Boyd--W. R. (Board of Education)
Displaying 1 - 48 of 48 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | The George T. Baker Hall opened for use Alumnus 20:3, p.1 |
Baker Hall dedicated on May 27; Governor Herring attends ceremony; others, including Mr. Baker, make brief remarks; short description of facilities; photo. | |
2 | Dr. Homer H. Seerley Public Relations News Release 1932:143, p.1 |
Biography of the late President Seerley. | |
3 | School ma'ams will lay down their rulers and blue pencils Public Relations News Release 1929:532, p.1 |
Alumni to attend annual commencement banquet. | |
4 | Member of the Finance Committee Public Relations News Release 1929:59, p.1 |
The Finance Committee announced that there will be a meeting. | |
5 | Mr. W. R. Boyd of Cedar Rapids College Eye 20:10, p.5 |
Members of the Finance Committee of State Board make monthly visit to Teachers College. | |
6 | First convocation to be Wed. June 27 College Eye 19:40, p.1 |
W. R. Boyd will speak. | |
7 | Prominent leaders to speak at convocation College Eye 19:39, p.1 |
8 | W. R. Boyd College Eye 18:50, p.7 |
Chairman of the finance committee of the State Board of Education; visited campus on business. | |
9 | Judges of Illinois Central contest College Eye 18:27, p.1 |
Samuel O. Dunn, James M. Thomson, Dr. Julius Parmalee, James M. Graham, Granger Mitchell, W. R. Boyd: judges for the Illinois Central essay contest; photo. | |
10 | State Board of Educators Old Gold 0:0, p.18 |
Roster of the board and their committee assignments. | |
11 | Presented by State Board of Education; program to be in auditorium today at 11 a.m. College Eye 16:15, p.1 |
Bartlett Hall's new addition formally presented to students by the Board of Education; total cost of all units is $475,000; provides housing for five hundred women; photo. | |
12 | Mr. W. R. Boyd College Eye 15:28, p.8 |
Gave a speech in Cedar Rapids. | |
13 | Messrs. W. H. Gemmill and W. R. Boyd College Eye 14:55, p.4 |
Visited campus; members of the State Board of Education Finance Committee. | |
14 | Hon. W. R. Boyd Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.7 |
W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee, delivers the midsummer commencement address. | |
15 | Hon. W. R. Boyd Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.8 |
W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee, delivers the principal address at the 30th Anniversary Dinner of the Concert Band. | |
16 | W. R. Boyd, W. H. Gemmill, and Thomas Lambert College Eye 13:12, p.8 |
Visited campus on business. |
17 | W. R. Boyd Alumni News Letter 5:3, p. |
Boyd discusses monetary compensation and teaching. | |
18 | Alumni breakfast Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.2 |
The Alumni Association holds its annual breakfast in the college gymnasium, where Professor W. D. Wiler presides as toast master, and Ms. Sara F. Rice delivers the invocation. | |
19 | W. R. Boyd Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.6 |
W. R. Boyd spoke by request of Governor Phillips before the General Assembly of the State of Wisconsin concerning the State University of Iowa. | |
20 | Iowa Board of Education Old Gold 0:0, p.21 |
Roster of Board members, finance committee, faculty committee, building and business committee, and inspector of high schools. | |
21 | Faculty Club ends successful year College Eye 11:30, p.1 |
Review of events at final Faculty Men's Club meeting of the year. | |
22 | Hon. W. R. Boyd's address Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.2 |
W. R. Boyd gave address on "What is the Matter in America." It was very popular and second edition was printed. | |
23 | Hon. W. R. Boyd Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.2 |
W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Iowa State Board of Education, gave an address, " What is the matter in America", before the Faculty Club. | |
24 | Iowa State Board of Education Old Gold 0:0, p.25 |
Roster of members and their hometowns. | |
25 | Hon. W. R. Boyd College Eye 10:19, p.2 |
Spoke on children's hospital at University of Iowa. | |
26 | Finance Committee performs important functions College Eye 10:2, p.4 |
Committee makes series of faculty appointments. | |
27 | Iowa State Board of Education Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
Roster of officers, members, and committees. | |
28 | Official College Eye 9:12, p.5 |
News of other colleges; faculty changes; consolidated school update; financial board met. | |
29 | State Board of Education Old Gold 0:0, p.21 |
Rosters of the members of the Board of Education. | |
30 | State Board of Education Old Gold 0:0, p.7 |
Roster of members of the board and its committees. | |
31 | Official Notes College Eye 1:7, p.2 |
Local, state, and national education news; faculty outlines major courses of study for those in the college course. | |
32 | Untitled College Eye 1:2, p.2 |
Student, alumni, and other news notes. | |
33 | Board of Control of Iowa State Educational Institution Old Gold 0:0, p.9 |
Roster of members of the Board. | |
34 | State Board of Education Old Gold 0:0, p.11 |
Roster of members on the Board of Education and Finance Committee. | |
35 | State board meets here; nine members of state Board of Education are holding meetings in Cedar Falls Normal Eyte 20:34, p.564 |
First time for new Board of Education to meet in Cedar Falls; will be entertained and attend Spring Music Festival. | |
36 | Official Normal Eyte 20:31, p.508 |
Summer session bulletin ready; Judge McDuffie may attend Commencement; Board may be on campus for Spring Music Festival; University of Iowa may organize college hospital system similar to that of ISTC. | |
37 | State board will meet; governing board of Teachers College plans to meet here some time in May Normal Eyte 20:30, p.494 |
Will be first time Board of Education has met in Cedar Falls; will look at ISTC needs, including buildings for manual arts, training school, fine arts, college hospital, power house, greenhouse, tennis courts, and athletics seating. | |
38 | Faculty members meet; teachers from three state schools confer on uniform entrance requirements Normal Eyte 20:25, p.419 |
Considering standards for admission from high school. | |
39 | Hon. W. R. Boyd Normal Eyte 20:21, p.353 |
Attended to business on College Hill. | |
40 | Official Normal Eyte 20:18, p.296 |
State and national educational news. | |
41 | Secretary Emery Normal Eyte 20:17, p.289 |
Was in Cedar Falls. | |
42 | Official Normal Eyte 20:17, p.281 |
Chicago alumni group may organize; alumni attend Iowa dinner in North Dakota; membership of Board of Education standing committees. | |
43 | Official Normal Eyte 20:10, p.168 |
Preparations for the College Hospital; Carrie Parker resigns; former Professor Loughridge doing well at Des Moines College; many alumni and faculty active in ISTA. |
44 | Hon. W. R. Boyd Normal Eyte 20:9, p.161 |
Visited the campus, along with Hon. Thomas Lambert and Hon. D. D. Murphy. | |
45 | Finance Committee here; school to have a hospital Normal Eyte 20:4, p.67 |
When the Seerley family moves out of the President's Cottage, the building will be converted to a hospital; tentative plans underway. | |
46 | Mr. Boyd Normal Eyte 20:1, p.15 |
Member of the Board of Education visited last Thursday. | |
47 | What happened during the summer Normal Eyte 20:1, p.4 |
News notes of faculty and student summer activities. | |
48 | Ames-Normal debate; seventh annual debate between Normal and State college fiercely contested Normal Eyte 13:10, p.148 |
Ames defeated ISNS; series now stands at 4-3. |