Berry--William Julius (Class of 1921; Rural Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 101 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Will 'carry' summer school to students throughout state
College Eye 33:34, p.1

Branch summer schools located in Red Oak, Creston, and Denison.

2 W. J. Berry
Alumnus 14:3, p.7
Will teach geography at Kalamazoo.
3 William Julius Berry
Alumnus 14:2, p.24
Professor Berry is now a member of the faculty of the University of California at Los Angeles, where he is an associate professor of geography. His residence is in West Hollywood, California.
4 I. S. T. C. is alma mater for large number of profs.; few department heads would go elsewhere for homecoming
College Eye 17:19, p.1
Faculty tell where they would like to attend Homecoming, at ISTC or their own alma mater; roster of faculty who graduated from ISTC.
5 Instructors who have graduated from I. S. T. C
College Eye 17:19, p.1
Roster of faculty who are ISTC alumni.
6 Department of Rural Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Roster; photo.
7 T. C. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
Office roll; members; purpose; photo.
8 Changes in faculty for Spring term
College Eye 16:22, p.8
Roster of faculty changes for upcoming term.
9 Lutheran Students Association
College Eye 16:19, p.5
Professor Berry and the Reverend H. Mueller spoke at recent meeting.
10 Hobo fraternity dance
College Eye 16:19, p.5
Twenty-five couples present at informal dance.
11 Large audience at Armistice Day program; vets of the World War, Profs. Robinson and Berry, deliver addresses
College Eye 16:12, p.1
Auditorium filled to overflowing for Armistice Day ceremony.
12 Program for Armistice Day
College Eye 16:10, p.1
Speakers and schedule.
13 Hobo fraternity dance
College Eye 16:7, p.5
Mr. and Mrs. William Berry chaperoned the annual Fall dance; roster of pledges.
14 Leaves of absence
College Eye 16:2, p.8
Roster of faculty who will be pursuing graduate study.
15 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Berry
College Eye 15:29, p.8
Stopped here on their way to Rockford.
16 North Central Teachers meeting
College Eye 15:27, p.6
Several faculty and alumni appear on program.
17 Many former graduates
College Eye 15:15, p.8
Were here for recent conferences.
18 Supt. Wm. Berry
College Eye 14:43, p.8
Interviewed teachers on campus.
19 Many former students and graduates
College Eye 14:28, p.8
Visited campus during vacation.
20 Calendar of events
Old Gold 0:0, p.270
Humorous, made-up events that 'happened' to ISTC students, April fifteenth through August thirtieth.
21 Mr. and Mrs. William Berry
College Eye 13:27, p.8
Visited her parents.
22 Mr. and Mrs. "Bill" Berry
College Eye 13:17, p.8
Visited during Christmas.
23 William Berry
College Eye 13:14, p.8
Superintendent at Lohrville; spent a few days on campus.
24 William J. Berry
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.7
William J. Berry is married to Marie Purdy at the Little Brown Church near Nashua, Iowa on August 27, 1921.
25 William H. Berry
College Eye 13:3, p.6
Married Marie Purdy.
26 William Berry
College Eye 13:2, p.8
Superintendent at Lohrville, Iowa.
27 Consolidated schools
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1
William J. Berry, Henry Immerzeel, Miller Christiansen, and Lenz Geneve are elected Iowa Consolidated School Superintendents from the Bachelor of Arts in Education degree program.
28 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
29 T. C. Vets
Old Gold 0:0, p.186

Roster of members with military affiliations; photo.

30 T. C. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
Lettermen's Club roster of officers and membership roll; photo.
31 Shakespeareans
Old Gold 0:0, p.130
Roster of members for the Shakespeareans and the Aristotelians; brief overview of the year; photo.
32 Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.72
Roster of officers, student council members, Old Gold and College Eye staff members; informal photographs; quotes from students; photo.
33 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Photos of cabinet and advisory board members; association objective; photo.
34 College Eye
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
Brief overview of the College Eye staff; Teachers College News Bureau overview.
35 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.213
Overview of the 1920 season; photos of the games; short profiles on the players; photo.
36 Who's Who at Teachers College
Old Gold 0:0, p.228
Results of student vote on who has done the most for the college; photo.
37 Editorially speaking; the 1921 staff bids the College Eye readers farewell
College Eye 12:34, p.4
Thanks students for support.
38 Consolidated schools paying highest salaries
College Eye 12:32, p.1
Professor Campbell cites examples of good pay at the consolidated schools.
39 Y. has Geneva program
College Eye 12:32, p.2
Focused on highlights of Geneva conference.
40 Clawson Hall echoes
College Eye 12:28, p.8
News of residents.
41 Clawson Hall news
College Eye 12:24, p.8
News from the boarding house.
42 Fifteen men earn football letters
College Eye 12:17, p.2
Roster of men inducted into the T. C. Club.
43 William Berry, right guard
College Eye 12:16, p.4
Biography; photo.
44 Untitled
College Eye 12:16, p.1
The 1920 football team; photo.
45 Five little red devils
College Eye 12:10, p.6
Take part in discussions of character.
46 I.S.T.C. football squad--1919
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
Team photo; biographical sketch of Coach Doseff; photo.
47 Y. M. C. A. Cabinet
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
Officers, cabinet members, review of year's activities; photo.
48 Shake-Aristo
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Membership and presidents of the Shakespeare Literary Society and Aristotelian Literary Society. Class and candid photos, poems, songs, and chants; photo.
49 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Football team members; photo.
50 Junior B.A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Members of the junior class, class predictions, and did you know section.