Board of Directors

Displaying 1 - 50 of 95 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Northern Iowa Student Government is here for you
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.7
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) encourages students of all different majors, interests, and backgrounds to get involved with NISG. Trina Tounjian, NISG Chief of Staff, shares their experiences and continues to encourage students to join the organization; photo.
2 University of Northern Iowa to host commencements in the UNI-Dome May 9
Public Relations News Release 2008:506, p.1
More than 1,500 students are eligible to participate including the members of the Class of 1959 who will be attending their Golden Reunion. Sandy Stevens of Glen Ellyn, Ill., will welcome the new graduates as alumni.
3 Administering the Normal School
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.71
Duties of the Principal and the Board with regard to appointments and curriculum; continuing difficulties with the Model School; salary controversies; photo.
4 The quest for adequate financial support
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.37
Early changes in faculty; General Assembly actions affecting the Normal School; the building of the second hall: South Hall, later Old Gilchrist Hall; photo.
5 Administering a burgeoning normal school
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.154
Debate over the mission of the Normal School; disparity in salary for women and men; duties of Board; organization of library services; photo.
6 Actions of the General Assembly--1890-1902; finally significant commitment
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.115
Analysis of the struggles to obtain adequate funding for the Normal School; the millage tax; the Auditorium Building dedication; photo.
7 Institutional growth and program expansion to 1890
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.107
Enrollment grows; the Board outlines its authority more clearly; difficulties with the Boarding Department and physical facilities; photo.
8 Changing the leadership
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.82
Analysis of the Board's dismissal of Principal Gilchrist and election of Principal Seerley; photo.
9 Gestation and birth
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.7
General educational background in Iowa prior to the founding of the Normal School; description of General Assembly actions which resulted in the founding of the school; initial actions of Board of Directors; photo.
10 Northern Iowa Alumni Association will hold its annual meeting Oct. 1
Public Relations News Release 1987:38, p.1
Joan Poe presides over the Alumni Association's annual meeting in the Commons Ballroom. Poe gave the the annual financial report, and three members were given positions on the board of directors.
11 Black Hawk County UNI alumni group to call for members April 1 and 2
Public Relations News Release 1987:283, p.1
Members of the Board of Directors for the Alumni Association begin recruiting graduates. Elly Leslie, director of the organization, explains the twenty-dollar annual fee for both single alumni and couples which grants them access to Rod Library.
12 UNI Alumni Association Expands its Board, Adds New Members
Public Relations News Release 1985:103, p.1

New members were elected to the UNI Alumni Association board and have conducted major items of business.

13 UNI Alumnus to be Grand Marshal at Homecoming Parade
Public Relations News Release 1970:91, p.1
Walter E. Brown will be the "Grand Marshal" of the 1970 UNI Homecoming Parade.
14 Executive freedom and efficiency
First 75 Years 0:0, p.44
Survey of relations of the governing boards with Principal Gilchrist and President Seerley.
15 The Board of Directors, 1876-1897; the Board of Trustees, 1897-1909
First 75 Years 0:0, p.27
Board members who had particular influence on the Normal School; duties of the Boards; difficulties involving selection of faculty.
16 Formal beginning of the Iowa State Normal School
First 75 Years 0:0, p.8
Board elects faculty and decides salary; adopts admission rules and length of terms.
17 First Board of Directors
First 75 Years 0:0, p.8
Governor Kirkwood appoints the Board, which then meets to accept the Normal School property.
18 First meetings of the Board of Directors
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.41
The election of the first faculty; establishing rules of operation.
19 The first Board of Directors
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.29
Biographical sketches of the members of the first board as well as other early officials.
20 Administrative changes
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.111
Principal Seerley does away with entrance examinations for high school graduates; State Superintendent added to Board.
21 Boards of management
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.148
The three state schools come under one board; tributes to members of Board of Directors and Board of Trustees.
22 Herman Casewell Hemenway
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.7
Herman Casewell Hemenway died on January 27, 1922. Hemenway was in charge of the bill which created the Normal School in 1876 as a member of the House of Representatives in the 16th General Assembly.
23 Members of the Boards of the Iowa State Normal School
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.2
Residences of ex-members of Board of Directors and Board of Trustees.
24 What the Teachers College has done for Cedar Falls
College Eye 10:18, p.2
Believes ISTC has made many significant contributions to the community including street railway, water works, sewage system, and faculty investments
25 The situation at the Iowa State Teachers College at Cedar Falls
College Eye 2:9, p.1
Legal basis for ISTC, especially as it pertains to its continuance as a four year institution.
26 Management of state schools; are the three institutions encroaching upon each other
Normal Eyte 14:26, p.401
General Assembly is considering plans to unite management of the three state schools; pros and cons of the plan.
27 The Board of Directors
Normal Eyte 10:4, p.84
Gave Athletic Association $300; Tennis Association will become part of Athletic Association; women are invited to join.
28 Alfred Grundy
Normal Eyte 9:14, p.329
Works as a lawyer and is secretary of the Board of Directors.
29 Official News and Notes
Normal Eyte 7:6, p.61
Board of Directors changed to Board of Trustees; extensive look at new certification laws; new Student Battalion appointments; will hold memorial service for Principal Gilchrist in December.
30 Board of Directors
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.393
Profiles of the members of the Board of Directors.
31 Mr. Townsend
Normal Eyte 6:32, p.380
Was present at inspection of student battalion.
32 The House
Normal Eyte 6:18, p.208
Passes general law regarding the Normal School; little significant modification.
33 The Teacher's Committee
Normal Eyte 6:18, p.208
34 Hon. I. J. McDuffie and Hon. Edward Townsend
Normal Eyte 6:18, p.207
Made week-long inspection visit.
35 The visiting committee
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.201
On campus.
36 The visiting committee of the Board
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.128
Visited campus.
37 We present herewith
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.348
G. H. Mullin and W. A. Doran join Board of Directors; photo.
38 The battalion
Normal Eyte 5:29, p.274
Reviewed by Board of Directors.
39 The visiting committee
Normal Eyte 5:22, p.204
Board committee on campus.
40 Legislative notes
Normal Eyte 5:20, p.178
Changes in Board of Directors; report on faculty activities showing their wide influence in Iowa; tribute to work of Henry Sabin.
41 The Board of Directors
Normal Eyte 5:14, p.122
Meet in new building.
42 The visiting committee
Normal Eyte 5:10, p.78
On campus.
43 Board of Directors
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.584
Composite photo; photo.
44 Messrs. J. W. Satterthwait and E. R. Moore
Normal Eyte 4:32, p.506
Board visiting committee on campus.
45 We are always glad to members of the board
Normal Eyte 4:13, p.203
Mr. Moore and Mr. Montgomery visit campus.
46 Mr. Editor
Normal Eyte 4:8, p.119
Would like to see the Board support the remodeling and furnishing of literary society rooms.
47 Just as usual
Normal Eyte 4:3, p.44
Board of Directors visit chapel as do Misses King and Supplee.
48 Untitled
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.303
Board of Directors; photo.
49 Board of Directors
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.295
Profiles of the current board members.
50 Society halls
Normal Eyte 3:30, p.233
Societies would like dedicated rooms in the new building; Board asks if they would accept rooms on third floor of Central Hall.