Board of Student Publications
Displaying 1 - 50 of 76 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Hetrick named Exec. Secretary of Student Publications Board Northern Iowan 95:9, p.3 |
Professor and Head of Biology Department Barbara Hetrick is named Executive Secretary of Board of Student Publications; photo. | |
2 | Business manager of "NI" retires after 25 years of service Northern Iowan 92:55, p.1 |
Jeanene Robertson retires; photo. |
3 | Board of Student Publications offers students great way to make difference on campus Northern Iowan 92:37, p.6 |
Urges students to apply for Board positions. | |
4 | "Northern Iowan" selects executive staff Northern Iowan 91:50, p.3 |
Jeff Mochal will be executive editor; David Ahlstrand will be managing editor; photo. | |
5 | Board of Student Publications hears request for documents Northern Iowan 90:46, p.1 |
Northern Iowan staff ask for documents relating to Northern Edition. | |
6 | Board of Student Publications issues ultimatum to The Northern Edition Northern Iowan 90:43, p.1 |
Editors try to comply with BSP standards. | |
7 | Leadership competitions open to University of Northern Iowa students, student organizations and advisors Public Relations News Release 0:393, p.1 |
UNI Leadership Development Program and the Office of Student Activities will present leadership awards. | |
8 | Grievances to be filed against BSP election Northern Iowan 90:28, p.1 |
NISG may not have followed election guidelines. | |
9 | Board of Student Publications suspends The Northern Edition Northern Iowan 90:25, p.1 |
Board has questions about liability, accountability, and conflict of interest. | |
10 | "The Northern Edition's" president steps down Northern Iowan 90:22, p.1 |
Jeff Lawton resigns because of possible conflict of interest with respect to his status as NISG senator. | |
11 | NISG by-laws violate constitution Northern Iowan 90:24, p.1 |
Recent legislation regarding interim committee seems unconstitutional; endorses proposal to allow Northern Edition to publish weekly. | |
12 | Vote Ware for Board of Student Publications Northern Iowan 90:21, p.7 |
Supports Eric Ware for office. | |
13 | "The Northern Edition" format questioned Northern Iowan 90:20, p.1 |
Controversy continues about stated goals and actual production of Northern Edition. | |
14 | Funds for "The Northern Edition" frozen; staff must comply with guidelines including resigning from NISG Northern Iowan 90:18, p.1 |
Board of Student Publications considers potential conflicts of interest. | |
15 | Stick to definition Northern Iowan 90:15, p.6 |
Believes Northern Edition is not delivering on its promised goals and is instead becoming a regular newspaper. | |
16 | Board of Student Publications too "out of touch" to help Northern Iowan 90:8, p.8 |
Has no faith in Board. | |
17 | Students need Board of Student Publications Northern Iowan 90:6, p.7 |
Believes Northern Edition should fall under jurisdiction of Board. | |
18 | Grievance policy passed unanimously by Board Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1 |
Roy Sandstrom develops grievance procedure. | |
19 | Board of Student Publications looks at grievance guidelines Northern Iowan 85:64, p.1 |
Will consider establishing a procedure for grievances against NI. | |
20 | Seven seek seats on student board Northern Iowan 85:39, p.1 |
Seven candidates running for two seats on the Board of Student Publications; purposes of the board. | |
21 | Burns committed to board Northern Iowan 85:38, p.2 |
Ricky Burns campaigns for the Board of Student Publications. | |
22 | University of Northern Iowa's journal of student research and writing, 'Draftings In' series, presents two new volumes. Public Relations News Release 1988:189, p.1 |
"Drafting in Economics: Major Themes," and "Drafting in Vonnegut: The Paradox of Hope," a compilation of eight student essays, were recently published at UNI. | |
23 | Suchomel, Reiling to be next year's editors Northern Iowan 84:56, p.1 |
Lisa Suchomel will be executive editor and Diane Reiling will be managing editor for 1988-1989; photo. | |
