Buch--David J. (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 33 of 33 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI honors retirees Public Relations News Release 2007:709, p.1 |
The University of Northern Iowa's 50th annual recognition breakfast was held in the Georgian Lounge at the Commons, honoring 43 employees retiring within the 2007-2008 fiscal year. |
2 | Wednesday, March 23 Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
"Still Killing Us Softly" will be shown; David Buch will deliver a lecture; Sue Niederer will speak. | |
3 | Faculty and staff honored by Board of Regents Northern Iowa Today 84:1, p.24 |
Brief sketches of those who received Regents awards of excellence. | |
4 | Regents' Faculty Excellence Awards Campus News Network 10:4, p.1 |
Six faculty members received Faculty Excellence Awards from the Board of Regents. | |
5 | UNI faculty receive Excellence Awards Northern Iowan 96:7, p.2 |
Regents give Faculty Excellence Awards to Donald Shepardson, History; David J. Buch, Music History; Charles D. Johnson, Industrial Technology; Randall Krieg, Economics; Susan Etscheidt, Special Education; and Suzanne McDevitt, Social Work. | |
6 | Six University of Northern Iowa faculty members receive Regents' Faculty Excellence Awards Public Relations News Release 1999:44, p.1 |
At a September 15 dinner, awards were given to Donald Shepardson, David J. Buch, Charles D. Johnson, Randall Krieg, Susan Etscheidt, and Suzanne McDevitt; brief profiles on the work of each faculty member. | |
7 | Mozart opera discovery by UNI professor has Boston premiere Northern Iowa Today 83:1, p.19 |
Professor Buch's discovery leads to production of "Der Stein der Weisen". | |
8 | Mozart opera discovery by UNI professor premiers in Boston Public Relations News Release 1998:91, p.1 |
UNI music professor David Buch found unknown piece of work now attributed to Mozart. "The Philosopher's Stone" will be performed November 1. | |
9 | Quality; the theme of the fall faculty/p&s meeting Campus News Network 9:4, p.1 |
Quality of education and the environment at UNI was topic of faculty and professional and scientific meeting. | |
10 | Alumni, faculty named 1998 Heritage Honours awardees Northern Iowa Today 82:1, p.22 |
Brief biographical sketches of winners; photo. | |
11 | Heritage Honours Awards presented Campus News Network 8:18, p.4 |
List of award winners. | |
12 | 42nd Heritage Honours Awards will honor alumni, friends, and faculty at the University of Northern Iowa Saturday, April 18 Public Relations News Release 1997:319, p.1 |
Heritage Honour Awards were held on Saturday, April 18. Many were honored. | |
13 | "Recent Mozart Discoveries" topic for Humanities and Fine Arts Dean's Lecture at University of Northern Iowa Tuesday, March 24 Public Relations News Release 1997:267, p.1 |
David Buch to speak March 24 on recent Mozart discoveries for Dean's Lecture in the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. | |
14 | A little more Mozart; UNI's Buch discovers new work by Mozart's hand Northern Iowa Today 81:2, p.16 |
Music professor David Buch discovers Mozart manuscript; new work will be performed; photo. | |
15 | David Buch named 1998-99 UNI Distinguished Scholar Campus News Network 8:9, p.2 |
David Buch was named Distinguished Scholar for 1998-99; photo. | |
16 | University of Northern Iowa music historian finds unknown Mozart work Public Relations News Release 1996:443, p.1 |
Professor David Buch finds unknown Mozart work at a library in Germany. | |
17 | Correction Campus News Network 6:10, p.4 |
David Buch and Ann Vernon left out of last issue's list of faculty fellowship winners. | |
18 | Awards/honors/service: David Buch Campus News Network 4:14, p.3 |
David Buch will chair a paper session on dance and dance music. | |
19 | Recently/soon to be published: David Buch Campus News Network 4:14, p.3 |
David Buch published book on dance music and reviewed Charles Mouton's work on lute music. | |
20 | Summer fellowships announced Campus News Network 4:12, p.1 |
Summer fellowship award winners are announced. | |
21 | Enhancement of cultural diversity goal of forum Northern Iowan 89:44, p.4 |
Forum will focus on UNI strategic plan goal. | |
22 | Professor of Education named Northern Iowa's 1993 Distinguished Scholar Public Relations News Release 1992:227, p.1 |
The 1993 distinguished scholar is Greg Stefanich. | |
23 | Faculty granted professional leaves Campus News Network 1:13, p.2 |
Roster of those receiving leaves. | |
24 | Theatre offers lectures in conjunction with opera Northern Iowan 87:37, p.12 |
David Buch and Alexander L. Ringer will lecture on aspects of "The Magic Flute" this week. | |
25 | Music department makes several announcements of coming events Northern Iowan 87:14, p.16 |
Randy Hogancamp, David Rachor, Sharon Hansen, David Buch, and Frederick Halgedahl will perform next week and Art Song Concert will be presented October 25. | |
26 | David Buch Campus News Network 1:4, p.2 |
Edits book on Denis Gaultier. | |
27 | Regents approve promotion of 25, tenure for 13 Northern Iowa faculty members Public Relations News Release 1989:479, p.1 |
The Board of Regents approves the promotion of twenty-five, and tenure for thirteen faculty members. All promotions and tenure will be effective fall semester of 1990. | |
28 | Regents hike room, board rates 6.5 percent Northern Iowan 84:49, p.1 |
Double room with full board will be $2150; list of faculty receiving promotion and tenure; approve window and heating project in Bender Hall. |
29 | Baroque workshop offers glimpse of dance history Northern Iowan 83:46, p.7 |
Judith L. Schwartz will present lecture. | |
30 | Baroque dance lecture and workshop scheduled for UNI campus March 26 Public Relations News Release 1987:266, p.1 |
Professor Judith L. Schwartz instructs a workshop on dances popular in France throughout the Baroque Period. Music was provided by the Northern Brass Quintet and Early Music Ensemble, directed by Professor David Buch.. | |
31 | David Buch Northern Iowa Today 15:2, p.3 |
Presents paper on mode concepts. | |
32 | Guest speakers at UNI: to entertain or to inform? Northern Iowan 83:14, p.5 |
A look at the purposes and work of the University Speakers Committee. | |
33 | Music articles published Northern Iowan 82:14, p.14 |
David Buch publishes several articles. |