Bauman--Archie E. (Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The second annual Spring Art conference for art teachers, art supervisors and school superintendents will be held Saturday, May 5
Public Relations News Release 1950:337, p.1
Conference Chairman Joseph Bolinsky said a seminar on high school art problems and three afternoon workshop will highlight the program to be held in the arts and industries building.
2 36 art students attend institute
College Eye 38:41, p.6
Highlights of meeting at University of Iowa.
3 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
List of faculty; photo.
4 Milwaukee Handicraft project will be exhibited here soon
College Eye 37:40, p.1
May be of interest to design and home economics classes.
5 Branch summer schools
College Eye 37:36, p.3
News from the branch schools.
6 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
Photos of faculty; photo.
7 Art staff attends annual art program at Iowa City
College Eye 37:29, p.4
8 Fifteen new members added to college staff
Alumnus 29:4, p.9
Short biographical sketches of new staff members.
9 New instructors to fill positions this fall quarter
College Eye 37:2, p.1
Brief profiles of new faculty.
10 New faculty members added at Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1945:228, p.1

The education and experience of the twenty two new faculty members shared.