Blue Jeans Day

Displaying 1 - 50 of 72 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Gay rights is human right, Jewell missed point of Blue Jean Day
Northern Iowan 94:16, p.8
Disagrees with columnist's viewpoint; offers fuller explanation of Blue Jeans Day.
2 Blue Jean Day poor attempt at marketing gay rights
Northern Iowan 94:14, p.9
Outlines views on homosexuality and Blue Jeans Day.
3 Homophobes too cowardly to take public stand
Northern Iowan 91:59, p.9
Analyzes reaction to Blue Jeans Day.
4 'Blue Jeans Day' for human rights
Northern Edition 2:14, p.9
Explains history and intention of campus custom.
5 Wear blue jeans to show support for human rights
Northern Iowan 90:55, p.8
Explains current meaning of Blue Jeans Day.
6 Jeans Day farce; jeans too common
Northern Iowan 89:56, p.3
Quarrels with choice of common item of apparel to show support for an organization.
7 Idea of wearing blue jeans for a cause is 'pathetic'
Northern Iowan 88:53, p.2
Does not believe that wearing a common article of clothing makes a statement.
8 Wednesday declared as Blue Jeans Day by UNI-G.L.O
Northern Iowan 88:50, p.2
Explains purpose of day.
9 UNI-GLO educates UNI
Northern Iowan 85:13, p.10
Purposes of the group.
10 Editorial on gay rights is socially responsible
Northern Iowan 84:52, p.2
Norman Story challenges some assumptions in an earlier letter.
11 Untitled
Northern Iowan 84:52, p.2
Questions sensitivity of earlier writer.
12 Equal rights for homosexuals defended
Northern Iowan 84:52, p.3
Challenges assertions of earlier letter.
13 Blue Jeans Day has no merit
Northern Iowan 84:51, p.2
Professor Lyon is critical of the premises behind Blue Jeans Day.
14 Dorm Life--But Not as We Know It
Northern Iowan 84:51, p.10
A look at the way that students deal with Blue Jeans Day.
15 Gay message must be understood
Northern Iowan 84:50, p.2
Believes students should try to understand the meaning of Blue Jeans Day.
16 'Blue Jeans Day' Thursday
Northern Iowan 84:50, p.4
Steve Boekelman talks about the purposes of the day.
17 Blue Jeans Day explained
Northern Iowan 83:40, p.2
Discusses the ideas behind Blue Jeans Day.
18 Feature notes . . .
Northern Iowan 83:39, p.11
EMCEC will host soul food dinner; UNI-GLO will sponsor Gay Pride Week; will hold panel discussion of Blue Jeans Day; KCRS seeking staff.
19 Cartoon a satire on homophobia
Northern Iowan 82:41, p.2
Defends a cartoon placed in the Feb. 21 edition of the Northern Iowan.
20 People at odds with human rights
Northern Iowan 82:39, p.2
Upset with the lack of participation on Blue Jeans Day.
21 Some classic cases of homophobia . . . and some lesser-known cases
Northern Iowan 82:37, p.2
Provides examples of discrimination against homosexuals.
22 Kampus
Northern Iowan 82:37, p.2
Characters promote their own version of "Blue Jeans" Day.
23 Blue Jeans Day created to support lifestyle choices
Northern Iowan 82:37, p.11
Students share the history of Blue Jeans Day.
24 Supports blue jeans day
Northern Iowan 82:36, p.3
Students for Peace voice their support for Blue Jeans Day.
25 Blue jeans day approaches
Northern Iowan 82:34, p.3
Discusses the Blue Jeans day put on by UNI-GLO.
26 Expresses devotion to humanity
Northern Iowan 81:39, p.3
Shows her support for 'Blue Jeans Day.'
27 Mixed reactions to 'Jeans Day'
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.1
Quick reactions from students; photo.
28 But seriously folks
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.2
Comments on President Reagan's first press conference, and also on 'Blue Jeans Day.'
29 Blue Jeans Day
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.2
Speaks on toleration of different beliefs.
30 Students question method used
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.3
Questions the point of the special day; expresses their disagreements about homosexuality.
31 Key word for support of human rights on Blue Jeans Day is dignity
Northern Iowan 81:37, p.4
Suggests that dignity is the major issue in gay rights.
32 New proposal
Northern Iowan 81:37, p.3
Expresses their disagreement with Blue Jeans Day.
33 Forced to wear something else
Northern Iowan 81:37, p.4
Expresses disagreement with Blue Jeans Day.
34 Gives thanks to all participants
Northern Iowan 81:37, p.3
Thanks students for their support on Blue Jeans Day.
35 Encourages support
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.4
Supports Blue Jeans Day.
36 Names realities
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.3
Agrees with Blue Jeans Day.
37 Blue Jeans Day stimulates introspection
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.3
Supports Blue Jeans Day.
38 Answers the real question to issue
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.4
Feels Blue Jeans Day makes people aware of discrimination against gay and lesbian people.
39 Makes point through analogy
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.4
Disagrees with Patrick Madden's recent letter on Blue Jeans Day.
40 Feels forced into category
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.4
Claims that "Blue Jeans Day" is forcing her into a category.
41 Second Blue Jean Day set
Northern Iowan 81:35, p.6
Purpose of the event; schedule of activities.
42 UNI/GLO insults reader's intellect
Northern Iowan 81:35, p.2
Patrick Madden disagrees with a previous letter written by UNI-GLO, that talks about "Blue Jean Day".
43 Group calls for support
Northern Iowan 81:34, p.2
Support human rights by participating in "Blue Jeans Day."
44 Untitled
Northern Iowan 80:52, p.2
Cindijo Polk feels homosexuality is a sin, yet homosexuals should not be denied their civil rights.
45 Not fade away
Northern Iowan 80:42, p.3
Drake Martin feels people should be more understanding and supportive concerning civil rights and Blue Jeans Day.
46 Not fade away
Northern Iowan 80:42, p.3
Keith Hardeman and David and Beverly Roskos-Ewoldsen express their disappointment at students' reactions to Blue Jeans Day.
47 More views on Blue Jeans Day
Northern Iowan 80:41, p.4
Roy Jones feels Blue Jeans Day revealed character flaw at UNI.
48 More views on Blue Jeans Day
Northern Iowan 80:41, p.3
Concerning Blue Jeans Day, Joe Modrick feels students should do what they feel is right.
49 More views on Blue Jeans Day
Northern Iowan 80:41, p.3
Dave Ohl thanks UNI-GLO for making UNI the best dressed campus through Blue Jeans Day.
50 More views on Blue Jeans Day
Northern Iowan 80:41, p.3