Bernhard--Harold E. (Religion Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 233 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.359
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo.
2 Like robbing Peter to pay Paul; Dr. Barr's loss is objected to
Northern Iowan 71:26, p.3
Unhappy that department will lose religion position.
3 Religion prof wholly retired
Alumnus 59:3, p.9

Professor Bernhard retires after twenty-five years of service; photo.

4 Religion: something in it for everyone
Northern Iowan 70:43, p.6
Faculty members talk about the Department of Philosophy and Religion; photo.
5 Area clergy plan new course
Northern Iowan 70:3, p.4
Will offer Studies in Religion: Values in a Changing World in conjunction with Department of Philosophy and Religion.
6 Alumni gather on campus
Alumnus 58:3, p.5
Two hundred meet; Alumni Service Awards winners announced; photo.
7 725 students to receive recognition at tomorrow's honors convocation
Northern Iowan 68:53, p.1
Professor Porter will speak.
8 UNI Continuing Education for Women Program Resumes Informal Luncheons
Public Relations News Release 1972:22, p.1
Wednesday luncheons will return for he 1971-72 academic year for women participating in the CEW program.
9 Record Number of Candidates Scheduled to Receive Degrees at UNI Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1971:732, p.1
550 students will be on hand for summer commencement.
10 Record Number of Candidates Scheduled to Receive Degrees at UNI Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1971:730, p.1
550 students will be on hand for summer commencement.
11 700 UNI Students to be Honored at May 12 Convocation
Public Relations News Release 1971:591, p.1
Convocation will take place May 12th in the Men's Gym.
12 UNI to Sponsor Arts Festival
Public Relations News Release 1971:479, p.1
Academy award winner Ernest Intoff will be the guest artist on April 12 and 13 during a week-long art festival being held by the College of Humanities and Fine Arts; summary of programs
13 Religious Activities Council formed
Northern Iowan 67:35, p.6
Aims of new Council of Religious Activities.
14 Dr. Montgomery to Speak at UNI's Winter Convocation
Public Relations News Release 1971:365, p.1
Dr. John W. Montgomery will present "Christianity: Fact or Fiction?" at the annual UNI Winter Convocation on Feb. 15 in the University Auditorium.
15 Rock Concert to be Held at UNI Religion Night
Public Relations News Release 1970:8, p.1
The concert is being held at the UNI Gymnasium. No admission is being charge and the concert is free to all.
16 Record Number of Candidates Scheduled to Receive Degrees at UNI Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1969:713, p.1
Over 500 students are expected to receive degrees at the 23rd annual UNI summer commencement, scheduled to be held at O. R. Latham Stadium, Friday, July 31 at 7:15 p.m.
17 675 to be recognized at honors convocation
Northern Iowan 66:56, p.5
Professors Bernhard, Oppleman, and Anderson will speak.
18 675 UNI students to be honored at May14 convocation
Public Relations News Release 1969:580, p.1
University Honors Convocation will be held in the Men's Gymnasium. Dan Oppleman will be the featured speaker. Wallace L. Anderson will preside.
19 UNI Credit Union Names New Officers
Public Relations News Release 1969:324, p.1
Election of new officers.
20 UNI Holds Seventh Annual Mid-Year Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1969:287, p.1
McCollum to address "A Winter of Discontent" in the Men's Gym for the seventh annual Mid-Year Commencement; list of graduates and degrees
21 UNI to Hold Seventh Annual Mid-Year Commencement Jan. 21
Public Relations News Release 1969:285, p.1
McCollum to address "A Winter of Discontent" in the Men's Gym for the seventh annual Mid-Year Commencement; biography
22 To Speak on Educational Innovations at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:144, p.1
Dr. Warren Bryan Martin to speak on the subject "A New Curriculum for New Times."
23 Poetry Hour features readings from Bible
Northern Iowan 66:15, p.4
Professor Bernhard will read.
24 "Prophets and Poets" Scheduled for UNI Poetry Hour
Public Relations News Release 1969:105, p.1
Poetry Hour.
25 Student Receives Scholarship Award
Public Relations News Release 1969:30, p.1
Bennett receieved a $100 scholarship award from Mrs. Joseph Wright, a 1919 graduate of UNI. Mrs. Wright was married to the late Joseph Wright, son of David Sands Wright, member of the first UNI faculty who taught the first class in 1876.
26 Annual Matriculation Convocation Announced
Public Relations News Release 1969:22, p.1

Held in the Men's Gym.

