IndexUNI: Database of University Articles

Berg--Phillip S.

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Title Date Summary
1 Training today's students to be tomorrow's leaders is goal of Northern Iowa's newly planned studies in leadership program.
Public Relations News Release 1988:144, p.1
11/7/1988 UNI is in the process of developing a comprehensive Studies in Leadership Program. Goal for the new program will be to link appropriate courses and co-curricular activites together into a comprehensive leadership program.
2 Greeks thanked for help in library fund drive
Hearst--James Schell (Student--1918; English Faculty)
Northern Iowan 78:44, p.2
3/30/1982 Fund raisers wish to thank the Greek organizations that volunteered in raising funds for the Cedar Falls Public Library
3 Fall into Fantasy
Alumnus 64:4, p.8
12/1/1979 Highlights of 1979 Homecoming; Service Award winners announced; photo.
4 Volunteers--the people who make things tick
Alumnus 63:3, p.12
9/1/1978 Volunteers are instrumental to the operation of alumni services and development activities; photo.

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Contact Jaycie Vos, University Archivist | (319) 273-6307


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