Brown--Clarence Stone (Student--1920)

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Commencement play
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.1
Many students were involved in the Commencement play, May 29, 1920; Lenore Shanewise directed the play titled "He and She."
2 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
Football team members; photo.
3 I.S.T.C. football squad--1919
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
Team photo; biographical sketch of Coach Doseff; photo.
4 Football season is a success
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Written summary of games during 1919 season.
5 Junior B.A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Members of the junior class, class predictions, and did you know section.
6 Class play a success
College Eye 12:1, p.
Brief review of "He and She."
7 Midwinter play a success; "Oh Doctor, Doctor!" pleases audience
College Eye 11:22, p.1
Review of student production.
8 T. C. Club elects officers
College Eye 11:14, p.1
Harold Christensen was elected president of the College Club.
9 Who's who on Iowa State Teachers College gridiron--1919
College Eye 11:12, p.6
Individual photo and brief comment for each man on the football team; photo.
10 I. S. T. C. football squad--1919
College Eye 11:12, p.1
Team photo.
11 Editorially Speaking
College Eye 11:9, p.4
Praises Clarence Brown's performance on the football field; suggests needed building improvements at I. S. T. C.
12 Military
Old Gold 0:0, p.165

Illustration of soldier in front of flag; poem; flag; roster of men in military service; students with location unknown or not officially reported and those awaiting call; photos.

13 Sergeant Clarence Brown and Sergeant Ralph Brown
College Eye 9:20, p.8
Spent their furloughs here.
14 Clarence Brown
College Eye 9:19, p.7
Clarence Brown is home on a ten day furlough from Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
15 Clarence Brown
College Eye 9:12, p.8
Is a sergeant at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
16 Clarence Brown
College Eye 9:5, p.7
Is working in the Hospital Corps in Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
17 Wearers of the TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.181

Letter winners of 1917; members of the Athletic Board.

18 Names of students who have been honorably dismissed from I. S. T. C. in order to enlist in the U. S. Army; dated April 26, 1917
College Eye 8:27, p.6
Roster of students dismissed from the college who are enlisting in Army.
19 Track men are swinging into line
College Eye 7:26, p.7
Short description of team.