27 UNI needs alumni help to continue progress
Alumnus 54:1, p.3
Professor Keefe remembers crowded days of 1949; says that 1969 is very crowded again; calls for new buildings and support for other needs.
28 Santa and his co-ed elves . . .
Northern Iowan 65:27, p.1
Santa visited to help with the celebrations last Thursday; photo.
29 Classes dismissed for Matriculation Convocation
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.8
Annual matriculation convocation.
30 Convocation honors over 650 students
Northern Iowan 64:56, p.1
Students will be recognized for scholarship and achievement; Professor Eiklor will deliver address.
31 Auditoria recommendation includes coliseum, theater
Northern Iowan 64:31, p.1
Committee recommends coliseum seating ten thousand, auditorium seating two thousand, and a theater seating eight hundred.
32 Eighteen faculty members to study India in seminars
College Eye 64:5, p.3
List of those who will take part in Faculty Development Seminar.
33 Academic year to open at convocation tomorrow
College Eye 64:3, p.1
Leaders will speak on upcoming year.
34 Ministers express views on speakers programs
College Eye 63:34, p.2
Commends the discussion on homosexuality; contends that it is important to discuss such issues openly.
35 Bishop's Company presents play on President Wilson
College Eye 63:7, p.4
California theater company presents a play dealing with the life of former President Woodrow Wilson.
36 Dr. Bernard receives Ford Foundation
College Eye 60:51, p.5
Will study Asian culture at University of Chicago.
37 15 faculty members are selected for seminars
College Eye 60:46, p.1
Will focus on Asia.
38 Women office workers to attend workshop at SCI
College Eye 60:42, p.4
600 expected to attend; SCI staff will speak.
39 Perspective: 'Experts' must confront both conscience, competency
College Eye 60:20, p.2
Discusses what is meant by value and what is implied in trying to preserve it.
40 Dr. Bernhard in New York for Chaplains Conference
College Eye 59:31, p.6
41 Twenty staff members elected to Faculty Senate
College Eye 59:31, p.3

List of those elected to Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Committee on the Administration of Faculty Personnel, Educational Policies Commission, Committee on Committees, and the Student Loan Fund.

42 Bushy beard, trim goatee provoke questions, awe
College Eye 59:28, p.4
Students and faculty talk about growing facial hair; photo.
43 Survey on religion proves SCI students query faith
College Eye 59:12, p.1
Harold Bernhard releases results of survey; summary of survey and comparisons to similar survey from 1954; photo.
44 Campus reacts to death of JFK
College Eye 58:11, p.5
Students offer reactions; college holds memorial service; photo.
45 Maucker to address convocation
College Eye 58:1, p.1
Brief description of program; photo.
46 Maucker will address annual convocation
College Eye 57:1, p.1
SLB president will also speak.
47 Maucker to speak at Monday convo for matriculation
College Eye 53:1, p.3

Brief description of ceremonies.

48 College to graduate two hundred in first SCI Commencement
College Eye 52:41, p.1
Quick look at Commencement ceremonies.
49 Moreau to give baccalaureate address here
College Eye 52:32, p.1
Jules Moreau will speak; program for the ceremonies.
50 Jules Moreau to be ISTC baccalaureate speaker
Public Relations News Release 1960:428, p.1
President J. W. Maucker presides over the Baccalaureate address of Professor Jules L. Morau in the auditorium. Invocation is performed by Professor Harold Bernhard. Philip Hahn and Jane Mauck provide music.