Butler-Nalin--Kay (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 New Redeker computers make "teaching very easy"
Northern Iowan 92:5, p.2
Redeker lab features twenty-five Power Macs and thirteen DOS computers; photo.
2 Agenda set for Critical Writing Contest to be held at the University of Northern Iowa on April 7
Public Relations News Release 1994:366, p.1
UNI will host the 1995 Celebrating Critical Writing Contest and Conference April 7.
3 Fairy tales can help teach about diversity, other cultures.
Public Relations News Release 1993:241, p.1
Fairy tales can be a fun way to explore cultural differences and similarities.
4 Once upon a time.
Public Relations News Release 1993:238, p.1
Kay Butler-Nalin uses fairy tales to illustrate diversity.
5 Kay Butler-Nalin
Campus News Network 4:6, p.2
Kay Butler-Nalin presented on professor vs. peer writing conferences.
6 Mini-grants provide for infusion of technology
Campus News Network 3:17, p.1

Roster of winners and their topics of research.

7 Writing program ends questionably at UNI
Northern Iowan 89:57, p.1
Writing Associates Program ends; supporters question reasons.
8 University of Northern Iowa to host back-to-school workshop for nontraditional students December 5
Public Relations News Release 1992:223, p.1
Nontraditional students are invited to attend a workshop aimed at answering their questions about going back to school.
9 Mini-grants provide for multicultural and gender diverse studies
Campus News Network 2:17, p.1
Roster of faculty awarded mini-grants.
10 Writing exam allows students to study at three different levels
Northern Iowan 88:23, p.4
Students may take several courses to fulfill requirement.