Bybee--Bradley Steven (Student--2010)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 107:21, p.6
Students respond to the question, "What's the best movie you have seen lately?"; photo.
2 NISG announces executive branch and cabinet members
Northern Iowan 105:50, p.1
Officers named and installed for the upcoming year by the Northern Iowa Student Government; photo.
3 NISG Senate meeting; February 11
Northern Iowan 105:36, p.1
Senate hears reports on Darwin week, approves new senators, and acts on new organizations.
4 UNI business competition awards
Northern Iowan 105:24, p.1
Students take individual awards and first place in the "best new schools" category at the American Mock Trial Association Intercollegiate mediation Tournament.
5 UNI Business teams return with multiple awards from national mediation competition
Public Relations News Release 2008:221, p.1
Seven College of Business Administration students led the University to first place in the "Best New Schools" category at the ninth annual American Mock Trial Association Intercollegiate Mediation Tournament held at John Marshall Law School in Chicago.
6 UNI Speech and Debate Teams victorious
Public Relations News Release 2007:240, p.1

The Speech and Debate teams scored several victories at the Kansas City Community College tournament October 12-14.

7 UNI speech and debate teams successful in Twin Cities competitions
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Debate Team competed at the Macalester College Debate Tournament December 2 and 3, and the Speech Team competed at the Twin Cities Forensic League tournament December 5.