Beach--Berdena Nelson (Class of 1951)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Planning strategically
Campus News Network 6:9, p.2
Response Team is currently examining the recently revised University Strategic Plan and will meet today with Writing Committee.
2 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officers, board members
Public Relations News Release 1993:253, p.1

UNI Alumni Association announce election results.

3 Alumni, faculty awards to be presented by Northern Iowa Alumni Association April 17
Public Relations News Release 1992:510, p.1
Alumni Association to hold awards reception and dinner.
4 Alumni, faculty awards to be presented by Northern Iowa Alumni Association April 17
Public Relations News Release 1992:511, p.1
Awards reception and dinner announced by Northern Iowa Alumni Association.
5 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officcers, board members.
Public Relations News Release 1988:131, p.1
Mimi Kingsbury, president, Kate Murphy, president-elect; Lee Rainey, vice president, Gary Shontz, treasurer; and Noreen Hermansen, secretary. New board members: Joy Corning, Paul Weaver, Dale Gootee.
6 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officers, board members
Public Relations News Release 1987:67, p.1

The Alumni Association board of directors elects new officers and members. The terms of Robert Dieter, Paul Barnes, Robert Justis, Karen Mukai, Kathy Braun, Jim Thielen, and John Leahy expire.

7 Burn-out can be avoided
Northern Iowan 82:49, p.3
Berdena Beach and Ken Wernimont tell how stress can be overcome; photo.
8 Old friends meet again
Alumnus 53:3, p.18
Winners of Alumni Service Awards honored; photo.
9 Committee studies alumni office
Alumnus 52:1, p.3
Committee releases report on study and suggested actions; photo.
10 SCI Foundation reports on 'telefund' campaign
Alumnus 52:1, p.5
Eighteen percent of $32,000 Campanile campaign raised.
11 Contact area alumni for telefund drive
College Eye 63:21, p.8
Will attempt to raise money for additional Campanile bells.
12 Future business leaders of America
Old Gold 0:0, p.160
13 Alpha chi epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.196

Brief description of the group; photo.