Brindley--William A. (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 254 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Brindley speech and debate tournament returns to UNI
Public Relations News Release 2009:88, p.1
After a sever-year absence from the tournament calendar, the College will host the William A. Brindley Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament Friday. Brindley, a former debate coach and professor of public speaking was an innovator in Iowa forensics.
2 Student and faculty life at ISTC
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
3 Estherville wins Brindley Debate
Public Relations News Release 1960:186, p.1
The travelling trophy of the Brindley Debate and Discussion Conference is awarded to Estherville High School. The debate is directed by Professor Patricia Townsend, and is held in memory of Professor William Brindley.
4 Local student on TC debate committee
Public Relations News Release 1960:177, p.1
Professor Patricia Townsend directs the annual Brindley Discussion and Debate Conference. The tournament is held in honor of the memory of the late William Brindley. Competitors listed.
5 Annual ISTC debate conference next weekend
Public Relations News Release 1960:176, p.1
The department of languages, speech, and literature sponsor the annual Brindley Discussion and Debate Conference. Professor Patricia Townsend directs the conference, which will feature competitors from schools across the state.
6 Three Iowa City University high school students were awarded four-year scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1951:378, p.1
The three University high school students who won in the Annual Brindley High School Discussion and Debate conference are: Howard Berg, a senior who finished first, Robert Rehder, and Sidney Winter, who tied for second.
7 Three Iowa City University high school students win scholarships in the annual Brindley High School Discussion and Debate conference
Public Relations News Release 1951:377, p.1
The scholarships, established by the state board of education in 1930, are in the form of partial fee exemptions and will be worth $348 each to recipients entering the college next fall.
8 Brindley High School Discussion and Debate to be held Friday (Jan. 25)
Public Relations News Release 1951:370, p.1
Seventy-two students from 11 Iowa high schools registered at the opening of the two-day event. The conference and awards are named in the memory of the late W. A. Brindley, professor of public speaking at the college from 1927 - 1933.
9 Seventy-two students from 11 Iowa high schools registered for the annual Brindley High School Discussion and debate conference
Public Relations News Release 1951:369, p.1
The conference is sponsored by the college English and Speech department. Each student will participate in four rounds of debate, three of discussion and one of extemporaneous speaking.
10 Brindley debate tournament
Public Relations News Release 1946:34, p.1
Tournament hosting twelve Iowa high schools. The annual banquet will be held in the Commons. Tournament named for Willaim A. Brindley, director of debate, 1927-1933. Brindley died while a staff member.
11 Individual winners in the Brindley Debate Tournament receive scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1945:48, p.1
Two students from Waterloo and one from Burlington receive four year college scholarships.
12 Mary Jane Brindley
Alumnus 26:4, p.29
Married Howard Easter on June 7, 1942.
13 "Forgotten school unit" presented at reunion
Alumnus 18:1, p.9
Description of Des Moines dinner and Homecoming reunion; consider difficulties of rural schools.
14 English
Alumnus 17:4, p.2
Profile of Department of English and its head, S. A. Lynch; photo.
15 Lambertson is debate coach; debaters here last season engaged in sixty contests
College Eye 25:5, p.1
Will assume duties of the late Professor Brindley; outline of plans for next year.
16 New debate coach selected
Alumnus 17:3, p.18
Professor F. W. Lambertson is new coach; season plans; biographical profile; photo.
17 Contest named for Brindley
Alumnus 17:3, p.16
Iowa High School Invitation contest will be renamed the Brindley Forensic Tournament.
18 Professor W. A. Brindley dies
Alumnus 17:3, p.13
Profile and tribute to Professor Brindley, who died May 1, 1932; photo.
19 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
History and aims of the department; organized in 1909; curriculum; photos.
20 To the memory of a friend
Old Gold 0:0, p.163
Short profile of W. A. Brindley to whom the debate pages are dedicated; Professor Brindley died May 1, 1933; photos.
21 Hamilton Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Officers, purpose, and members of group that offers opportunities for public speaking; photos.
22 Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.219
Officers, history, purpose, and members; campus chapter organized in 1913 for forensics students; photos.
23 Resolution is made to name high school meet Brindley Tournament; three scholarships will be awarded each year
College Eye 24:33, p.1
Delta Sigma Rho presents recommendation to President Latham.
