Blue--Robert D. (Governor of Iowa)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Homecoming
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
2 Homecoming queen and her party
College Eye 38:7, p.6
Crowning of Queen Dorothy Moore by Governor Robert D. Blue; photo.
3 "Queen crowner"
College Eye 38:6, p.1
Governor Robert D. Blue will crown Dorothy Moore as the fall I-Queen; photo.
4 Homecoming was tops this year
Alumnus 30:4, p.5

Highlights of 1946 Homecoming; photo.

5 Highway safety meeting will be held
Public Relations News Release 1946:165, p.1
Fifteen experts to meet to discuss plans for training of teachers for driver education. The possibility of constructing a driving range; including curves, intersections, signals, and signs.
6 Blue addresses yeoman grads
College Eye 34:35, p.1
7 Blue will review Waves at graduation next Friday
College Eye 34:33, p.1
Lt. Governor Blue will be on campus for WAVES graduation; photo.