Button--Denny (Class of 1964)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'Femmes Fancy' to climax annual Women Pay All Week
College Eye 56:25, p.1
Activities include Favorite Man on Campus contest; photo.
2 Unsophisticated 'bunny' charms pageant judges
College Eye 56:19, p.5
Profile of Brenda Jean Geiger; photo.
3 Drivotrainers, range help safety ed. department grow
College Eye 56:2, p.1
Ivan Eland talks about the driver education program, equipment, and facilities; photo.
4 Where will the arrow point
College Eye 52:24, p.1
Candidates for Favorite Man on Campus pose for the camera; photo.
5 I'm a failure
College Eye 51:17, p.1
Ron Rubek and Dennis Button compare the beards they grew for Men's Union Day; photo.