Boyd--W. R. (Board of Education)

Displaying 1 - 48 of 48 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The George T. Baker Hall opened for use
Alumnus 20:3, p.1
Baker Hall dedicated on May 27; Governor Herring attends ceremony; others, including Mr. Baker, make brief remarks; short description of facilities; photo.
2 Dr. Homer H. Seerley
Public Relations News Release 1932:143, p.1
Biography of the late President Seerley.
3 School ma'ams will lay down their rulers and blue pencils
Public Relations News Release 1929:532, p.1
Alumni to attend annual commencement banquet.
4 Member of the Finance Committee
Public Relations News Release 1929:59, p.1
The Finance Committee announced that there will be a meeting.
5 Mr. W. R. Boyd of Cedar Rapids
College Eye 20:10, p.5
Members of the Finance Committee of State Board make monthly visit to Teachers College.
6 First convocation to be Wed. June 27
College Eye 19:40, p.1
W. R. Boyd will speak.
7 Prominent leaders to speak at convocation
College Eye 19:39, p.1
8 W. R. Boyd
College Eye 18:50, p.7
Chairman of the finance committee of the State Board of Education; visited campus on business.
9 Judges of Illinois Central contest
College Eye 18:27, p.1
Samuel O. Dunn, James M. Thomson, Dr. Julius Parmalee, James M. Graham, Granger Mitchell, W. R. Boyd: judges for the Illinois Central essay contest; photo.
10 State Board of Educators
Old Gold 0:0, p.18
Roster of the board and their committee assignments.
11 Presented by State Board of Education; program to be in auditorium today at 11 a.m.
College Eye 16:15, p.1
Bartlett Hall's new addition formally presented to students by the Board of Education; total cost of all units is $475,000; provides housing for five hundred women; photo.
12 Mr. W. R. Boyd
College Eye 15:28, p.8
Gave a speech in Cedar Rapids.
13 Messrs. W. H. Gemmill and W. R. Boyd
College Eye 14:55, p.4
Visited campus; members of the State Board of Education Finance Committee.
14 Hon. W. R. Boyd
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.7
W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee, delivers the midsummer commencement address.
15 Hon. W. R. Boyd
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.8
W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee, delivers the principal address at the 30th Anniversary Dinner of the Concert Band.
16 W. R. Boyd, W. H. Gemmill, and Thomas Lambert
College Eye 13:12, p.8

Visited campus on business.

17 W. R. Boyd
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.
Boyd discusses monetary compensation and teaching.
18 Alumni breakfast
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.2
The Alumni Association holds its annual breakfast in the college gymnasium, where Professor W. D. Wiler presides as toast master, and Ms. Sara F. Rice delivers the invocation.
19 W. R. Boyd
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.6
W. R. Boyd spoke by request of Governor Phillips before the General Assembly of the State of Wisconsin concerning the State University of Iowa.
20 Iowa Board of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Roster of Board members, finance committee, faculty committee, building and business committee, and inspector of high schools.
21 Faculty Club ends successful year
College Eye 11:30, p.1
Review of events at final Faculty Men's Club meeting of the year.
22 Hon. W. R. Boyd's address
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.2
W. R. Boyd gave address on "What is the Matter in America." It was very popular and second edition was printed.
23 Hon. W. R. Boyd
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.2
W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Iowa State Board of Education, gave an address, " What is the matter in America", before the Faculty Club.
24 Iowa State Board of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
Roster of members and their hometowns.
25 Hon. W. R. Boyd
College Eye 10:19, p.2
Spoke on children's hospital at University of Iowa.
26 Finance Committee performs important functions
College Eye 10:2, p.4
Committee makes series of faculty appointments.
27 Iowa State Board of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
Roster of officers, members, and committees.
28 Official
College Eye 9:12, p.5
News of other colleges; faculty changes; consolidated school update; financial board met.
29 State Board of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Rosters of the members of the Board of Education.
30 State Board of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.7
Roster of members of the board and its committees.
31 Official Notes
College Eye 1:7, p.2
Local, state, and national education news; faculty outlines major courses of study for those in the college course.
32 Untitled
College Eye 1:2, p.2
Student, alumni, and other news notes.
33 Board of Control of Iowa State Educational Institution
Old Gold 0:0, p.9
Roster of members of the Board.
34 State Board of Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.11
Roster of members on the Board of Education and Finance Committee.
35 State board meets here; nine members of state Board of Education are holding meetings in Cedar Falls
Normal Eyte 20:34, p.564
First time for new Board of Education to meet in Cedar Falls; will be entertained and attend Spring Music Festival.
36 Official
Normal Eyte 20:31, p.508
Summer session bulletin ready; Judge McDuffie may attend Commencement; Board may be on campus for Spring Music Festival; University of Iowa may organize college hospital system similar to that of ISTC.
37 State board will meet; governing board of Teachers College plans to meet here some time in May
Normal Eyte 20:30, p.494
Will be first time Board of Education has met in Cedar Falls; will look at ISTC needs, including buildings for manual arts, training school, fine arts, college hospital, power house, greenhouse, tennis courts, and athletics seating.
38 Faculty members meet; teachers from three state schools confer on uniform entrance requirements
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.419
Considering standards for admission from high school.
39 Hon. W. R. Boyd
Normal Eyte 20:21, p.353
Attended to business on College Hill.
40 Official
Normal Eyte 20:18, p.296
State and national educational news.
41 Secretary Emery
Normal Eyte 20:17, p.289
Was in Cedar Falls.
42 Official
Normal Eyte 20:17, p.281
Chicago alumni group may organize; alumni attend Iowa dinner in North Dakota; membership of Board of Education standing committees.
43 Official
Normal Eyte 20:10, p.168

Preparations for the College Hospital; Carrie Parker resigns; former Professor Loughridge doing well at Des Moines College; many alumni and faculty active in ISTA.

44 Hon. W. R. Boyd
Normal Eyte 20:9, p.161
Visited the campus, along with Hon. Thomas Lambert and Hon. D. D. Murphy.
45 Finance Committee here; school to have a hospital
Normal Eyte 20:4, p.67
When the Seerley family moves out of the President's Cottage, the building will be converted to a hospital; tentative plans underway.
46 Mr. Boyd
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.15
Member of the Board of Education visited last Thursday.
47 What happened during the summer
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.4
News notes of faculty and student summer activities.
48 Ames-Normal debate; seventh annual debate between Normal and State college fiercely contested
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.148
Ames defeated ISNS; series now stands at 4-3.