Blake--Carl E.--III

Displaying 1 - 50 of 123 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 What does UNISA do?
Northern Iowan 85:45, p.3
Not even sure about what UNISA stands for.
2 Nonaligned faculty being eliminated
Northern Iowan 85:6, p.2
Offers observations on recent grievance case.
3 CE bookstore put on hold
Northern Iowan 85:1, p.1
Carl Blake resigns; bookstore will not be open until spring 1989.
4 Progress made on student bookstore; should be in operation for fall semester
Northern Iowan 84:56, p.3
Carl Blake talks about the work that has been done.
5 UNISA: a secret society
Northern Iowan 84:49, p.2
Critical of Senate's decision to use secret ballot to select vice presidents.
6 Sanders administration named
Northern Iowan 84:48, p.1
Oren Griffin, Margaret Curran, and Kurt Jensen nominated and approved; Carl Blake nominated but not approved; Howard Flatt approved in Blake's place.
7 Blake criticized for political acts
Northern Iowan 84:48, p.3
Expresses opinion on UNISA.
8 Censurement was travesty
Northern Iowan 84:47, p.2
Critical of decision to censure Kevin Whipple.
9 Whipple censured at UNISA meeting
Northern Iowan 84:46, p.1
Censured for signing himself as "UNISA Senator" on letter criticizing Carl Blake.
10 UNISA passes 'dead week'
Northern Iowan 84:45, p.1
Would ask faculty not to schedule papers, projects, tests, or quizzes in week before final examinations.
11 Blake should receive thanks for bookstore
Northern Iowan 84:44, p.3
Believes critics should appreciate Blake's hard work.
12 Sanders elected president
Northern Iowan 84:43, p.1
Sanders defeats Rial, 665-649.
13 Students should vote for experience
Northern Iowan 84:42, p.3
Support David Sanders.
14 NI accused of ignoring policy regarding letters
Northern Iowan 84:41, p.2
Claims NI violated policy in publication of letters close to election day.
15 Blake addresses accusation
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.3
Carl Blake takes on recent criticism.
16 Hagar's letter draws attack
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.3
Believes Carl Blake gets things done.
17 Presidential candidates reviewed; Carl Blake
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.1
Carl Blake answers a series of questions.
18 Blake pamphlet questioned
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.7
Several students outline their own beliefs about Carl Blake's achievements.
19 Candidates participate in debate
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.1
Carl Blake, David Sanders, and Tom Rial answer questions and state their positions; photo.
20 The Human Element
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.2
Questions several articles in recent Northern Iowans.
21 Students advised against Blake
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.3
Cite their reasons for opposing Carl Blake.
22 Blake represents proven leadership, experience
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.3
Supports Carl Blake.
23 Whipple's accusations are not based on fact
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.4
Points out work of Carl Blake.
24 Blake defends brochure claims
Northern Iowan 84:39, p.4
Cites resolution that he introduced which would more clearly mark handicapped parking spaces.
25 Bookstore submits budget to UNISA
Northern Iowan 84:38, p.5
Board named; budget is about $16,000.
26 Students asked to support Blake
Northern Iowan 84:38, p.3
Appreciates his work for students.
27 Blake's claims disputed
Northern Iowan 84:38, p.3
Questions Carl Blake's campaign literature.
28 UNISA opposes student funding of new boiler
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.1
Also supports development of new ID cards.
29 Blake lists credentials
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.2
Carl Blake notes his accomplishments.
30 Blume new USI director after Blake resignation
Northern Iowan 84:36, p.1
Carl Blake resigns due to responsibilities, including running for UNISA presidency; Debora Blume talks about her plans for USI.
31 Blake announces candidacy for president
Northern Iowan 84:34, p.2
Briefly outlines platform.
32 Senate buys new equipment for KCRS
Northern Iowan 84:33, p.1
Allocates $1765 for equipment.
33 Redeker to house student bookstore
Northern Iowan 84:30, p.1
Carl Blake is pleased about being assigned space for the store.
34 Schoolhouse ideal location for bookstore
Northern Iowan 84:28, p.3
Carl Blake considers the idea.
35 Tomahawk accused of aggression
Northern Iowan 84:27, p.2
Believes Tomahawk has attacked Mr. Blake rather than presenting a strong case for its own book sale.
36 Voter registration plan okayed
Northern Iowan 84:27, p.5
Would make voter registration material available with class registration material; recognize KCRS as "official student radio station".
37 Tomahawk asks Blake to apologize formally
Northern Iowan 84:25, p.3
Believes that Tomahawk has performed good work and that questions still remain about the student-run bookstore proposal.
38 Work study, lobbying topics of USI meeting
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.5
Carl Blake reports on recent meeting.
39 Bookstore opponents challenged
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.3
Carl Blake responds to critics of student-run bookstore.
40 The human element
Northern Iowan 84:21, p.2
A serious look at the proposed Student Co-op Bookstore and its effects on the community.
41 UNI Legislative Assembly to be held this weekend
Northern Iowan 84:21, p.1
Will establish lobbying platform.
42 Cooperation is key to bookstore
Northern Iowan 84:20, p.2
A look at the recent history and personalities involved in the student cooperative bookstore.
43 Bookstore plans not finalized
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.1
Administrators say there are still some serious questions that need to be answered.
44 Bookstore, art gallery gain student support
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.1
Results of UNISA referendum issues: bookstore issue passes, 480-216; art gallery passes, 547-137
45 RHA, Tomahawk voice opposition to bookstore
Northern Iowan 84:16, p.1
RHA official says bookstore procedures resemble Tomahawk procedures; Mr. Blake says that getting the bookstore effort this far has been difficult.
46 Student-run bookstore gains UNISA approval
Northern Iowan 84:16, p.1
Grants provisional recognition of bookstore group.
47 Curris holds open press conference
Northern Iowan 84:15, p.1
President Curris talks about tuition, non-operational fire alarms, and delayed construction
48 Blake deserves partial credit for meeting
Northern Iowan 84:15, p.2
States that resolution introduced by Carl Blake was also responsible for the conference.
49 Student bookstore report passed
Northern Iowan 84:13, p.7
Committee believes it has gone as far as it can without receiving space allocation.
50 Students thanked for attendance at board meeting
Northern Iowan 84:8, p.3
Thanks those who attended Regents meeting.