Berghammer--Gretta (Theatre Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 66 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Gallagher Bluedorn hosts Spectrum Project Spring Concert Northern Iowan 119:52, p.4 |
Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC) hosted the Spectrum Project spring concert on April 16, 2023 for the first time since 2020. Children of all ages with differing disabilities in the Cedar Valley area came together to perform anything from art to music to drama; photo. | |
2 | UNI Theatre in jeopardy Northern Iowan 118:21, p.1 |
Students gathered in the Strayer-Wood basement to discuss the large changes to the TheatreUNI program, as only four of the eight faculty positions will be filled next year; photo. | |
3 | "Dream with ME" premieres its first screening Northern Iowan 118:2, p.4 |
Theo Loeckle writes his review of "Dream with ME" which was produced at UNI by Jim Bray and Gretta Berghammer. The film uses hip-hop theatre to reflect on events such as the pandemic that happened the past year by following multiple characters and their stories; photo. | |
4 | N.I. en Español: Theatre UNI producirá “Dream with me” Northern Iowan 117:36, p.2 |
Nixson Benitez writes an article in Spanish about the UNI Theater Department and the film they're creating that looks at issues exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic; photo. | |
5 | Play created for kids on autism spectrum Northern Iowan 115:50, p.4 |
Faculty and students have created "To Touch the Moon," an immersive theatre production to stimulate and engage audience members with developmental disorders. Centered on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, the play will take place April 19, 20, 26, and 28 in Bertha Martin Theatre; photos. | |
6 | Sturgis Youth Theatre celebrates 15th anniversary with 'The Glass Slipper' Public Relations News Release 2014:1, p.1 |
The Sturgis Youth Theatre willl present "The Glass Slipper: The Story of Cinderella", July 17 through 20 at the Strayer-Wood Theatre. Tickets are five dollars and can be purchased by calling 319-239-1540. | |
7 | Sturgis Youth Theatre hits the stage with 'Jack and the Magic Beans' Public Relations News Release 2013:4, p.1 |
The Sturgis Youth Theatre will perform "Jack and the Magic Beans" at the Strayer-Wood Theatre. Gretta Berghammer is the director. Many local children and teens are in the production. | |
8 | Students perform original play for autistic children Northern Iowan 109:36, p.6 |
Student cast members of "Playful Inventions" put on a play for children with autism. The play was meant to create an inclusive environment for the kids; photo. | |
9 | Youth theatre presents: The Spell of Sleeping Beauty" Northern Iowan 108:60, p.1 |
A theatre camp for kids is directed by Gretta Berghammer. The group consists of students in the fourth grade and up. Performances will be held in the Strayer-Wood Theatre. | |
10 | UNI Sturgis Youth Theatre to offer "The Spell of Sleeping Beauty" Public Relations News Release 2012:1, p.1 |
Gretta Berghammer will direct area youth; grades fourth and higher in summer production. Berghammer founded the project in 1999. | |
11 | UNI prepares for spring commencement Public Relations News Release 2011:293, p.1 |
Gradutes will be divided into three groups for the spring commencement ceremonies. All ceremonies will be held in the McLeod Center. The Department of Military Science will hold the Spring Commissioning Ceremony. |
12 | Spectrum of joy Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.2 |
Professor Berghammer uses drama to work with children who are on the autism spectrum; photo. | |
13 | A spectrum of joy Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p. |
Professor Gretta Berghammer works with a child who has autism; photo. | |
14 | Military families and autism Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.4 |
Professor Berghammer is developing programs to assist military families who have children on the autism spectrum; photo. | |
15 | UNI Professor begins program working with youth on the Autism Spectrum Public Relations News Release 2011:64, p.1 |
Professor Greta Berghammer will launch, through Sturgis Youth Theatre, its Spectrum Theater that will discuss autism. | |
16 | News in Photos Northern Iowan 108:8, p.2 |
Gretta Berghammer led several playful games with members of the Northern Iowa Student Government; photo. | |
17 | A whole new world for youngsters Northern Iowan 107:59, p.2 |
Gretta Berghammer started the Sturgis Youth Theatre program twelve years ago. This year students in the fourth grade and up have the opportunity to learn and act in "Aladdin"; photo. | |
18 | Sturgis Youth Theater Offers 'Aladdin,' a Summer Production for Youth Public Relations News Release 2011:2, p.1 |
The Sturgis Youth Theater will put on 'Aladdin' as part of the Summer Production for Youth series. | |
