Bock--Emil William (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 230 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student and faculty life at ISTC
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
2 The impact of World War II
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.111
President Price manages the college during the War; effects of the WAVES and the Army Air Corps; the effects of the returning veterans; photo.
3 Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.359
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo.
4 Verna Kennedy retires after 45 years in UNI Controller's Office
Public Relations News Release 1986:469, p.1

She says "What I'll miss are the people I've worked with through the years, as well as the University community. This has been a wonderful place to work;" there was a reception held in her honor; only one other person has worked at UNI longer.

5 UNI Elderhostel program to offer courses on American music heritage, religious history, Afghan society, July 6-12
Public Relations News Release 1986:453, p.1
Those who are at least sixty years old or whose spouse/companion is at least sixty years are invited in attend; they will take classes, participate in outside activities, and live and eat in the dorms.
6 Elderhostel to focus on music, religion, Afghanistan July 6-12
Alumnus 70:4, p.7
Courses and faculty listed.
7 Elderhostel scheduled July 7-13
Alumnus 70:1, p.6
8 Emil Bock to retire; on staff since 1939
Alumnus 68:3, p.9

Brief biographical sketch; photo.

9 Faculty recital planned
Northern Iowan 80:56, p.13
Program and performers.
10 School of Music boasts top-rated musical groups
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
The School of Music boasts many top-rated musical organizations; photo.
11 Bock, Baum give sonata recital
Northern Iowan 76:43, p.6
Emil Bock and Russell Baum will perform together at the UNI School of Music. The two have been playing together since 1939.
12 School of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
The School of Music offers a complete and varied music education, including a balanced curriculum in teacher training. Facilities include recital hall, a music library 50 practice rooms; photo.
13 Sonata recital
Northern Iowan 75:21, p.4
Professors Bock and Baum will play.
14 Faculty recital
Northern Iowan 74:22, p.4
Professors Bock and Baum will present a faculty recital entitled "Three Romantic Sonatas".
15 Music's invisible change
UNI Century 5:4, p.4
Professor Ron Ross talks about the wide-ranging program of study in music; photo.
16 Profs perform
Northern Iowan 73:24, p.5
Emil Bock and Russell Baum will perform in Russell Hall.
17 Faculty concert
Northern Iowan 72:25, p.4
Professors Bock and Baum will perform.
18 Faculty concerts
Northern Iowan 71:49, p.4
Will feature performers from the music faculty.
19 String Quartet
Northern Iowan 70:42, p.5
Concert program.
20 Sonata recital
Northern Iowan 70:32, p.6
Program for Professor Bock's performance.
21 New music course
Northern Iowan 70:24, p.1
Professor Bock will offer "Music in World Cultures".
22 Former music head retires after 44 years at UNI
Northern Iowan 69:61, p.1

Tribute to Myron Russell.

23 Profs to present annual recital
Northern Iowan 69:40, p.5
Professors Baum and Bock will present their 28th recital; concert program.
24 Russell Baum to Present UNI faculty Recital
Public Relations News Release 1972:60, p.1
Baum to present piano recital in Music Hall on Oct. 10. He will be assited by the UNI string trio.
25 UNI 1970 Year-End Story
Public Relations News Release 1970:274, p.1
Summary of 1970: faculty, budget, course and curriculum changes, students and fees, special academic programs, visiting artists and lecturers, general events and projects, minority group education, and building programs.
26 UNI Faculty to Present Faculty Music Recital
Public Relations News Release 1970:224, p.1
Three faculty members will present a recital on Dec. 7 in the Music Hall.
27 Baum to present recital
Public Relations News Release 67:7, p.12
Concert program.
28 Russel Baum to Present UNI Faculty Recital
Public Relations News Release 1970:66, p.1
Baum will present a piano recital with the UNI string quartet on Oct. 11 in Music Hall.
29 Solo Ensemble Concert at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:715, p.1

The UNI Music Department will present a solo ensemble recital at 7:30 p.m. July 28th.

30 Tallcorn Music Camp to Open at UNI July 26
Public Relations News Release 1969:710, p.1
UNI Tallcorn Music Camp being held July 26 through August 1; list of activities
31 Student Recital Scheduled at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:683, p.1

Roger Birkeland will present one baroque and three contemporary pieces for the saxophone in Music Hall on July 14 at 8:15 p.m. The concert is the 44th of the 1969-70 student recital series.

32 15 Cedar Falls-Waterloo area youths to give recital
Public Relations News Release 1969:618, p.1
Students and members of the UNI Music Department will present selections in the Music Hall.
33 Bock named to replace Holvik
Northern Iowan 66:40, p.1
Professor Bock will be acting head after Professor Holvik suffers heart attack.
34 Dr. Bock named acting H=head of UNI Music Department
Public Relations News Release 1969:382, p.1
Professor Bock will replace Professor Holvik as the acting head of the music department.
35 Regents Approve Leaves of Absence for UNI Faculty Members
Public Relations News Release 1969:329, p.1
12 UNI faculty members were approved for leaves of absence; projects
36 UNI Faculty Concert to Feature Beethoven
Public Relations News Release 1969:296, p.1
First program in 1970 Faculty Concert Series will feature Beethovan sonatas.
37 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.4
Campus news wrap-up consisting of short articles about many people and events; photo.
38 Collegium Musicum to be Presented at UNI Monday
Public Relations News Release 1969:209, p.1
"Music from Seventeenth Century German".
39 Potpourri
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.8
Activities and meetings.
40 Prof to Present Third Faculty Concert of Season
Public Relations News Release 1969:63, p.1
41 Miss Birkhead to Present First Program in Faculty Concert Series
Public Relations News Release 1969:27, p.1
The first in a series of faculty concerts.
42 Old friends meet again
Alumnus 53:3, p.18
Winners of Alumni Service Awards honored; photo.
43 Music faculty to present concert Tuesday
Northern Iowan 64:60, p.4
Several professors will present work; concert program.
44 4 faculty give concert Monday
Northern Iowan 64:41, p.16
String quartet will perform
45 2 music professors to give recital Monday
Northern Iowan 64:29, p.8
Professors Bock and Baum will perform.
46 Russell Baum to present piano recital
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.8
Will play with Professors Bock, Holvik, and Coleman.
47 Sonata recital presented by Bock and Baum
College Eye 63:35, p.8
48 Baum presents piano recital Sunday night
College Eye 63:15, p.8
Performance program.
49 Recital this Sunday in Music Hall
College Eye 60:34, p.3
Professors Bock and Baum will perform.
50 Faculty and students to give recital
College Eye 60:10, p.3
Will present medieval and Renaissance music.