Beebee--John S. (Class of 1936)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 60 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. and Mrs. John Beebee
Alumnus 31:3, p.24
Of Ames, Iowa, announce the birth of a son, James Frederick.
2 Sgt. And Mrs. John Beebee, (Naomi Jewell)
Alumnus 30:1, p.31
Announce the birth of a son, John. Naomi resides in Cedar Falls, while Sgt. Beebee is with the Army overseas. Prior to her marriage, Naomi taught in the schools at Goodell, Jesup, and Ft. Dodge, Iowa.
3 Naomi Jewell
Alumnus 28:3, p.27
Married Tech. Sgt. John Beebee on April 26, 1944.
4 From the Signal Corps
Alumnus 27:2, p.20
Marion Spurlock is with the port signal office in Brooklyn, New York; he has seen a few T.C. alumni.
5 Sgt. John S. Beebee
Alumnus 27:1, p.19
Stationed at Fort Washington, Maryland.
6 What will you do the Fourth?
College Eye 28:38, p.4
Students tell how they will celebrate the Fourth of July.
7 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Description and officers; photos.
8 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.229
Graduate photos.
9 Blue Key
Old Gold 0:0, p.162
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photos.
10 Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
Profiles of popular students; photos.
11 Popular Personalities
Old Gold 0:0, p.120
Profile of John Beebee; photo.
12 Air of mystery to prevail with Mardi Gras ball
College Eye 27:35, p.1
Students preparing costumes.
13 Four students were elected "most representative students"
Public Relations News Release 1935:632, p.1
The students will be featured in the 1936 Old Gold.
14 Suter, Schrader, Beebee, Smith are chosen; final ballot count reveals first place winners in contest
College Eye 27:31, p.1
Brief profiles of most representative students.
15 Teachers College faculty committee picks Who's Who
College Eye 27:30, p.1
Student Welfare Committee makes selections.
16 John Beebee has been named one of the twenty four outstanding students
Public Relations News Release 1935:600, p.1
17 Sixteen Teachers College students have been nominated to represent campus
Public Relations News Release 1935:591, p.1
18 The twenty-four outstanding students at the Teachers College have been selected
Public Relations News Release 1935:584, p.1
The selections will be featured in the annual Who's Who of Teachers College.
19 Four representative students will be choosen for the all-student election
Public Relations News Release 1935:534, p.1
Letters will be mailed this week to organizations, inviting them to sponsor candidates.
20 John Beebee led his team to an easy victory over the Spears House five
Public Relations News Release 1935:501, p.1
Beebee scored four points.
21 Blue Key fraternity will sponsor a formal dance
Public Relations News Release 1935:374, p.1
Special guests.
22 Blue Key plans formal dance for Friday, January 10
College Eye 27:25, p.1
23 Ten members were initiated into Blue Key
Public Relations News Release 1935:292, p.1
New members and committee members.
24 John Beebee has been chosen as a member of the committee on house decorations
Public Relations News Release 1935:137, p.1
The committee sponsors a contest for the best decorations.
25 John Beebee has been selected to work on the Homecoming committee
Public Relations News Release 1935:43, p.1
Initial plans for Homecoming activities were discussed at the first meeting.
26 Frances Suter has been chosen to work on the Homcoming committee
Public Relations News Release 1935:44, p.1
Initial plans for Homecoming activities were discussed at the first meeting.
27 Homecoming
Public Relations News Release 1935:40, p.1
Students and faculty have been selected for Homecoming committees.
28 Representative Men and Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
29 Inter-Fraternity Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
Purpose, advisers, officers, and members; photos.
30 Blue Key
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
The Blue Key was founded in 1931; purpose, advisors, officers, and members; photos.
31 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.44
Student Council activities, objectives, and officers; photos.
32 Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
33 The Line
College Eye 26:44, p.134
Campus gossip.
34 Chairmen of committees working on the college prom settled details at their final meeting
Public Relations News Release 1934:1040, p.1
Schedule for the dance and committee members.
35 Beebe elected new leader of Student Council; chosen as new president at Council meeting Wednesday
College Eye 26:39, p.1
Brief profiles of Council officers.
36 Representative men and women are announced
College Eye 26:38, p.1
Brief profiles of Mary Lou Mitze, Dorothy Lamb, John Beebee, and Terry Olin.
37 Telleen coronated Mardi Gras queen at colorful ball
College Eye 26:37, p.1
Review of costume award winners.
38 Students frisk at Mardi Gras festival tonight; Bob Schneider and his orchestra to provide music
College Eye 26:36, p.1
Will feature exhibition tango.
39 All six fraternities will join in presenting the annual Inter-fraternity dance
Public Relations News Release 1934:828, p.1
Committees for the affair have been appointed by the Inter-fraternity council.
40 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.62
Purpose and officers; photos.
41 Tutor Stars
Old Gold 0:0, p.116
42 Pep Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
Rho Epsilon Rho was organized in the fall of 1933; purpose and officers; photo.
43 Blue Key
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
The Blue Key was established in 1932; purpose, officers, and members; photos.
44 Inter-Fraternity Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Organized in 1925 and 1926; officers, purpose, and members; photos.
45 Alpha Chi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.217
Established in 1915; officers and members; photos.
46 Five campus secrets are finally revealed
Public Relations News Release 1934:511, p.2
The 1934 Old Gold was distribued.
47 Ihm is elected leader of Blue Key fraternity; president entertains men's honorary group at dinner
College Eye 25:43, p.1
President Latham holds dinner for the group.
48 Marc Ihm will lead the Iowa State Teachers College chapter of Blue Key
Public Relations News Release 1934:487, p.1
New officers were also chosen.
49 Movie star to pick most handsome man
Public Relations News Release 1932:419, p.1
Three pictures to be submitted to Sylvia Sidney, who will pick the most handsome man on campus. The picture of the man selected will be featured in the Old Gold yearbook.
50 David Grant is elected new council leader; John Beebee appointed as vice-president; Brauer is secretary
College Eye 25:37, p.1
Brief profiles of officers.