Board of Student Publications

Displaying 1 - 50 of 76 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Hetrick named Exec. Secretary of Student Publications Board
Northern Iowan 95:9, p.3
Professor and Head of Biology Department Barbara Hetrick is named Executive Secretary of Board of Student Publications; photo.
2 Business manager of "NI" retires after 25 years of service
Northern Iowan 92:55, p.1

Jeanene Robertson retires; photo.

3 Board of Student Publications offers students great way to make difference on campus
Northern Iowan 92:37, p.6
Urges students to apply for Board positions.
4 "Northern Iowan" selects executive staff
Northern Iowan 91:50, p.3
Jeff Mochal will be executive editor; David Ahlstrand will be managing editor; photo.
5 Board of Student Publications hears request for documents
Northern Iowan 90:46, p.1
Northern Iowan staff ask for documents relating to Northern Edition.
6 Board of Student Publications issues ultimatum to The Northern Edition
Northern Iowan 90:43, p.1
Editors try to comply with BSP standards.
7 Leadership competitions open to University of Northern Iowa students, student organizations and advisors
Public Relations News Release 0:393, p.1
UNI Leadership Development Program and the Office of Student Activities will present leadership awards.
8 Grievances to be filed against BSP election
Northern Iowan 90:28, p.1
NISG may not have followed election guidelines.
9 Board of Student Publications suspends The Northern Edition
Northern Iowan 90:25, p.1
Board has questions about liability, accountability, and conflict of interest.
10 "The Northern Edition's" president steps down
Northern Iowan 90:22, p.1
Jeff Lawton resigns because of possible conflict of interest with respect to his status as NISG senator.
11 NISG by-laws violate constitution
Northern Iowan 90:24, p.1
Recent legislation regarding interim committee seems unconstitutional; endorses proposal to allow Northern Edition to publish weekly.
12 Vote Ware for Board of Student Publications
Northern Iowan 90:21, p.7
Supports Eric Ware for office.
13 "The Northern Edition" format questioned
Northern Iowan 90:20, p.1
Controversy continues about stated goals and actual production of Northern Edition.
14 Funds for "The Northern Edition" frozen; staff must comply with guidelines including resigning from NISG
Northern Iowan 90:18, p.1
Board of Student Publications considers potential conflicts of interest.
15 Stick to definition
Northern Iowan 90:15, p.6
Believes Northern Edition is not delivering on its promised goals and is instead becoming a regular newspaper.
16 Board of Student Publications too "out of touch" to help
Northern Iowan 90:8, p.8
Has no faith in Board.
17 Students need Board of Student Publications
Northern Iowan 90:6, p.7
Believes Northern Edition should fall under jurisdiction of Board.
18 Grievance policy passed unanimously by Board
Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1
Roy Sandstrom develops grievance procedure.
19 Board of Student Publications looks at grievance guidelines
Northern Iowan 85:64, p.1
Will consider establishing a procedure for grievances against NI.
20 Seven seek seats on student board
Northern Iowan 85:39, p.1
Seven candidates running for two seats on the Board of Student Publications; purposes of the board.
21 Burns committed to board
Northern Iowan 85:38, p.2
Ricky Burns campaigns for the Board of Student Publications.
22 University of Northern Iowa's journal of student research and writing, 'Draftings In' series, presents two new volumes.
Public Relations News Release 1988:189, p.1
"Drafting in Economics: Major Themes," and "Drafting in Vonnegut: The Paradox of Hope," a compilation of eight student essays, were recently published at UNI.
23 Suchomel, Reiling to be next year's editors
Northern Iowan 84:56, p.1
Lisa Suchomel will be executive editor and Diane Reiling will be managing editor for 1988-1989; photo.
24 UNISA committee to investigate different funding method for NI
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.5
Has been increasing competition for UNISA funding.
25 Organizations require input
Northern Iowan 84:7, p.2
Invites comments on student publications.
26 Committee to research funding change for "NI"
Northern Iowan 83:59, p.6
Attempting to work around building problems with NI funding through UNISA.
27 Wubben announces committee to examine future "NI" funding
Northern Iowan 83:56, p.7
Will consider Board of Student Publications recommendation.
28 Reicks chosen as 1987-88 "NI" editor
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.4
Rod Reicks will be executive editor; photo.
29 New members named to Publication Board
Northern Iowan 83:25, p.4
Jerry Klinkowitz and Mary Franken will join board; some questions about reasons for changes.
30 New editors named
Northern Iowan 82:49, p.1
Denise Buchan will be summer executive editor; Rod Reicks will be 1986-1987 managing editor; photo.
31 Students contribute to first UNI student scholarly journal
Public Relations News Release 1986:255, p.1
The title of the journal will be "Draftings In;" it contains noteworthy research and writing by UNI graduate students and students in UNI's undergraduate honor society; it was published by the UNI Board of Student Publications.
32 NI executive editor granted leave of absence: new editor named
Northern Iowan 82:28, p.1
Linda Melton takes leave of absence; Gwynne Skinner will be executive editor.
33 Quality of campus journalism threatened
Northern Iowan 82:15, p.1
Due to limited funds, only two courses will be offered.
34 NI salaries increased
Northern Iowan 81:33, p.4
Editors' salaries increased in part due to Baty Scholarship money; a look at other NI expenses.
35 Board discusses changes
Northern Iowan 81:21, p.1
The Board of Student Publications considers the possibility of developing the editors' jobs into full-time positions.
36 Publications activities in '84
Northern Iowan 81:11, p.7
Board of Student Publications discusses Baty Scholarship, typesetting equipment, and budget.
37 Student publications undergo expansion
Northern Iowan 80:53, p.1
Establish graduate assistantship; considering scholarships and establishing "Draftings in . . . " series; considering future of Old Gold.
38 Two elected positions open for Board of Publications
Northern Iowan 79:8, p.6
Brief description of duties.
39 What's up
Northern Iowan 78:31, p.5
Meetings and activities; Business Education and Administrative Management; Black Hawk County Solar Energy Association; Coup de Tete.
40 Boards need students
Northern Iowan 78:21, p.7
Board of Student Publications has two vacancies.
41 Salary adjustments approved
Northern Iowan 78:21, p.8
Board of Student Publications approves $784 for NI staff salary adjustments; consider libel insurance.
42 Applicants needed
Northern Iowan 77:49, p.4
UNISA seeking members for Artists Series Committee and Board of Student Publications.
43 Publication Board reports two vacancies
Northern Iowan 77:32, p.4
Description of the board and its responsibilities.
44 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:38, p.5
Meetings and activities; HEW investigation.
45 3 campus groups have positions open
Northern Iowan 76:35, p.5
Positions are available on the Board of Student Publications, Residence Hall Association and the Union Policy Board.
46 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:25, p.12
Meetings and activities; Christmas Cantata.
47 Publications officers elected
Northern Iowan 76:18, p.6
Joan Welsh and Steve Hastings were elected Chairperson and Vice President, respectively, of the Board of Student Publications.
48 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:15, p.4
Meetings and activities.
49 What's up
Northern Iowan 76:6, p.7
Meetings and activities; backgammon tournament; French speakers.
50 Board of Student Publications
Northern Iowan 75:54, p.3
Will meet to discuss the summer schedule.