Brueckner--Gretchen A. (Class of 1988)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Gretchen (Brueckner) Starr
Northern Iowa Today 93:3, p.29
Gretchen Starr is a quality manager at Perrigo Inc.
2 Northern Iowa spring graduates announced; NBC newsmwan Tom Pettit receives honorary degree.
Public Relations News Release 1988:471, p.1

List of names and hometown among students to receive degree. More than 1,100 students crossed the stage during spring commencement ceremonies at the University of Northern Iowa.

3 Research . . . undergrad scientists supported
Northern Iowan 84:38, p.12
A lengthy look at research projects undertaken by undergraduate students.
4 Research at Northern Iowa, it's not just for graduate students anymore
Public Relations News Release 1987:200, p.1
Undergraduate students of the Department of Natural Sciences conduct research under guidance of Professors Virginia Berg and Ira Simet. Projects include research on acid rain, laser holography, and embryonic cells.
5 Story illustration was inappropriate
Northern Iowan 84:21, p.3
Believes cartoon accompanying story of the loss of the Alpha Chi Omega charger was in poor taste.
6 Research--not just for grad students any more
Nonpareil 71:4, p.2
Detailed survey of students engaged in research as undergraduates; photo.
7 'Preview UNI' summer orientation staff begins with sessions Thursday (June 12)
Public Relations News Release 1986:455, p.1
Fourteen UNI students have been selected out of sixty to lead two thousand entering freshmen and their parents in orientation sessions this summer.
8 UNI names 1,160 students to 1985 fall semester Dean's list
Public Relations News Release 1986:247, p.1

About eleven percent of the undergraduate student body were cited for scholastic honors; to be on the Dean's list one must take at least twelve hours of graded work and have a gpa of 3.5 or higher; students listed.

9 Clarifies a few points
Northern Iowan 81:37, p.2
Corrects herself, and responds to a letter about fraternities and sororities written by Gretchen Brueckner.
10 Quote in article unfair
Northern Iowan 81:35, p.3
Supports the Greek system.