19 | Sturgis Youth Theatre offers 'Aladdin' workshops and summer production for youth Public Relations News Release 2010:337, p.1 |
The Sturgis Youth Theater, a program coordinated by the UNI Department of Theater, will host a theater camp with workshops centered around the play "Aladdin." | |
20 | Strayer-Wood Theatre student selected as finalist in Regional Theatre Festival Northern Iowan 107:31, p.4 |
Theatre students chosen to participate in the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. Five students were nominated and two were named Regional Finalists; photo. | |
21 | Preparing professionals for success Northern Iowa Today 94:2, p.20 |
College of Business Administration institutes Professional Readiness Program to prepare its students with professional skills; photo. | |
22 | Strayer-Wood Theatre presents 'Mother Hicks' Northern Iowan 107:26, p.6 |
Suzan Zeder and Greta Berghammer wrote the play. The setting is Southern Illinois during the Great Depression. The play is relevant today because many are facing similar uncertainties and concerns. | |
23 | 'Mother Hicks' to be performed at UNI's Strayer-Wood Theatre. Public Relations News Release 2010:148, p.1 |
Set in southern Illinois during the Great Depression, "Mother Hicks" tells the story of three outsiders- a foundling girl, a deaf boy and an eccentric recluse, Mother Hicks, who is suspected of being a witch. | |
24 | UNI faculty, staff, receive 2010 Regents Excellent Awards Public Relations News Release 2010:116, p.1 |
Honored at convocation in September were faculty recipients: Gretta L. Berghammer, Ken Bleile, Harry Brod, Kim MacLin, Otto Maclin, and Catherine Helen Palczewski. Staff recipients were Linda Paar, Mike Weiglein, and Laura Wilson. | |
25 | Office hours Northern Iowan 107:13, p.4 |
Professor Gretta Berghammer shares her passion of running on Gretta power; photo. | |
26 | President Allen speaks about the changes ahead for UNI Northern Iowan 107:9, p.1 |
During this year's convocation, President Benjamin Allen stressed the desire to have the University in charge of the changes that will be ahead during the next five years. Faculty awards were presented; photo. | |
27 | Strayer-Wood Theatre seeks deaf or hard-of-hearing male actor for 'Mother Hicks' production Public Relations News Release 2010:13, p.1 |
"Mother Hicks" will be directed by Gretta Berghammer, professor of theatre, and will open Dec. 2. The tale, told with poetry and sign language, chronicles the journeys taken by these three to find themselves and each other in a troubled time. | |
28 | Sturgis Youth Theatre presents 'James and the Giant Peach,' July 22-25 Public Relations News Release 2009:497, p.1 |
Based on the children's classic by Roald Dahl and dramatized by Richard George, "James and the Giant Peach' tells of the delightful adventures of James Henry Trotter as he dreams of escape. Students listed. | |
29 | Sturgis Youth Theatre presents 'Pinocchio,' July 23 through July 26 Public Relations News Release 2008:607, p.1 |
The Theatre celebrates its 10th anniversary with its Summer Fun Prodution, "Pinocchio," adapted by John Baldwin, Jr., from Carlo Collodi's classic children's story; directed by Gretta Berghammer, founder of the Sturgis Youth Theatre. Students listed. | |
30 | University of Northern Iowa to host commencements in the UNI-Dome May 9 Public Relations News Release 2008:506, p.1 |
More than 1,500 students are eligible to participate including the members of the Class of 1959 who will be attending their Golden Reunion. Sandy Stevens of Glen Ellyn, Ill., will welcome the new graduates as alumni. | |
31 | Students to perform "Folk, Fantasy and Fabulous Tales" Northern Iowan 105:46, p.1 |
Sturgis Youth Theatre and Department of Theatre kick off three week tour of local elementary schools with performance at the Strayer-Wood Theatre. | |
32 | UNI to host weekend of free story-telling performances for youth Public Relations News Release 2008:419, p.1 |
"Folk, Fantasy and Fabulous Tales" marks the first ever tour for the Sturgis Youth Theatre, which was started in 2000 with the mission of providing quality productions, meaningful production experiences and varied theatre study opportunities for youth. | |
33 | University of Northern Iowa to host commencement in the UNI-Dome Dec. 20 Public Relations News Release 2008:264, p.1 |
Benjamin Allen will preside over the ceremonies and confer degrees on the students. John Vallentine, professor and director of the School of Music, is the commencement marshall. The recognition of honors and awards will be conducted by James Lubker. | |
34 | Sturgis Youth Theatre presents "Beauty and the Beast," July 17 through 20 Public Relations News Release 2007:761, p.1 |
The ninth-annual Summer Fun Production, "Beauty and the Beast," will feature a cast of 38 youth and 12 student-staff interns from the Cedar Valley as well as student production designers from UNI. | |
