Bloom--Ernest D. (Classes of 1909 and 1915; Government Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Ernest Bloom Alumnus 35:1, p.27 |
Died on August 12, 1950, in Twin Falls, Idaho. | |
2 | Superintendent Ernest D. Bloom is one of many who plan to attend reunion Public Relations News Release 1934:499, p.1 |
The twenty-fifth anniversary reunion will take place on June 3. | |
3 | Ernest D. Bloom Alumnus 15:4, p.26 |
He received the master's degree from the University of Wyoming last summer; was enrolled at Columbia University this past summer working toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. | |
4 | Ernest D. Bloom Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.6 |
Ernest D. Bloom has resigned and plans to go to the mountain states in the interest of the physical wellbeing of his children. He has rejected job offers. | |
5 | Mr. and Mrs. Bloom College Eye 9:18, p.7 |
Welcome their newborn daughter, Florence Irene. | |
6 | Supt. Ernest D. Bloom College Eye 8:29, p.8 |
Announces completion of building in Rolfe. | |
7 | Mr. Bloom College Eye 8:9, p.7 |
Is teaching in Rolfe. | |
8 | The summer term College Eye 8:1, p.6 |
Faculty and courses for summer briefly described. | |
9 | Social Science Club Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Brief overview of the purpose of the club; roster of officers; photo. |
10 | Bachelor of Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.19 |
Photos of graduates. | |
11 | Oratorical Association Old Gold 0:0, p.146 |
Brief description of the association; photo. | |
12 | Orio Old Gold 0:0, p.151 |
Illustration of a castle on a hill; brief overview of the society past and present; winter triangular team; photo. | |
13 | B. A. officers Old Gold 0:0, p.167 |
Roster of officers of the Class of 1915; photo. | |
14 | Football Old Gold 0:0, p.195 |
Review of the year; profile of Coach Allen Berkstresser; short profiles on all the players; photo. | |
15 | Cornell wins state oratorical; Warren Anderson is awarded first place with the oration "Vengeance is Mine:; Iowa Wesleyan is second; Morningside third College Eye 4:22, p.2 |
Ernest Bloom represented I. S. T. C. at business meeting. | |
16 | The Oratorical Association College Eye 4:17, p.3 |
Oratorical Association will charge students 20 cents for society work; budget is announced. | |
17 | Driblets College Eye 4:15, p.8 |
Briefly comments on occurrences across campus. | |
18 | Oratorical Association elects officers College Eye 4:8, p.1 |
Idea of an Interstate Normal School contest for women was discussed. | |
19 | Announcement College Eye 4:2, p.4 |
Students announce their candidacy for Old Gold positions. | |
20 | Mr. Ernest D. Bloom College Eye 3:28, p.470 |
Visited the city to hire teachers for the upcoming year. | |
21 | Messrs. Ernest Bloom of Nashua, Grover Alderman of Walker and Ira Brown of Oelwein College Eye 3:22, p.374 |
Visited Cedar Falls during the Interscholastic Tournament with their High School basketball teams. | |
22 | Mr. E. J. Wells and Ernest Bloom College Eye 3:21, p.358 |
Spent time in Cedar Falls. | |
23 | Professor Ernest Bloom College Eye 2:11, p.7 |
Visited campus. | |
24 | Supt. Ernest Bloom College Eye 1:27, p.6 |
Has been re-elected to his position in Nashua. | |
25 | Many graduate Clios and Orios College Eye 1:7, p.8 |
Attend a twenty-fifth anniversary celebration. | |
26 | Ernest Bloom Normal Eyte 21:17, p.299 |
Thinking of finishing the B. A. course. | |
27 | Mr. Bloom Normal Eyte 21:8, p.140 |
Coaching the Hampton football team. | |
28 | Ernest Bloom Normal Eyte 20:12, p.213 |
Visited the Hill during vacation. | |
29 | The schools at Hampton, Iowa Normal Eyte 20:7, p.134 |
Alumni who are now teaching at Hampton. | |
30 | Ernest Bloom Normal Eyte 20:2, p.20 |
Visited the Hill. | |
31 | Ernest Bloom Normal Eyte 20:0, p.22 |
Is teaching in Hampton. | |
32 | Thirteenth Annual Ames Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.119 |
Ames affirmative team traveled to Cedar Falls; Normal won 3-0; photo. | |
33 | Lecture Course Old Gold 0:0, p.142 |
Discusses visitors, roster of committee members; photo. | |
34 | YMCA Old Gold 0:0, p.124 |
Brief description of organization, roster of officers, and description of activities; photo. | |
35 | Football Old Gold 0:0, p.275 |
Description of 1908 season, cartoon, players, and prospects; photo. | |
36 | Our soldier boys Old Gold 0:0, p.271 |
James Martin and A. L. Smith are active in the United State Army, photo of the Mathew Hall Quartet. | |
37 | The Charge of the Light Brigade Old Gold 0:0, p.212 |
Cartoon and poem. | |
38 | Cliosophic Old Gold 0:0, p.205 |
Roster of officers, members, and humorous ads; photo. | |
39 | Dramatic Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
Brief history, comedic story, roster of students in dramatic work; photo. | |
40 | The Minnesingers Old Gold 0:0, p.156 |
Brief history, songs from a program, roster of members and officers; photo. | |
41 | Debating Old Gold 0:0, p.115 |
Description of the Debating League, roster of officers and members. | |
42 | Oratory Old Gold 0:0, p.109 |
Officers and results of women's oratorical contests; photo. | |
43 | Photos of graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.97 |
1909 graduates; photo. | |
44 | Illinois wins; suckers take first place, Wisconsin second, Kansas third- most successful contest Normal Eyte 19:29, p.449 |
Lengthy account of oratorical contest, with judges' scores and texts of orations. | |
45 | Society; Eulalians victorious--Ossolis lose game by small score; Orio Normal Eyte 19:21, p.331 |
Eulalians defeat Ossolis in basketball, 26-21; Orios enjoy program of music and readings. | |
46 | Minnesingers make hit; glee club assisted by cellist, pianist and tenor give fine concert Normal Eyte 19:21, p.322 |
Brief review and program of the performance. | |
47 | Clios banquet Orios; annual Clio-Orio feast held Saturday evening--most enjoyable function Normal Eyte 19:17, p.261 |
Enjoyed informal reception and banquet. | |
48 | "Bobby Shaftoe" staged; Neotrophians produce charming operetta before large audience--musical comedy well received Normal Eyte 19:16, p.244 |
Brief review of the production. |
49 | Among orators and debaters; gossip of the oratorical association and debating league; proposed constitutional revision Normal Eyte 19:15, p.226 |
Making arrangements for debate with Kansas team. | |
50 | Neo public session program Normal Eyte 19:15, p.229 |
Program included music and drama. |