Becknell--Jane Dolories (Class of 1932)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 60 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Student and faculty life at ISTC A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68 |
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo. | |
2 | Mrs. Samuel J. Wassom Alumnus 33:1, p.17 |
The former Jane Dolories Becknell became a member of the Iowa Press Women, Inc. and the National Federation of Press Women. | |
3 | Students edit book of verse; slim, green volume includes many poems by alumni Alumnus 24:2, p.14 |
Highlights of Second Book of Student Verse; some students use Writer's Studio as quiet place for work; photo. | |
4 | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Wassom (Jane Becknell) Alumnus 24:2, p.31 |
Announce the birth of a son, John Clark. Samuel is superintendent at Walcott, where they reside. Jane taught English and speech at Hansell prior to her marriage to Samuel in 1936. | |
5 | Jane Becknell Alumnus 21:1, p.29 |
Married Samuel Wassom on August 30, 1936. | |
6 | Jane Becknell and S. Wassom marry College Eye 28:1, p.3 |
7 | Nine student poets have poems in new "Salon Anthology" College Eye 27:13, p.1 |
Published by Beulah Vick Bickley, of Waterloo. | |
8 | Nine Teachers College poets have work reprinted from Book of Student Verse Public Relations News Release 1935:10, p.1 |
The reprinted works will appear in "A Poetry Salon Anthology." | |
9 | Sigma Tau Delta plans fall reunion College Eye 27:47, p.2 |
Expect about seventy-five members to return. | |
10 | Jane Becknell was appointed chairman of the banquet committee Public Relations News Release 1934:1110, p.1 |
Committee members for the annual reunion of Sigma Tau Delta. | |
11 | New prose anthology "Sketch Book" is due from press Friday College Eye 26:44, p.133 |
Compilation contains contributions from sixty-four students and alumni. | |
12 | Book of student verse issued Alumnus 18:3, p.17 |
"A Book of Student Verse, 1927-1934" published. | |
13 | Local members of Sigma Tau Delta elect new officers College Eye 23:46, p.1 |
Roster of officers. | |
14 | Class of 1932 Old Gold 0:0, p.56 |
Photos and names of the Class of 1932. | |
15 | Associated Student Council Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
Roster and photo of the Associated Student Council. | |
16 | "The Wisdom Tooth" Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
Names of cast members; photos. | |
17 | Pi Tau Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.259 |
Names of members; photos. | |
18 | Sigma Tau Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.236 |
Description of Sigma Tau Delta and names of members; photos. | |
19 | "Hay Fever" Old Gold 0:0, p.179 |
Names of cast members; photos. | |
20 | The Purple Pen Old Gold 0:0, p.229 |
Description of the Purple Pen magazine; photos. | |
21 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.232 |
Photos of members of Kappa Delta Pi. | |
22 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.233 |
Names of officers and members. | |
23 | Editor of the three publications Public Relations News Release 1931:395, p.1 |
Old staffers of the Old Gold, the College Eye, and the Purple Pen will turn over duties to new staff. | |
24 | Purple Pen wins honors Alumnus 16:2, p.13 |
Wins second place in Columbia University contest. | |
25 | Purple Pen places second in contest College Eye 23:34, p.1 |
Honored in Columbia Press Association competition. | |
26 | Dorothy Hartliep and Don Kelley, both of Waterloo Public Relations News Release 1931:163, p.1 |
Cast and crew announced for J. M. Barrie's play "What Every Women Knows." | |
27 | Drama students at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:113, p.1 |
"The Wisdom Tooth" will be performed next week; roster of cast and crew. | |
28 | Purple Pen will be ready next week College Eye 23:19, p.1 |
Quick survey of contents. | |
29 | The complete list Public Relations News Release 1931:58, p.1 |
Sororities announce their officers; list of women given. | |
30 | Jane Becknell is elected editor of Purple Pen College Eye 23:14, p.1 |
31 | Fifty-one attend first publications banquet College Eye 23:14, p.2 |
Heads of publications talk about their work. | |
32 | Jane Becknell, of Waterloo Public Relations News Release 1931:17, p.1 |
Purple Pen and literary fraternity elect officers. | |
33 | Banquet will draw journalists tonight College Eye 23:13, p.4 |
Will hold first publications banquet. | |
34 | Pi Tau Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.260 |
Sponsor, chaplain, sorores in college, and pledges; photos. | |
35 | Sigma Tau Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.247 |
Officers, members, and purpose of the national professional English group; photos. | |
36 | Kappa Delta Pi Old Gold 0:0, p.245 |
Officers, honorary members, and members; photos. | |
37 | Family album of the College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.240 |
College Eye staff; photo. | |
38 | Junior B. A. and B. S. Old Gold 0:0, p.96 |
Class roll; photo. |
39 | English Club Old Gold 0:0, p.208 |
Rule changes, programs presented, and officers; photo. | |
40 | The Rhodes Scholar, a mood sketch Public Relations News Release 1930:365, p.1 |
Allan Read, Rhodes Scholar, is published in the Purple Pen. | |
41 | Students at the Iowa State Teachers College will go to the polls today Public Relations News Release 1930:286, p.1 |
Students vote in first ever general election to choose members of Student Council and Board of Control of Student Publications. | |
42 | The winter number of the Purple Pen Public Relations News Release 1930:210, p.1 |
Purple Pen goes on sale February 16; survey of contents. | |
43 | Students at the Iowa State Teachers College go to the polls Public Relations News Release 1930:168, p.1 |
Students vote for campus leaders; top vote getters will have photo in Old Gold. | |
44 | Robert Cunningham, Jane Becknell, Russell Sohner, and Eckels Hutchison. Public Relations News Release 1930:88, p.1 |
College Eye staff sponsor Press Prom. | |
45 | Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary society Public Relations News Release 1930:65, p.1 |
Sixteen new members inducted. | |
46 | English Club dines at first 1930-31 meeting College Eye 22:7, p.6 |
Several speakers address the group. | |
47 | Members of the English Club Public Relations News Release 1930:52, p.1 |
English Club holds first meeting of the school year. | |
48 | New "Eye" staff starts work with this week's issue; all on job for first time this term except editor and ass't. business manager College Eye 22:1, p.1 |
Evelyn Fish and Hanson head staff; photo. | |
49 | Freshmen will start fall social activity with reception tonight College Eye 22:1, p.6 |
Campus social calendar. | |
50 | Lambda Beta chapter of Sigma Tau Delta College Eye 21:42, p.5 |
Held first reunion. |