Boos--Eleanor (Student--1961)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Concert Monday of American composers works
College Eye 56:31, p.1
PMA and SAI will present concert.
2 Granneman, Boos senior recital to be Monday
College Eye 56:27, p.8
Eleanor Boos and Wayne Granneman will perform.
3 SAI finalists to compete for award March 9
College Eye 56:19, p.3
Five finalists selected from eleven competitors.
4 Untitled
College Eye 56:2, p.8
New transfers and freshmen are initiated into Associated Women Students organization.
5 A Cappella Choir Tours Northeast Iowa
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
A Cappella Choir consists of men and women who shoe special interests and outstanding ability in choral music. The Choir makes its first appearance at the traditional tree lighting ceremony in December and joined the Women's Chorus in song. The Choir sand at other important events and traveled around Iowa to perform at other colleges.
6 Women's Chorus Presents Spring Concert
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
The 120 members of Women's Chorus, under the direction of Miss Jane Mauck, joined with College Chorus and the A Cappella Choir in singing the Messiah; photo.
7 MENC Sponsors Exchange Concerts
Old Gold 0:0, p.177

The Music Educators National Conference strives to improve the music education in our public schools; the sponsor of this organization was Mr. John Mitchell; also Mr. McClowen spoke on what it means to be a "music educator;" photo.

8 Young Republicans Meet State Candidates
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
The Young Republicans Club aims at gaining knowledge of the Republican Party, meeting their candidates, and gaining experience in politics; they volunteered their services to help the Black Hawk County Republican Committee with the fall election; photo.
9 Lutherans Attend Regional Conferences
Old Gold 0:0, p.198

The Lutheran Student Association held Thursday evening vespers and Sunday suppers; these members were offered by regional conferences the opportunity to meet with other LSA'ers from Iowa and the Middle West; photo.

10 Freshmen
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Photo directory and names of freshmen; photos