, p.16
Student playing his guitar outside; photo.
3 Students urged to support UNISA
Northern Iowan 78:39, p.2
Students are encouraged to help UNISA in any way possible.
4 New student coalition running in UNISA election, urges students to vote
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.2
The concerned student coalition is upset with UNISA and announces its candidacy for UNISA.
5 Everybody's doing it!
Northern Iowan 76:62, p.1
Kathy Nelson, Greg Baum, and Earl Maulding finish off a dance number in "Anything Goes."
6 Cunningham 'bumps' into Susy Hendrix
Northern Iowan 76:59, p.4
Theatre UNI is now performing the play 'Wait Until Dark'; photo.
7 Touring 'Poetry Players' heighten children's interest in poetry
Northern Iowan 76:51, p.11
Scott Regan has organized the 'Poetry Players', a touring troupe of UNI students that visits local grade schools and etches about poetry; photo.
8 'The Plough and the Stars' pertinent
Northern Iowan 76:23, p.6
Review of the play "The Plough and the Stars"; photo.