24 | UNISA committee to investigate different funding method for NI Northern Iowan 84:9, p.5 |
Has been increasing competition for UNISA funding. | |
25 | Organizations require input Northern Iowan 84:7, p.2 |
Invites comments on student publications. | |
26 | Committee to research funding change for "NI" Northern Iowan 83:59, p.6 |
Attempting to work around building problems with NI funding through UNISA. | |
27 | Wubben announces committee to examine future "NI" funding Northern Iowan 83:56, p.7 |
Will consider Board of Student Publications recommendation. | |
28 | Reicks chosen as 1987-88 "NI" editor Northern Iowan 83:43, p.4 |
Rod Reicks will be executive editor; photo. | |
29 | New members named to Publication Board Northern Iowan 83:25, p.4 |
Jerry Klinkowitz and Mary Franken will join board; some questions about reasons for changes. | |
30 | New editors named Northern Iowan 82:49, p.1 |
Denise Buchan will be summer executive editor; Rod Reicks will be 1986-1987 managing editor; photo. | |
31 | Students contribute to first UNI student scholarly journal Public Relations News Release 1986:255, p.1 |
The title of the journal will be "Draftings In;" it contains noteworthy research and writing by UNI graduate students and students in UNI's undergraduate honor society; it was published by the UNI Board of Student Publications. | |
32 | NI executive editor granted leave of absence: new editor named Northern Iowan 82:28, p.1 |
Linda Melton takes leave of absence; Gwynne Skinner will be executive editor. | |
33 | Quality of campus journalism threatened Northern Iowan 82:15, p.1 |
Due to limited funds, only two courses will be offered. | |
34 | NI salaries increased Northern Iowan 81:33, p.4 |
Editors' salaries increased in part due to Baty Scholarship money; a look at other NI expenses. | |
35 | Board discusses changes Northern Iowan 81:21, p.1 |
The Board of Student Publications considers the possibility of developing the editors' jobs into full-time positions. | |
36 | Publications activities in '84 Northern Iowan 81:11, p.7 |
Board of Student Publications discusses Baty Scholarship, typesetting equipment, and budget. | |
37 | Student publications undergo expansion Northern Iowan 80:53, p.1 |
Establish graduate assistantship; considering scholarships and establishing "Draftings in . . . " series; considering future of Old Gold. | |
38 | Two elected positions open for Board of Publications Northern Iowan 79:8, p.6 |
Brief description of duties. | |
39 | What's up Northern Iowan 78:31, p.5 |
Meetings and activities; Business Education and Administrative Management; Black Hawk County Solar Energy Association; Coup de Tete. | |
40 | Boards need students Northern Iowan 78:21, p.7 |
Board of Student Publications has two vacancies. | |
41 | Salary adjustments approved Northern Iowan 78:21, p.8 |
Board of Student Publications approves $784 for NI staff salary adjustments; consider libel insurance. | |
42 | Applicants needed Northern Iowan 77:49, p.4 |
UNISA seeking members for Artists Series Committee and Board of Student Publications. | |
43 | Publication Board reports two vacancies Northern Iowan 77:32, p.4 |
Description of the board and its responsibilities. | |
44 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:38, p.5 |
Meetings and activities; HEW investigation. | |
45 | 3 campus groups have positions open Northern Iowan 76:35, p.5 |
Positions are available on the Board of Student Publications, Residence Hall Association and the Union Policy Board. | |
46 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:25, p.12 |
Meetings and activities; Christmas Cantata. | |
47 | Publications officers elected Northern Iowan 76:18, p.6 |
Joan Welsh and Steve Hastings were elected Chairperson and Vice President, respectively, of the Board of Student Publications. | |
48 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:15, p.4 |
Meetings and activities. | |
49 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:6, p.7 |
Meetings and activities; backgammon tournament; French speakers. | |
50 | Board of Student Publications Northern Iowan 75:54, p.3 |
Will meet to discuss the summer schedule. |