Bowes--Margaret (Student--1906; Music Staff)

Displaying 1 - 35 of 35 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Memories gather as reunions near
Alumnus 50:2, p.10
Memories of student life in 1905, 1915, 1925, and 1940; photo.
2 25 years ago in the Normal Eyte
College Eye 17:16, p.6
News from the old days.
3 Margaret Bowes
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.4
Margaret Bowes works in the Analysis Department of the Iowa National Bank in Des Moines.
4 Eagle Grove items
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.4
Anna Gertrude Childs visited Eagle Grove and learned about former students.
5 The following note
Normal Eyte 20:22, p.371
Margaret Bowes was in an accident.
6 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 17:35, p.559
Will teach in Eagle Grove.
7 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 17:1, p.9
Teaching in Clarion.
8 The Alpha Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.81
Brief history of the society and a quick look at some of the activities of the group; photo.
9 The Cecilian Glee Club
Pedagog 0:0, p.112

History of the group with a closer look at current activities; photo.

10 One evening last week
Normal Eyte 16:34, p.547
Nu Omicron Nus have party.
11 Mrs. Hennebury of Eagle Grove
Normal Eyte 16:32, p.512
Visiting sister Margaret Bowes.
12 Margaret Bowes, Margaret Kelly, John Hilliard
Normal Eyte 16:31, p.495
Went to oratorical contest.
13 Florence Thompson, Margaret Bowes, Jessie Stuart, Della Mack, and Maude McChane
Normal Eyte 16:28, p.446
Went home for Easter.
14 Wednesday p. m.
Normal Eyte 16:27, p.430
Pupils of Professors Curtiss, Merrill, and Gray performed.
15 During vacation
Normal Eyte 16:25, p.397
Minnesingers gave concerts in Ackley, Iowa Falls, and Eagle Grove.
16 The Minnesinger tour
Normal Eyte 16:25, p.386
Lengthy account of the group's itinerary and performances in Iowa towns.
17 Society
Normal Eyte 16:24, p.377

Shakes held Far North program; Aristos, Zetas, and Philos all held meetings.

18 Tuesday evening
Normal Eyte 16:21, p.335
Nu Omicron Nus hold party.
19 On Saturday evening
Normal Eyte 16:21, p.335
Nu Omicron Nu has party.
20 Thursday evening
Normal Eyte 16:18, p.286
Margaret Oliver entertained in honor of her sister Katherine.
21 Wednesday evening
Normal Eyte 16:18, p.286
Voice and piano students gave recital.
22 Saturday evening Pres. and Mrs. Seerley
Normal Eyte 16:11, p.174
Entertained several faculty members.
23 Recital
Normal Eyte 16:11, p.164
Program for the recital given by the students in the piano and voice department.
24 Saturday evening
Normal Eyte 16:11, p.175
Alphas and Philos entertained by honorary members.
25 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 16:9, p.139
Visited Iowa City.
26 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 16:7, p.109
Visited Eagle Grove.
27 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 16:6, p.92
Visited Waterloo.
28 Ames debaters chosen
Normal Eyte 16:5, p.65
John Cherny, Charles Mantle, and Deforest Ferris selected; Clarence Steelsmith is alternate
29 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 16:5, p.75
Friend visited.
30 Alpha
Normal Eyte 16:3, p.39
Enjoyed James Whitcomb Riley program.
31 Last week
Normal Eyte 16:2, p.30
Nu Omicron Nu holds initiation for Margaret Bowes and Madge Ellsworth.
32 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 15:34, p.541
Sister visiting.
33 The Cecilian Glee Club
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.52
Group organized in 1888; unites yearly with the Minnesingers to perform at Commencement; photo.
34 One of the most unique and pleasing programs of the year
Normal Eyte 15:31, p.495
Shakespearean Circle presented program on Japan.
35 Margaret Bowes
Normal Eyte 15:17, p.269
Visited her home in Eagle Grove.