Brantley--Christian Louis (Student--2007)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Three Panthers wrestle in NCAA Tournament
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.12
David Bonin, Ryan Loder, and Christian Brantley qualified for the NCAA Wrestling Championship tournament. Loder was the only Panther seeded.
2 Panthers advance three wrestlers to NCAA tournament
Northern Iowan 107:43, p.9
Ryan Loder, Christian Brantley, and David Bonin will compete in Philadelphia; photo.
3 UNI wrestling knocks off No. 24 ranked Wyoming
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.14
In the last dual meet of the season, Panthers defeat the Cowboys, 19-13. Panthers win the Western Wrestling Conference title; photo.
4 Panthers fall short to No. 16 Nebraska
Northern Iowan 107:30, p.9
Wrestling match came down to the final match of the evening. Nebraska wins 18-14.
5 UNI wrestling team posts victories over NDSU and SDSU
Northern Iowan 107:29, p.9
Panthers start the Western Wrestling Conference schedule with victories over North Dakota State and South Dakota State. The team's record is 7-7.
6 UNI wrestling searching for new head coach
Northern Iowan 106:49, p.11
Brad Penrith has not been retained as head coach of the UNI wrestling program. He has been head coach for ten years and served as an assistant for three years prior to that; photo.
7 All-American Beets takes eighth place
Northern Iowan 106:44, p.5
Jarion Beets was unseeded in the NCAA wrestling tournament, but made his mark. He was named All-American and placed eighth at 174 pounds.
8 Wrestling earns three automatic berths to NCAA Championships
Northern Iowan 106:42, p.12
Trent Washington, Christian Brantley, and Jarion Beets all won their respective weight classes in the 2010 West Regional Championships. Penrith named Coach of the Year.
9 Panther athletics in full force
Northern Iowan 106:35, p.8
Men's and women's basketball teams compete against Bradley. Women's swimming at conference championships, wrestling returns home, softball hosts Dome Classic, tennis team at home, and the track and field teams are in Ames; photo.
10 Wrestlers drop two of three
Northern Iowan 106:34, p.17
Wrestlers defeated by Oklahoma State, 30-6, defeated Appalachian State, 30-9, and fell to Chattanooga, 16-15.
11 Panthers pick up two conference wins
Northern Iowan 2008:30, p.9
Wrestling team defeats Northern Colorado 35-3, and South Dakota State, 35-6; photo.
12 Panther wrestling struggles with top-notch competition
Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.11
Panther wrestling starts the portion of their season against teams of equal abilities. Conference matches begin. Competing against five top ten ranked teams in the nation has been a brutal challenge.
13 Wrestlers compete at Northwestern Duals
Northern Iowan 106:23, p.13
Wrestlers defeat Eastern Michigan and lose to Purdue and Stanford. Coach Penrith was pleased with the competition for his team; photo.
14 Wrestlers look to build upon top 25 finish
Northern Iowan 106:22, p.14
Seven national qualifiers return for wrestling team that finished twenty-second at the NCAA Championships.
15 Grapplers head to West Regional, lineup set
Northern Iowan 105:41, p.10
Wrestlers named to compete in the NCAA qualifying meet at the University of Northern Colorado.
16 Alex Dolly prevails in Ames; Panthers lose, 26-9
Northern Iowan 105:34, p.19
Close look at the wrestling meet with Iowa State University; photo.
17 Tough competition awaits Panthers in Ames
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.12
Panther wrestling team travels to Ames for a match with the No. 2 rated Cyclones; photo.
18 No. 22 wrestlers tame Northern Illinois, 34-6
Northern Iowan 105:32, p.20
Winning 9 of 10 matches UNI defeats Northern Illinois in wrestling. The win followed a lop-sided loss to Oklahoma State; photo.
19 Oklahoma State wrestlers handle Panthers
Northern Iowan 105:31, p.7
Wrestling team loses to thirteenth ranked Oklahoma State, 31-3; photo.
20 Wrestling flattens Northern Colorado and Air Force
Northern Iowan 105:29, p.12
Wrestling team defeats Northern Colorado, 28-13 and the Air Force Academy, 42-0.
21 UNI hosts Cliff Keen National Duals
Northern Iowan 105:28, p.12

Fifteen of the top twenty-five wrestling teams in the nation competed in the UNI-Dome during the National Duals Tournament. Number 1 rated University of Iowa won the tournament.

22 Brantley claims UNI Open title
Northern Iowan 105:26, p.20
Christian Brantley defeated Eric Thompson in finals at wrestling meet.
23 Wrestlers score nine titles at Loras Open; Panthers win titles in every weight class represented
Northern Iowan 105:21, p.16
Performance also includes four second and third places; photo.
24 Six wrestlers head to NCAA championships
Northern Iowan 105:42, p.14
Wrestling team wins twenty-fourth straight regional title; sends six wrestlers to St. Louis.
25 Wrestling season begins
Northern Iowan 104:23, p.16
Loras Open marks the beginning of the wrestling season. Panthers crown six champions and four seconds.