Behrends--William L. (Class of 1999)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Women's Studies announces spring 1998 calendar for "Difficult Dialogues" at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1997:185, p.1
"Difficult Dialogues" series at UNI will discuss "Experiencing and Exploring Heterosexism and Homophobia" January 23. Facilitators will be Karen Mitchell, Amy Moser, and William Behrends. Kathryn Neal will be featured February 20.
2 What's Up
Northern Iowan 94:29, p.4
Schedule of activities and meetings.
3 "Dance for Diversity"--making a statement; "diversity=power"
Northern Iowan 93:50, p.7
Over 250 students attended "Dance for Diversity"; photo.
4 "Dance for Diversity", if nothing else, go check out the drag
Northern Iowan 93:49, p.8
UNIGLO sponsoring "Dance for Diversity" tonight.
5 Coming out day celebrated today; before you come home, come out¿
Northern Iowan 93:12, p.8
Today is National Coming Out Day for homosexuals and bisexuals.
6 AIDS quilt display attracts hundreds
Northern Iowan 92:14, p.2
Many view display in Maucker Union.