35 | The start of a facility that will be filled with beautiful music Public Relations News Release 1996:448, p.1 |
Terry Branstad comes to witness the ground braking of the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Art Center. | |
36 | University of Northern Iowa commencement to take place Saturday, May 10 at 2 P.M. in the UNI-Dome Public Relations News Release 1996:394, p.1 |
Students graduating in spring, summer and December are invited to take part in the spring commencement. | |
37 | Fighting the funding for the National Endowment for the Arts Public Relations News Release 1996:326, p.1 |
Professor Berghammer discuses what could be the loss of federal funding to the arts. | |
38 | University of Northern Iowa drama curriculum migrates to Great Britain. Public Relations News Release 1990:687, p.1 |
Gretta Berghammer conducted a pilot program last fall using dramatic play to teach about nutrition. A control group received normal classroom instruction. Children in the dramatic play group not only learned more, but developed better critical thinking. | |
39 | Summer sessions of 'theatre pizazz' at University of Northern Iowa begin June 18. Public Relations News Release 1990:678, p.1 |
Descriptions of the fives sections of "Theatre Pizazz" are given. The classes are for students entering grades kindergarten through eighth grade. | |
40 | Price Lab School summer session registration to be Thursday (April 19) Public Relations News Release 1989:558, p.1 |
Summer session registration for Price Laboratory School begins for parents with children in kindergarten through fourth grade. Programs will cover literature, social studies, music, vocabulary, and physical education. | |
41 | 430 of Iowa's top speech students to be honored at Northern Iowa Monday (April 9) Public Relations News Release 1989:523, p.1 |
The Iowa High School Speech Association Individual Events All-State Festival is held on campus, where two-thousand students compete in improv, poetic interpretation, and dramatic acting. Guest critics include Gretta Berghammer and Pat Blank. | |
42 | Four 'theatre pizazz' courses for children and youth to be offered by University of Northern Iowa, beginning Feb. 19. Public Relations News Release 1989:384, p.1 |
Four workshops for students, ranging from those with no previous experience to those involved in theatre training for several years, will be offered under the direction of Gretta Berghammer. | |
43 | University of Northern Iowa faculty members designing curriculum materials for AIDS Memorial Quilt project Public Relations News Release 1989:342, p.1 |
Gretta Berghammer and Kaye Morgan organize an AIDS study guide for use in area schools. A portion of Cleve Jones' Nobel prize nominated AIDS quilt is displayed at the Central Intermediate School in Waterloo. | |
44 | How do children learn? Dramatic play is a positive force in classrooms Public Relations News Release 1989:317, p.1 |
Professor Gretta Berghammer researches the application of creative drama in teaching preschool aged children. | |
45 | Children can learn better through dramatic play; University of Northern Iowa professor writes drama curriculum for Iowa schools Public Relations News Release 1989:311, p.1 |
Professor Gretta Berghammer conducts research on the effects of drama on learning in four and five-year-olds at Price Lab School. As a result of her eight week study, the Department of Education requires all schools utilize the arts in their curriculum. | |
46 | Children can learn better through dramatic play Public Relations News Release 1989:307, p.1 |
Gretta Berghammer studies the use of drama in early elementary education. She develops a curriculum for problem solving, critical thinking, literacy, and social skills based on her findings. | |
47 | 'Theatre pizazz' at University of Northern Iowa to begin offerings Oct. 2. Public Relations News Release 1989:106, p.1 |
Three workshops for students ranging from those with no previous experience to those involved in theatre training for several years, will be offered under the direction of Gretta Berghammer. | |
48 | University of Northern Iowa to offer creative drama course in Spirit Lake. Public Relations News Release 1988:498, p.1 |
Spirit Lake Elementary School will be the site of a creative drama course offered this summer. "Workshop: Creative Drama in Elementary Curriculum" will be offered for one semester hour of undergraduate credit. | |
49 | University of Northern Iowa to offer summer theatre pizazz workshops for children and teenagers. Public Relations News Release 1988:449, p.1 |
Gretta Berghammer will direct the workshops. Listed are the titles of workshops, instructor, prerequisites, age group and description. | |
50 | Regents appove promotion of 16, tenure for 10 Northern Iowa faculty members. Public Relations News Release 1988:354, p.1 |
Faculty members granted promotions and tenure listed. |