Beckman--Mary Green (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 43 of 43 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Untitled Northern Iowa Today 18:2, p.12 |
Mary Beckman instructs harp student; photo. | |
2 | Golden valley native combines visual and musical art interests at University of Northern Iowa. Public Relations News Release 1989:377, p.1 |
Camille Sime came to UNI on a partial music scholarship to study harp. After exploring her choices, she changed her major to art. Camille views college as a learning experience and an opportunity to learn something new. | |
3 | Beckman, Wood begin 40th year of teaching Northern Iowan 84:4, p.5 |
Profiles of Mary Beckman and Evelyn Wood; photo. | |
4 | Pets assist counselors Northern Iowan 80:46, p.4 |
Linda Nebbe talks about the pet therapy program; photo. | |
5 | School of Music boasts top-rated musical groups Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
The School of Music boasts many top-rated musical organizations; photo. | |
6 | It comforts mind, body, but doesn't cure aches Northern Iowan 77:37, p.7 |
Yoga provides relaxing exercise for the body and the mind; photo. |
7 | Tallcorn orchestra festival at UNI Friday, Saturday October 31 - November 1 Public Relations News Release 1980:175, p.1 |
The 26th annual Tallcorn Orchestra festival will host a number of free performances to the public. | |
8 | School of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
The School of Music offers a complete and varied music education, including a balanced curriculum in teacher training. Facilities include recital hall, a music library 50 practice rooms; photo. | |
9 | Spring music Northern Iowan 74:49, p.9 |
String Quartet and harp will perform. | |
10 | Strings and harp conference on slate for this weekend Northern Iowan 69:15, p.7 |
Conference program. | |
11 | Flutist to be Featured at UNI Faculty Concert Public Relations News Release 1970:277, p.1 |
Jerrold Pritchard will be featured at a faculty concert scheduled for Jan. 10 in Music Hall. | |
12 | 15 Cedar Falls-Waterloo area youths to give recital Public Relations News Release 1969:618, p.1 |
Students and members of the UNI Music Department will present selections in the Music Hall. | |
13 | Cast and crew announced for UNI Music Theatre spring production "The Fantasticks" Public Relations News Release 1969:406, p.1 |
The show will be performed in eight Iowa comunities in April. | |
14 | UNI Profs to Present Faculty Concert Public Relations News Release 1969:191, p.1 |
Faculty Concert. |
15 | Previews Northern Iowan 65:32, p.8 |
Activities and meetings. | |
16 | Beckman, Johnson in music recital Sunday Northern Iowan 64:33, p.5 |
Concert program. | |
17 | Contemporary music recital to be tonight Northern Iowan 64:25, p.4 |
Music faculty will perform. | |
18 | Harp society organization tomorrow College Eye 60:40, p.1 |
Will attempt to organize statewide chapter. | |
19 | Harp recital to be given this Sunday College Eye 60:25, p.6 |
Jean Altshuler and Mary Beckman will perform. | |
20 | Faculty students to give 'Music of Today' program College Eye 59:33, p.3 |
Performance program. | |
21 | Faculty trio will present recital Sunday College Eye 59:16, p.3 |
Professors Beckman, Gault, and Wendt will perform. | |
22 | Unorthodox sound in Monday recital College Eye 58:25, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
23 | Concert of Renaissance music scheduled for Tuesday in Music hall College Eye 57:6, p.7 |
A look at the program. | |
24 | Senior recital scheduled at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:377, p.1 |
Karen Knapp and Dorothy Hansen give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall with accompaniment by Elizabeth Calhoun and Judith Henriksen. Knapp and Hansen are students of Jane Birkhead and Mary Beckman. | |
25 | Music faculty sets recital College Eye 52:5, p.1 |
Mary Beckman, Walter Coleman, and Jvone Maxwell will perform. | |
26 | Fourth faculty recital to be held at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:68, p.1 |
Mary Beckman, Jvone Maxwell, and Professor Walter Coleman perform in a faculty recital at the auditorium. The recital will include works for the harp, piano, and cello. | |
27 | Symphony Orchestra features harpist Sun. College Eye 51:24, p.3 |
Performance program. | |
28 | Music Department Presents Many Varied Programs Old Gold 0:0, p.108 |
An opera; Christmas Oratorios; music for convocations; faculty and senior recitals; and band, orchestra, ensemble and choral concerts. These were some of the projects carried on by the Music Department; photo | |
29 | Orchestra Helps Promote Campus Culture Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
The Teachers College Symphony Orchestra hosts a fall, winter, and spring concert; the spring concert is given by student members, who are featured as soloists; the production of the operetta Kiss Me Kate was one of this year's highlights; photo. | |
30 | Choir Tour Covers Most of Northern Iowa Old Gold 0:0, p.139 |
The A Cappella Choir consists of 65 selected men and women who show special interest and outstanding ability in choral music; on December 10, the choir made their first appearance at the traditional Tree Lighting ceremony; photo. | |
31 | Music Department Presents Many Varied Programs Old Gold 0:0, p.108 |
Some of the projects in the Music Department were: an opera, Christmas Oratorios, music for convocations, faculty and senior recitals, and band, orchestra, ensemble, and choral concerts; new faculty were: Herbert White, Don Wendt, and Joan Olson; photo. | |
32 | TC choir ends SE Iowa tour; sings Sunday College Eye 50:22, p.3 |
A Cappella Choir performance program. | |
33 | Choir tours next week College Eye 50:21, p.8 |
A Cappella Choir will tour southeast Iowa. | |
34 | Music Department presents spring festival of song College Eye 49:29, p.6 |
Many faculty will participate in a variety of programs. | |
35 | Sunday night brings annual HC recital College Eye 49:7, p.3 |
Performance program. | |
36 | Choral concert to feature 2 choruses, chamber group College Eye 48:28, p.3 |
A look at the program. | |
37 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.100 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
38 | Faculty gives harp recital College Eye 47:8, p.1 |
39 | Community chorus, band give concert Tuesday College Eye 46:37, p.1 |
Performance program for outdoor concert. | |
40 | Beckman attends Ohio Harp Festival College Eye 46:30, p.8 |
Brief profile of Mary Green Beckman. | |
41 | Faculty members give dads recital College Eye 45:6, p.1 |
Professors Beckman and Maxwell will perform. | |
42 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.53 |
The Department of Music starts three WOIU television programs in addition to its radio performances; photo. | |
43 | A Cappella concert ends spring tour College Eye 44:26, p.7 |
Performance program. |