Business Office

Displaying 1 - 50 of 110 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI offices begin returning to Gilchrist Hall in July
Public Relations News Release 2007:752, p.1
Offices and departments displaced by the October 2005 fire in Gilchrist Hall began moving into the newly renovated building July 7. List of offices.
2 Kudos for UNI
Campus News Network 3:21, p.2
Wins awards for financial reporting and cost-savings.
3 University of Northern Iowa honored for financial reporting
Public Relations News Release 1992:766, p.1
A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has been awarded to UNI.
4 Business manager Jennings retires
UNI Century 5:3, p.7

Phil Jennings retires after twenty-five years of service to UNI; biographical sketch; photo.

5 New financial policy at Health Center enacted
Northern Iowan 73:18, p.1
Future Health Center financial transactions will now be processed through the Business Office and Data Processing Center.
6 Business Office is in need of a computer
Northern Iowan 70:46, p.2
Believes efficiency would be improved.
7 Organizations may withdraw accounts
College Eye 64:4, p.8
Those organizations whose funds do not arise from student fees may house their accounts outside the Business Office.
8 Lost and found department is established
College Eye 63:25, p.5
Located in Business Office.
9 Business Office will set up fee collection lines
College Eye 60:27, p.4
10 Business Office asks treasurers to leave books
College Eye 59:43, p.3
Student organizations should leave financial papers with Business Office.
11 Business Office to stop cashing student pay checks
College Eye 58:29, p.4
Will continue to cash small personal checks; cite recent location of bank near campus.
12 Business Office Physical Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.83
The Physical Plant services departs mof Luandry, mimeograph, and telephone. It and the staff that work there are responsible for the physical operation of the college, Photos.
13 Business and Physical Plant Keep College Running Smoothly
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
The Business Office is responsible for the receipt and dispersement of TC funds, and the Physical Plant is responsible for maintenance and the physical operation of the college; photo.
14 Dean Nelson Directs the Facility
Old Gold 0:0, p.88
Dean M. J. Nelson is responsible for the instructional program and is the personnel of the college; the four divisions are: Instruction and Research, Student Personnel, Field Services, and Business and Plant; photo.
15 Instruction and Research Handles Registration Procedures
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
The Division of Instruction and Research has charge of admissions, registration, credits for courses, transcripts for graduation, and records of grades and schedules for every student on/off campus; the Registrar's Office keeps all the statistics; photo.
16 Notice to treasurers of student organizations
College Eye 50:32, p.4
Must turn in books to Business Office.
17 Notice
College Eye 50:9, p.3
Will no longer impose five cent charge for cashing out-of-county checks.
18 Notice
College Eye 50:6, p.3
Business Office maintains lost and found service.
19 Business and Physical Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
Brief description of the role of these two offices; photos.
20 Necessary nickels?
College Eye 49:4, p.2
Nickel charge for cashing out-of-county checks has disappeared in stores but not on campus.
21 Business and Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
The Business Office is responsible for receiving and disbursing funds; the Physical Plant Department's aim is to maintain the buildings, grounds, and equipment; the department employs ninety-six workmen full-time and many students part-time; photo.
22 Notices . . .
College Eye 48:29, p.6
Student organizations must turn in their financial books.
23 Aw, please! Smile?
College Eye 48:14, p.2
Asks the employees at the Business Office to be more friendly and courteous to students.
24 Lost may be found in Business Office
College Eye 48:7, p.6
25 Books audited this summer
College Eye 47:31, p.1
Student organization treasurers should turn in books.
26 Pay checks to be cashed
College Eye 47:28, p.1
Students may cash checks at Business Office.
27 An accolade
College Eye 47:28, p.2
Expresses thanks to the Business Office of TC for agreeing to cash student assistant paychecks.
28 Burglars attempt $150,000 robbery of college funds
College Eye 46:2, p.3
Unsuccessful in attempt to open Business Office safe; photo.
29 Business Office audits all treasurers' books
College Eye 45:32, p.3
Student organizations must turn in books.
30 Closing hours will be earlier on Saturdays
College Eye 43:2, p.6
31 A triple slate of conferences is scheduled for the week end, April 13-14
Public Relations News Release 1950:304, p.1
The audio-Visual conference is on Friday. Observation of campus school classes in session and tours of the campus to observe audio-visual materials and facilities will be part of the program.
32 Tickets available at ISTC for Met Star's recital
Public Relations News Release 1950:168, p.1
Tickets are still available for Soprano Nadino Conner's recital on Feb. 1, according to L. L. Sage, chairman of the concert committee. On Marach 5, Pianist Jean Casadesus will present the final program of the college's 1950-51 concert course.
33 Violinist Renardy to play at TC
Public Relations News Release 1950:110, p.1
Ossy Renardy will present the second concert of the 1950-51 Lyceum series. The musician recently acquired a violin which he claims was made in 1743, is valued at over $50,000, and is said to have been Paganini's.
34 Over five-hundred hear Warren concert
Public Relations News Release 1950:72, p.1
The performance of the Metropolitan Opera star, Baritone Leonard Warren, was the first of four distinguished concerts by nationally famous musicians on the college's concert series this year.
35 Baritone Leonard Warren of the Metropolitan Opera company will open the 1950-1951 Concert course at 8:15 p.m., Oct. 12
Public Relations News Release 1950:25, p.1
Completing the concert course will be Violinist Ossy Renardy, Soprano Nadine Conner, and Pianist Jean Casadesus. Baritone Warren has starred in 22 Metropolitan operas in New York besides appearing in major opera roles in other cities.
36 James L. Bailey assumes duties
College Eye 41:34, p.6
James Bailey will be assistant business manager.
37 Lost and found has books, pens, glasses, clothes
College Eye 41:32, p.2
May be claimed at Business Office.
38 Notice
College Eye 41:31, p.1
Will cash student personal checks for $10 or less.
39 All organizations' treasurers need to close books
College Eye 41:28, p.5
All deposits need to be made and all bills need to be paid by treasurers.
40 Lost and found department has plenty of glasses, books, and pens
College Eye 41:25, p.6
Unclaimed articles will be sold.
41 Notice
College Eye 41:1, p.1
Students' checks for ten dollars or less can be cashed with a identification card at the Business Office.
42 Notice
College Eye 40:33, p.1
Will cash personal checks.
43 Treasurer's notice
College Eye 40:28, p.8
Student organization financial books must be turned in.
44 Student employees
College Eye 40:20, p.1
Must report Social Security numbers.
45 Income tax forms
College Eye 40:14, p.4
Business Office will release W-2 forms.
46 Work begun on Business Office addition
College Eye 40:10, p.6
Will double size of office and provide office for Mr. Jennings; will be attached to south wall.
47 Campus lost and found department overflows with unclaimed articles
College Eye 40:5, p.3
Description of items in the lost and found box.
48 Personal checks
College Eye 40:2, p.4
Business Office will cash checks.
49 Personal checks
College Eye 40:1, p.1
May be cashed at Business Office.
50 Boardman enjoys work; it makes for better health
College Eye 39:39, p.6
Profile of Benjamin Boardman.