Bell--Amy D. (Class of 1892)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Amy Bell
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.335
Married H. Kidgeway.
2 Amy (Bell) Ridgeway
Normal Eyte 17:28, p.439
Visited Cedar Falls.
3 Amy Bell
Normal Eyte 9:20, p.474
Is married and living in Hampton.
4 Mrs. Amy Belle Ridgeway
Normal Eyte 8:32, p.453
Attended PEO convention.
5 The marriage of Miss Amy Bell
Normal Eyte 6:6, p.66
Married Frank Ridgeway.
6 Some Commencement visitors
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.375
Roster of former Normalites who visited campus.
7 Five of the Cedar Falls teachers
Normal Eyte 4:13, p.202
Visited campus.
8 Following are some of the alumni
Normal Eyte 4:10, p.153

Roster of those who attended the recent Northeast Iowa Teachers meeting in Waterloo.

9 Among our Thanksgiving visitors
Normal Eyte 3:14, p.112
Misses Florence Marshall, Florence Mack, and Amy Bell are teaching in Cedar Falls.
10 Misses Bell, Hearst, and Bixby
Normal Eyte 2:31, p.240
Re-elected to positions in Cedar Falls.
11 The following is a list of the Class of 1892
Normal Eyte 2:1, p.10
Roster of students and their current positions or occupations.
12 Misses Amy Bell . . . .
Normal Eyte 1:17, p.133
Several Normalites will teach in Cedar Falls next year.
13 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:5, p.37
Roster of officers of student organizations.
14 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:2, p.12

Roster of student organizations.

15 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:1, p.4

Roster of officers of student organizations.

16 The Normal Eyte
Normal Eyte 1:1, p.1
Editorial staff roster.