Bureau of Research

Displaying 1 - 50 of 55 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Institutional evaluation and administrative change
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.17
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo.
2 The fiscal crisis of the Thirties
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.37
The college faces a difficult financial picture, with a decline in enrollment, salary cuts, and strict economies in operations; photo.
3 Efforts to evaluate and improve the teaching-learning process
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.189
The college studies the effectiveness of its teaching; cooperation with other institutions; photo.
4 Students less satisfied now?
Northern Iowan 70:2, p.6
Survey of campus environment from students' point of view.
5 National Teacher Examinations on February 16, 1952
Public Relations News Release 1951:191, p.1
Procedures and sample test questions may be obtained from the bureau of research or directly from the National Teachers Examinations, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey.
6 Tom Lamke, research specialist, will take a month's leave of absence in October to carry out an assignment from the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Public Relations News Release 1951:41, p.1
As a research consultant for the Defense Office, Lamke will work with the United States Armed Forces institute in a study of civilian correspondence programs.
7 National Teachers Tests at ISTC in February
Public Relations News Release 1950:135, p.1
The College has been designated as a testing center for the 1951 nationwide administration of the National Teacher Examinations next February, J. B. Paul, director of the bureau of research, announced today.
8 IBM machine scores papers; it works quickly, accurately
College Eye 41:36, p.3
New machine can score 450 papers in an hour; college has been renting IBM machines since 1939.
9 Deadline set for Graduate Record Exam by bureau
College Eye 40:35, p.5
10 Research Bureau
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Brief description of the position; photo.
11 Unlimited cuts at Teachers College is old idea says research bureau
College Eye 40:20, p.1
Optional class attendance policy was in effect in 1937.
12 Research Bureau
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Dr. Paul is the director of this bureau that administers aptitude tests such as placement and vocational preference. It also cooperates with any department in the college in conducting research studies and course exams, and correcting these exams; photo.
13 Placement tests
College Eye 39:11, p.1
Will be given soon.
14 J. B. Paul announces appointment of Silvey to Research Bureau
College Eye 38:41, p.1
Profile of Herbert Silvey.
15 Bureau of Research gives Graduate Record Exams
College Eye 38:38, p.1
16 Bureau of Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Brief description of the bureau; photo.
17 And how many times . . . we followed the "six steps"
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
Outlines the six steps and difficulties of the registration process; photo.
18 J. B. Paul, Director of Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
A review of the studies and duties of J. B. Paul, director of the Bureau of Research; photo.
19 Placement test scores ready for students
College Eye 36:5, p.6
20 Placement tests scores now at Research Bureau
College Eye 35:38, p.3
21 Research Bureau has placement test scores
College Eye 34:35, p.6
22 Bureau of research
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Does research pertaining to machine-scored tests, co-operates with members of the teaching and administrative staff in research they may be interested in, conducts its own studies regarding former students and curriculum of Iowa; photo.
23 Bureau of Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
Brief description of the department; photo.
24 College sophomores evaluate worth of their curricula
College Eye 33:24, p.5
Summary results of sophomore testing program.
25 'Let us score tests'
College Eye 33:6, p.4
Faculty should Bureau of Research test scoring services.
26 Bureau of research
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
Brief description of the bureau; photo.
27 Bureau of Research scene of efficiency
College Eye 32:6, p.4
Quick description of test scoring machine.
28 Improvements made by late president
College Eye 31:38, p.1
Notes changes on campus for which President Latham was responsible.
29 Research Bureau
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
Brief description of the department; photo.
30 To continue sophomore spring test
College Eye 31:27, p.1
Will continue cooperative effort with about one hundred other colleges.
31 Spring placement test scores are available
College Eye 31:26, p.1
32 Research bureaus: dry? No!
College Eye 31:23, p.5
A look at the work of the Bureau of Research.
33 Bureau of research
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
Brief description of the group; photos.
34 Fall placement tests scored
College Eye 30:8, p.7
Test scores placed into a percentile score which indicates where the individual is located with reference to the others who took the test.
35 Announces test results
College Eye 29:39, p.1
Placement test results available.
36 Bureau of Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Looks for ways to improve education; photos.
37 Placement tests correlate students' success in classes
College Eye 29:8, p.5
Studying results of placement tests from recent past.
38 Bureau of Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.36
Description of duties; photos.
39 Grades, great piles of them are amassed by Bureau of Research; departmental markings released from report
College Eye 28:29, p.2
Quick survey of grades around the college.
40 Bureau of Research picks Wednesday as sophomore test day
College Eye 28:29, p.1
Outline of purposes and procedures for the test.
41 Bureau of Research announces scores on recent tests
College Eye 28:15, p.2
Placement test scores are available to students.
42 Bureau of Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
The bureau is in charge of freshman and sophomore testing programs; photos.
43 Four year students take tests given by Bureau of Research
College Eye 27:42, p.1
In contemporary affairs and world history.
44 Nearly 600 Tutors continue schooling after graduation
College Eye 27:23, p.1
Survey of those who go on to advanced study.
45 Progress; college grows during past seven years, offices, buildings, campus improved
College Eye 27:20, p.2
Quick survey of campus construction over the last few years.
46 Bureau announces placement scores
College Eye 27:20, p.1
Students may check their scores.
47 Medical aptitude tests announced
College Eye 27:18, p.3
48 Research Bureau
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
Description of duties; photos.
49 College rebuilds grounds in 1934; alterations, repairs change appearance of buildings
College Eye 26:25, p.1
Description of changes to the campus.
50 Teachers College moved forward in 1934, year's record indicates
College Eye 26:25, p.1
Review of important events of 1934.