Cameron--Ruth (Class of 1938)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Ruth Cameron and Axel Anderson Alumnus 23:3, p.29 |
To marry on June 24 at the home of the bride's parents, James Cameron, in Eldora. Axel is employed by Burroughs Adding Machine Company, with headquarters in Dubuque, where they will reside. Ruth taught at Newhall last year. | |
2 | More nuptials among alumni College Eye 30:37, p.3 |
Beth Hubbard married Richard Poolman; Hannah Njus married George Speers; Dorothy May Wilson married La Von Lindner; Ruth Cameron married Axel Anderson; Laura Simpson married Frank Brandt. | |
3 | Sue Lund entertains for past presidents of Women's League College Eye 30:8, p.3 |
Entertains seven former presidents. | |
4 | Seniors 1937-1938 Old Gold 0:0, p.230 |
List of seniors and the activities they were involved in; photos. | |
5 | Who's Who Old Gold 0:0, p.171 |
Brief description people; photos. | |
6 | Glee clubbers and selected singers Old Gold 0:0, p.159 |
Brief description of the groups and list of members; photos. | |
7 | Top-ranking songstresses Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo. | |
8 | Sigma Alpha Iota Old Gold 0:0, p.157 |
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos. | |
9 | Delta Phi Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.70 |
List of members and activities throughout the year; photos. | |
10 | Women's League Old Gold 0:0, p.27 |
Made a program of events to improve the social and leisure activities; photos. | |
11 | Cameron, Lund attend confab College Eye 29:30, p.1 |
Attending AWS district meeting; photo. | |
12 | The Line College Eye 29:20, p.2 |
Campus gossip. | |
13 | Auditorium filled for tub launching College Eye 29:18, p.1 |
Description of the Tutor Ticklers acts; photo. | |
14 | The Line College Eye 29:6, p.2 |
Campus gossip. | |
15 | What they're saying College Eye 29:4, p.1 |
Students comment on the ability of Rho Epsilon Rho to lead cheers. | |
16 | League honors new faculty College Eye 29:2, p.2 |
Women's League will host new faculty women and faculty wives. | |
17 | Advisers smooth freshman paths during first weeks College Eye 29:2, p.5 |
Orientation seems to have been a success. | |
18 | Heartiest greetings College Eye 29:1, p.2 |
Women's League president welcomes students to the Iowa State Teachers College. | |
19 | College Singers Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
Officers and members; photo. | |
20 | Rho Epsilon Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.102 |
Activities, officers, and members; Rho Epsilon Rho is responsible for pep on campus; photo. | |
21 | Delta Phi Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.74 |
Activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
22 | Five music students present broadcast Wednesday on WMT College Eye 28:30, p.1 |
In association with National Music Week. | |
23 | Sloan and Cameron leave for trip to Los Angeles meeting College Eye 28:25, p.1 |
Jean Sloan and Ruth Cameron will attend national meeting of women's governance groups. | |
24 | Let's Guess Who College Eye 28:24, p.3 |
Brief description of several ISTC students. | |
25 | Cameron chosen as new head of Women's League College Eye 28:23, p.1 |
Brief profiles of election winners. | |
26 | Officers nominated for Women's League College Eye 28:19, p.3 |
Roster of nominees. | |
27 | The Line College Eye 28:9, p.2 |
Campus gossip. | |
28 | Three apply for vaudeville position College Eye 28:5, p.5 |
Kenneth Mueller, William Lenz, and Ruth Cameron apply for the position of Tutor Ticklers manager. | |
29 | The Line College Eye 28:1, p.2 |
Campus gossip. | |
30 | Cecilians Old Gold 0:0, p.200 |
Began in 1889; performances, officers, and members; photo. |
31 | College Singers Old Gold 0:0, p.111 |
Description, activities, officers, and members; photo. | |
32 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.88 |
Brief history, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
33 | Delta Phi Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.66 |
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
34 | Rho Epsilon Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
Description of activities, officers, and members; photo. | |
35 | League engages West's orchestra College Eye 27:40, p.3 |
For spring dance. | |
36 | Women's League sponsors dance College Eye 27:39, p.3 |
37 | Christmas carols of other lands will be sung by the College Singers Public Relations News Release 1935:322, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
38 | Twenty-four students have been selected for the newly formed College Singers Public Relations News Release 1935:112, p.1 |
Personnel of the new group. | |
39 | Delta Phi Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.220 |
Founded in 1908; purpose, advisors, officers, and members; photos. | |
40 | College Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.194 |
Brief description, officers, and members; photos. | |
41 | Bel Cantos Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
Organized in 1923; brief description, officers and members; photo. | |
42 | Ralph Moritz will be the guest soloist with the Bel Canto glee club Public Relations News Release 1934:983, p.1 |
Program for the event. |
43 | Three social sororities elected their new officers Public Relations News Release 1934:982, p.1 |
The new officers have already take over their duties, which they will hold of a year. | |
44 | Campus this Week College Eye 26:33, p.3 |
News from around the campus. | |
45 | George and Martha Washington were presented to merrymakers at the Washington Ball Public Relations News Release 1934:929, p.1 |
Albert DeBey and Ruth Stetzel were the revealed as the Washington couple at the dance; photos. | |
46 | Barry, Cameron; Cowie, Atkinson will lead ball College Eye 26:32, p.1 |
Program for the Washington Ball. | |
47 | Dancers at the annual Washington Ball will be able to attend the basketball game Public Relations News Release 1934:921, p.1 |
Schedule and guests for the Washington Ball. | |
48 | Howard Barry and John Cowie will lead the grand march at the Washington Ball Public Relations News Release 1934:918, p.1 |
George and Martha Washington will be featured at intermission of the dance. | |
49 | When the Teachers College students start the grand march, they will be led by four classmates Public Relations News Release 1934:858, p.1 |
The Washington Ball is sponsored by the junior class. | |
50 | Eighty women pledged by eleven sororities Public Relations News Release 1934:629, p.2 |
Phi Sigma Phi is leading with fourteen pledges. |