Bridges--Kenneth L. (Classes of 1960 and 1966)

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Four UNI grads receive grants
Northern Iowan 66:55, p.4
Kenneth Bridges, Anne Meller, Marilyn Deweese Papousek, and Margaret Trieschman Scanlon win Merchant Scholarship.
2 Four UNI grads named to receive Merchant Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1969:575, p.1
Scholarship winners were Kenneth Bridges, Anne Meller, Marilyn Papousek, and Margaret Scanlan. The fund was established by the late Frank Merchant and his sister. Scholarships have been awarded since 1954.
3 Purple Key
Old Gold 0:0, p.134
Purple Key was a tradition that started in 1952 as a recognition fraternity established by the Student League Board. Each year, one percent of the student body is chosen to recieve Purple Key recognition, the epitome of success and the highest award a student can recieve at ISTC. Students must be seniors and have been honored at the All-College Honors Convocation in the spring; Photos.
4 Orientation Guides
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
Orientation Guides; Photo. Women's Counselors and Guides; Photo.
5 Variety Keynotes KYTC
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Under the supervision of Herbert Hake, the KYTC radio station on campus is ran entirely by the student workers. The station played music, sporting events, and helps the student body stay informed of the happenings around campus. This year they presented a Humanities marathon for the benefit of those enrolled in the course.
6 Tri Beta Takes Many Field Trips
Old Gold 0:0, p.171
The members of Beta Beta Beta took many field trips both local and out of state over the course of the year. The honor society is for students of the biological sciences and promote the dissemination of scientific proof and encourages investigation in the natural world. The organization even sent a delegation to the regional convention sponsored by the Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Central College in Missouri.
7 Lambda Delta Lambda is Among Oldest Fraternities
Old Gold 0:0, p.178
Lambda Delta Lambda is an honor society for physical science students and one of the oldest fraternities on campus. The group is sponsored by Dr. J. W. Kercheval of the science department and Kenneth Bridges is the president of the organization.
8 Men's Counselors Aid New Students
Old Gold 0:0, p.124
Men's counselors assist in the moving in process and throughout the bewildering days of registration and orientation; the counselors attend training sessions to help them work with the new male students; photo.
9 Baptists Grown in Understanding
Old Gold 0:0, p.192
The Baptists seek to grow together in their understanding of the Christian faith; the sorority known as Theta Epsilon, made lasting friendships and learned what it meant to serve others as part of their Christian responsibility; photo.
10 Baptists Aim at Christian Philosophy
Old Gold 0:0, p.191

Description of the Baptist Student Center and photo of the Roger Williams Fellowship that is located at the top of the page; photo.

11 Two Organizations Serve Baptists
Old Gold 0:0, p.191
The Roger Williams Fellowship centers their activities around spirituality, leadership, and fellowship needs; the purpose of Theta Epsilon, a Baptist sorority, was to work out a sisterhood whose ideals and roots are in Christ Himself; photo.