Berry--William Julius (Class of 1921; Rural Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 101 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Will 'carry' summer school to students throughout state College Eye 33:34, p.1 |
Branch summer schools located in Red Oak, Creston, and Denison. |
2 | W. J. Berry Alumnus 14:3, p.7 |
Will teach geography at Kalamazoo. | |
3 | William Julius Berry Alumnus 14:2, p.24 |
Professor Berry is now a member of the faculty of the University of California at Los Angeles, where he is an associate professor of geography. His residence is in West Hollywood, California. | |
4 | I. S. T. C. is alma mater for large number of profs.; few department heads would go elsewhere for homecoming College Eye 17:19, p.1 |
Faculty tell where they would like to attend Homecoming, at ISTC or their own alma mater; roster of faculty who graduated from ISTC. | |
5 | Instructors who have graduated from I. S. T. C College Eye 17:19, p.1 |
Roster of faculty who are ISTC alumni. | |
6 | Department of Rural Education Old Gold 0:0, p.21 |
Roster; photo. | |
7 | T. C. Club Old Gold 0:0, p.234 |
Office roll; members; purpose; photo. | |
8 | Changes in faculty for Spring term College Eye 16:22, p.8 |
Roster of faculty changes for upcoming term. | |
9 | Lutheran Students Association College Eye 16:19, p.5 |
Professor Berry and the Reverend H. Mueller spoke at recent meeting. | |
10 | Hobo fraternity dance College Eye 16:19, p.5 |
Twenty-five couples present at informal dance. | |
11 | Large audience at Armistice Day program; vets of the World War, Profs. Robinson and Berry, deliver addresses College Eye 16:12, p.1 |
Auditorium filled to overflowing for Armistice Day ceremony. | |
12 | Program for Armistice Day College Eye 16:10, p.1 |
Speakers and schedule. | |
13 | Hobo fraternity dance College Eye 16:7, p.5 |
Mr. and Mrs. William Berry chaperoned the annual Fall dance; roster of pledges. | |
14 | Leaves of absence College Eye 16:2, p.8 |
Roster of faculty who will be pursuing graduate study. | |
15 | Mr. and Mrs. William H. Berry College Eye 15:29, p.8 |
Stopped here on their way to Rockford. | |
16 | North Central Teachers meeting College Eye 15:27, p.6 |
Several faculty and alumni appear on program. | |
17 | Many former graduates College Eye 15:15, p.8 |
Were here for recent conferences. | |
18 | Supt. Wm. Berry College Eye 14:43, p.8 |
Interviewed teachers on campus. | |
19 | Many former students and graduates College Eye 14:28, p.8 |
Visited campus during vacation. | |
20 | Calendar of events Old Gold 0:0, p.270 |
Humorous, made-up events that 'happened' to ISTC students, April fifteenth through August thirtieth. | |
21 | Mr. and Mrs. William Berry College Eye 13:27, p.8 |
Visited her parents. | |
22 | Mr. and Mrs. "Bill" Berry College Eye 13:17, p.8 |
Visited during Christmas. | |
23 | William Berry College Eye 13:14, p.8 |
Superintendent at Lohrville; spent a few days on campus. | |
24 | William J. Berry Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.7 |
William J. Berry is married to Marie Purdy at the Little Brown Church near Nashua, Iowa on August 27, 1921. | |
25 | William H. Berry College Eye 13:3, p.6 |
Married Marie Purdy. | |
26 | William Berry College Eye 13:2, p.8 |
Superintendent at Lohrville, Iowa. | |
27 | Consolidated schools Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1 |
William J. Berry, Henry Immerzeel, Miller Christiansen, and Lenz Geneve are elected Iowa Consolidated School Superintendents from the Bachelor of Arts in Education degree program. | |
28 | Photographs of graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.35 |
Photo. | |
29 | T. C. Vets Old Gold 0:0, p.186 |
Roster of members with military affiliations; photo. |
30 | T. C. Club Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Lettermen's Club roster of officers and membership roll; photo. | |
31 | Shakespeareans Old Gold 0:0, p.130 |
Roster of members for the Shakespeareans and the Aristotelians; brief overview of the year; photo. | |
32 | Seniors Old Gold 0:0, p.72 |
Roster of officers, student council members, Old Gold and College Eye staff members; informal photographs; quotes from students; photo. | |
33 | Young Men's Christian Association Old Gold 0:0, p.204 |
Photos of cabinet and advisory board members; association objective; photo. | |
34 | College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.210 |
Brief overview of the College Eye staff; Teachers College News Bureau overview. | |
35 | Football Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Overview of the 1920 season; photos of the games; short profiles on the players; photo. | |
36 | Who's Who at Teachers College Old Gold 0:0, p.228 |
Results of student vote on who has done the most for the college; photo. | |
37 | Editorially speaking; the 1921 staff bids the College Eye readers farewell College Eye 12:34, p.4 |
Thanks students for support. | |
38 | Consolidated schools paying highest salaries College Eye 12:32, p.1 |
Professor Campbell cites examples of good pay at the consolidated schools. | |
39 | Y. has Geneva program College Eye 12:32, p.2 |
Focused on highlights of Geneva conference. | |
40 | Clawson Hall echoes College Eye 12:28, p.8 |
News of residents. | |
41 | Clawson Hall news College Eye 12:24, p.8 |
News from the boarding house. | |
42 | Fifteen men earn football letters College Eye 12:17, p.2 |
Roster of men inducted into the T. C. Club. | |
43 | William Berry, right guard College Eye 12:16, p.4 |
Biography; photo. | |
44 | Untitled College Eye 12:16, p.1 |
The 1920 football team; photo. | |
45 | Five little red devils College Eye 12:10, p.6 |
Take part in discussions of character. | |
46 | I.S.T.C. football squad--1919 Old Gold 0:0, p.139 |
Team photo; biographical sketch of Coach Doseff; photo. | |
47 | Y. M. C. A. Cabinet Old Gold 0:0, p.232 |
Officers, cabinet members, review of year's activities; photo. | |
48 | Shake-Aristo Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Membership and presidents of the Shakespeare Literary Society and Aristotelian Literary Society. Class and candid photos, poems, songs, and chants; photo. | |
49 | Photo Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
Football team members; photo. | |
50 | Junior B.A. Old Gold 0:0, p.90 |
Members of the junior class, class predictions, and did you know section. |