Buchholz--Sandra L (Class of 1998)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Taiwanese junior high students learn about environment in Outlook program at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:475, p.1
Taiwanese students learn about biology and environment through the program Outlook. Tina Howe and David McCalley traveled to Taiwan to help prepare them for the experience.
2 Outlook gives students different view of their world
Northern Iowan 93:61, p.2
Students from Taiwan visited UNI to learn about the environment in Outlook Taiwan.
3 Taiwanese Junior High students at UNI through Friday, July 18
Public Relations News Release 1996:470, p.1
Thirty-three junior high students from Taiwan took part in "Outlook", a hands-on program to introduce internationals to the American lifestyle. After visiting campus, the group will visit other locations in Iowa.
4 Earth Week '95
Northern Iowan 91:55, p.2
Students enjoy cookout; photo.