24 The Brindley Forensic Tournament
Public Relations News Release 1932:314, p.1
In honor of the late W. A. Brindley the annual invitation contest for Iowa high school debaters will hereafter be called the Brindley Forensic Tournament. The petition for the name change came from the Delta Sigma Rho,the honorary speech fraternity.
25 Brindley funeral to be conducted here tomorrow; death occurred at Iowa city hospital Monday
College Eye 24:31, p.1
Professor Brindley died May 1, 1933; photo.
26 This campus et al.
College Eye 24:30, p.2
News from ISTC and other campuses.
27 Debate is theme of Hamilton Club spring banquet program
College Eye 24:29, p.1
Roster of speakers who will talk about debate.
28 Hamilton Club give dinner and speeches
College Eye 24:25, p.3
Dwight Erickson presides.
29 Twenty schools enter tourney; high school debaters will match wits next week
College Eye 24:22, p.1
Four scholarships at stake.
30 High school debate
Public Relations News Release 1932:265, p.1
Two teams from twenty Iowa high schools will at the college on Thursday. This is the fourth annual state secondary school debate tourney.
31 Debaters go to conference
Public Relations News Release 1932:260, p.1
Panther debaters go to competition with the leading universities in the country
32 Thomas Brindley visits here
College Eye 24:21, p.3
Visits parents.
33 Debate teams chosen today; Brindley will announce teams to compete at Manchester meet
College Eye 24:20, p.1
Two men's teams will compete.
34 Erickson and Johnson debate before the Lion's Club
Public Relations News Release 1932:241, p.1
On February 16, at 6:30 p.m., Dwight Erickson and Neil Johnson debate before the Lion's Club.
35 Four women debate in tournament
Public Relations News Release 1932:252, p.1
Four women will take part in the 2nd annual Northwest Intercollegiate Debate Tournament, February 28 to March 2.
36 Four debaters take part in tournament
Public Relations News Release 1932:246, p.1
Friday and Saturday, February 24 and 25, four debaters take part in tournament at Manchester College in Indiana.
37 Two will debate before a Farm Bureau audience
Public Relations News Release 1932:242, p.1
Leland Dolan and Leo Martin will debate against two students from Iowa State February 21, before a Farm Bureau audience.
38 Debaters will continue active schedule
Public Relations News Release 1932:234, p.1
After winning honors in the tournament last week, the debaters will continue their active schedule.
39 Teachers college debaters have been busy
Public Relations News Release 1932:228, p.1
Debaters will participate in six debates. Professor Brindley has secured as many debates as possible for his squad.
40 Four Teachers debate teams enter tournament sponsored by Illinois school; eight teams----six states to be represented in contest
College Eye 24:15, p.1
Description of upcoming debate.
41 Debaters engage in practice contests
Public Relations News Release 1932:209, p.1
Debaters engage in practice contests with Mason City Junior College and another between campus teams on January 19, 1933, in preparation for their regular schedule of debates and tournaments. Debate topic is war debts.
42 Maurice Kramer and David Grant
Public Relations News Release 1932:206, p.1
Maurice Kramer and David Grant, veteran debaters will meet with students on Friday, January 13.
43 Four debate teams will represent college
Public Relations News Release 1932:212, p.1
Four debate teams will represent college at the debate tournament to be held January 19, 20, and 21 at Illinios State Normal college. Approximately 50 teams will compete in the debate from schools across the midwest.
44 Teachers College debate team
Public Relations News Release 1932:192, p.1
Debated Coe College.
45 Debaters from Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1932:193, p.1
Team prepares for debate against Coe on December 30, which will broadcast on WMT radio.
46 Phi Kappa Delta debate question is announced
College Eye 24:9, p.4
Will debate cancellation of World War I debts.
47 Chicago conference decides Mid-west question for debate
College Eye 24:4, p.4
Will debate regulation of banking by the federal government.
48 Ten will compete in international debate elimination contest
College Eye 24:3, p.1
Winners will debate Irish debaters; list of contestants.
49 Coach schedules debate tryouts in two weeks; Brindley sets September 27 for preliminaries to Irish clash
College Eye 24:2, p.1
Will debate students from Trinity College in Dublin.
50 Weekly music hours will begin Tuesday at freshman lecture
College Eye 24:2, p.1
Professor Brindley will present lecture on activities of the English Department.