Berg's Drugstore

Displaying 1 - 39 of 39 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 College Hill then and now
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.24
College Hill scenes over the years; photo.
2 Leaving a legacy to the neighborhood
Northern Iowa Today 91:2, p.11
Brief profiles of Robert and Shirley Berg, who left a bequest of $373,000 to UNI; photo.
3 Evolution of College Hill
Northern Iowan 95:45, p.12
Business atmosphere and customers have changed on the Hill over the years; photo.
4 Health Center provides over-the-counter drugs
Northern Iowan 92:6, p.4
Health Center offers new service by selling OTC medications.
5 Changes in store for the Hill
Northern Iowan 89:59, p.1
Cedar Falls employs consultant to consider zoning, parking, nuisances, and transportation on College Hill; Berg's Drugstore undergoes remodeling in preparing to open as copy service; photo.
6 Cedar Valley volunteers strengthen the campaign
Northern Iowa Today 76:2, p.
Profile of local people who assisted with campaign; photo.
7 Does UNI need an alternative? First of two parts
Northern Iowan 81:26, p.1
The ongoing controversy of whether or not UNI needs a second bookstore; a history of efforts to consider another bookstore; some efforts currently underway.
8 Berg's still tries to be drugstore
Northern Iowan 78:12, p.7
Brief history of Berg's Drugstore on the Hill; photo.
9 Untitled
Alumnus 65:1, p.
Berg's Drugstore; photo.
10 Porno mags: booming business at UNI
Northern Iowan 74:37, p.7
Local retailers talk about sales of magazines that could be considered pornographic; photo.
11 Latta funds UNI-Dome entrance
Alumnus 60:3, p.3
John S. Latta, Jr., gives $100,000 in memory of his father; history of the Latta store, which became University Book and Supply; photo.
12 Robbery reward
Northern Iowan 71:7, p.6
$500 reward announced for capture of person who robbed Berg's Drugstore and Kwik Shop on August 31, 1974.
13 Three memorial scholarships established with UNI Foundation
Public Relations News Release 1970:281, p.1
Scholarships established in memory of the Anton Berg; Dorothy Michel; and Mary Day Price.
14 Those exciting days of the past
Alumnus 52:2, p.6
Memories for returning classes; photo.
15 Untitled
Alumnus 42:3, p.
Sidewalk leading toward 23rd and College on a rainy night; photo.
16 AI, familiar drugstore figure, leaves Hill for distant points
College Eye 45:32, p.2
Pharmacist Al Mower will leave Berg's Drugstore; photo.
17 This is a five time champ
College Eye 42:25, p.3
Photo essay featuring Keith Young.
18 Gifts will go to 'Yanks who gave'
College Eye 36:13, p.5
Program will gather gifts for hospitalized servicemen.
19 Digest leads choice of readers here
College Eye 33:42, p.4
A look at student magazine preferences.
20 Auto stamps at Bergs
College Eye 33:36, p.3
21 'Junk' is unpopular to readers
College Eye 31:10, p.5
A look at the best-selling magazines at Berg's Drugstore.
22 Oldster C. Ray Aurner recalls student life in the Nineties
Alumnus 22:1, p.3
Alumnus recalls experiences of living on College Hill and going to school in the 1880s and 1890s; recalls faculty, serving as secretary to President Seerley, selling schoolbooks, rooming houses.
23 Post-office
College Eye 28:41, p.2
Anton Berg has two year contract for postal substation in his store.
24 Merchants make window displays
College Eye 26:21, p.4
Description of Homecoming displays in stores.
25 Athletic Board picks Art Olsen for Berg award; trophy is awarded for most valuable service during basketball season
College Eye 23:36, p.4
Junior guard Arthur Olsen was awarded the Berg Trophy for his performance on the 1931-32 basketball team.
26 Students buy "Post" first
College Eye 23:10, p.4
Survey of magazine sales at Berg's Drugstore.
27 Mothers will be guests at Berg's on Saturday
College Eye 22:30, p.2
Will receive treats there.
28 Katy seeks to help John, and Betty spends Dad's money wisely
College Eye 22:16, p.2
Katey Koed lists things college students could use.
29 Press Prom painting of Good News plane displayed at Berg's
College Eye 22:11, p.1
Will be one of the decorations at the dance.
30 Twenty-five thrillers are sold to one of the "big four"; Good Housekeeping and Saturday Evening Post also in list of good sellers
College Eye 22:6, p.1
Berg's Drugstore pharmacist talks about student reading habits.
31 Alumni see Berg trophies on display
College Eye 22:5, p.8
Now in second year; will be awarded to men and women athletes.
32 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Campus scenes; photos.
33 Standardized rings selected for seniors
College Eye 21:24, p.1
Classes meet and agree to standard ring design; description of the rings, which will cost about $8; pin and guard will also be available.
34 Business men provide band transportation
College Eye 21:9, p.1
Arrange for transportation to Grinnell game.
35 Announcing the completion and opening of our new store
College Eye 18:11, p.8
Berg Drug Store opens at the corner of 23rd and College Streets.
36 Dogtown growing up will be new Chicago
College Eye 17:37, p.1
Brief history of College Hill business community; new Berg's Drugstore under construction.
37 New dentist buys office of Dr. Meswarb
College Eye 17:8, p.1
Dr. J. A. O'Connor will practice dentistry in upper floor of Berg's Drugstore.
38 Cross & Co. and the Berg Drug Co.
College Eye 16:34, p.2
Prizes awarded for typewriting contest held at college.
39 Harlan Cole presented with $5 fountain pen
College Eye 14:43, p.1
For best advertising suggestion.