Begeman--Myron Louis (Student--1908)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 57 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Service men's directory
Alumnus 27:4, p.11
Roster of men in military service, who have graduated from or attended ISTC.
2 Three daughters of I. S. T. C. graduates, Harriet Kramer Webb, Hazel Flagler Begeman, Esther Shoemaker Kramer
Alumnus 24:2, p.23
Louise Fredericka Webb, daughter of Roy and Harriet Kramer Webb, married Frederick Reeves Hamilton, Houston, Tex., Oct. 14, 1939. Junior bridesmaids were Jean Begeman and Betty Lou Kramer, daughter of Charles and Esther Shoemaker Kramer.
3 Prof. and Mrs. L. Begeman
College Eye 18:25, p.5
Spent Christmas with their son, Myron, in St. Louis.
4 Track; 1921 track squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.149
Members, records; photo.
5 Track protégés give promise of record breakers; there are over seventy men out for track; Captain Perry leads group
College Eye 13:27, p.1
Track records held by T. C. alumni.
6 Myron L. Begeman
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.4
Begeman accepted instructorship at University of Michigan.
7 Myron Begeman
College Eye 12:21, p.8
Will soon return to his studies; his wife and child will remain in Cedar Falls for awhile.
8 Myron L. Begeman
College Eye 12:20, p.8
Will study engineering at University of Michigan.
9 Hazel Lucile Flagler
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.7
Hazel Lucile Flagler married Myron L. Begeman July 15, 1919.
10 Hazel Lucile Flagler
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.8
Hazel Lucile Flager will marry Myron L. Begeman July 22, 1919.
11 Lieut. Myron Begeman returns to civil duties
College Eye 10:12, p.3
Was discharged before Christmas.
12 Myron Begeman
College Eye 10:11, p.3
Was released from the Aviation Service and has been offered a position in Toledo, Ohio.
13 Military
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Illustration of soldier in front of flag; poem; flag; roster of men in military service; students with location unknown or not officially reported and those awaiting call; photos.
14 Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
Synopsis of the 1917 season with new track records; photo.
15 Brief Reports 28
Alumni News Letter 2:1, p.1
Myron L. Begeman, graduate in Engineering from Michigan Universtiy,is now transferred to the Engineer Division of U. S. Army.
16 Our honor list; these men are in Uncle Sam's army. To them we dedicate this issue
College Eye 9:12, p.1
Roster of men in military service.
17 Mr. Myron Begeman
College Eye 7:23, p.8
Is visiting his father.
18 Prof. and Mrs. J. O. Perrine
College Eye 4:14, p.6
Hosted a party.
19 Several I. S. T. C. alumni
College Eye 4:14, p.6
Visited campus the last day of school; tells where some alumni are working.
20 Myron Begeman
College Eye 4:2, p.8
Spending time in the Northwest before returning to school at University of Michigan.
21 M. G. Begeman and H. Bley
College Eye 3:4, p.82
Left to take up work in Michigan.
22 I. S. T. C. track records
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Array of records; photo.
23 Myron Begeman
College Eye 2:15, p.5
Visited his father during vacation.
24 Myron Begeman
College Eye 2:5, p.6
Is attending college in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
25 Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
Roster of players, meet results, and cross country information.
26 Wearers of TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.83
Roster of letter winners
27 Gymnastics
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Roster of participants and results of meet; photos.
28 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.290
Cartoons about life at ISTC.
29 Coe wins state meet; Teachers College quartette place in only three events, Fearing tied in pole vault, Schluter wins second in the mile
College Eye 1:30, p.1
Results of the meet.
30 Begeman breaks record; college record for running broad jump broken at home meet
College Eye 1:28, p.1
Myron Begeman breaks seven year old record by nearly four inches; other times from home meet posted.
31 Cornell wins dual meet; Teachers team is small this year; Begeman and Schluter do good work
College Eye 1:28, p.1
Teachers lose meet to Cornell, which has a team that outnumbers the ISTC team threefold.
32 Begeman receives first honors; captain of last year's track team wins out at individual track meet Saturday; Fearing gains second place
College Eye 1:26, p.1
Myron Begeman beats Howard Fearing in track meet by mere 2 1/2 points.
33 The Science Club
College Eye 1:20, p.1
Professor Begeman will speak on trip to Paris.
34 Science Club program
College Eye 1:10, p.4
Students present papers to the group.
35 Christian associations will observe twenty-fifth anniversary
College Eye 1:4, p.5
Preparations are being made for anniversary celebration; Cedar Falls businessman J. H. Shoemaker spoke to Y. M. C. A.; Professor Condit hosted social gathering for members of Y. M. C. A.
36 How the faculty spent vacation
College Eye 1:1, p.5
News of how various faculty members spent their time during summer interim.
37 Commencement play
College Eye 1:12, p.14
A review of the Commencement play "A School for Scandal", with a roster of cast members.
38 Track team, 1910
Old Gold 0:0, p.277
Results from home meet; photo.
39 The School for Scandal; seniors at college present play next Monday evening
College Eye 1:11, p.190
Roster of the cast of the senior class play.
40 U. I. U.--I. S. T. C. field meet easy for teachers; score is 83-39 Teachers take ten firsts
College Eye 1:9, p.152
Results of the recent track and field meet against Upper Iowa University.
41 Harriet Mason wins declamatory contest; Ada Chambers takes second place, with C. J. Erickson winning third
College Eye 1:7, p.117
Results of the declamatory contest and the order of events.
42 Cross country run is won by Wm. Schleuter; Begeman and Mitchell follow in order named
Normal Eyte 21:12, p.203
William Schleuter sets school record.
43 The Training School
Normal Eyte 21:0, p.16
Describes the closing exercises for the Class of 1910 and notes where some of the current faculty members will be located in the upcoming school year.
44 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Information about the different music clubs and organizations on campus; includes group photos and information about programs.
45 Home meet a success; our record is broken; all events closely contested; new men do well
Normal Eyte 20:31, p.519
Results of the meet.
46 Orios trounce Philos; victors take fist game of series by timely hitting; battle proves exciting
Normal Eyte 20:30, p.501
Orios defeat Philos in baseball, 8-2.
47 Track prospects good; forty men turn out for track work; a number of veterans back
Normal Eyte 20:24, p.405
Team hopes to work on field events.
48 Next year's staff chosen; Normal Eyte for 1910-1911 will be controlled by Davis, Shillinglaw and Miss Wright
Normal Eyte 20:22, p.363
Glenn Davis will be editor; Lee Shillinglaw will be business manager; Ruth Wright will be local editor.
49 Prof. Begeman and son, Myron
Normal Eyte 20:16, p.273
Visited the brother-in-law of Mr. Begeman.
50 Athletics; football season opens Saturday; team is in good shape for game with Charles City College.
Normal Eyte 20:4, p.64
Game starts at 3:00 Saturday.