Campus Ministerial Association

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Clean up College Hill this Earth Day
Northern Iowan 117:51, p.4
Student David Hindman has organized a clean up of the College Hill area on Earth Day, April 22. Organizational partners include Green Iowa AmeriCorps, ThreeHouse Collaborative, Campus Ministries, and the College Hill Partnerships; photo.
2 Appreciation luncheon
Northern Iowan 111:41, p.4
Campus Ministerial Association held a luncheon to appreciate CMA faculty.
3 Praying for unity
Northern Iowan 108:31, p.6
Nearly one hundred students attended a nondenominational meeting in the Commons Ballroom. The event was sponsored by the Northern Iowa Campus Ministry Association; photo.
4 More students view religion as optional
Northern Iowan 104:17, p.6
College is a time of self discovery. This includes religion in the minds of college students; photo.
5 University of Northern Iowa campus ministry hosting speaker Feb. 19-20
Public Relations News Release 1996:266, p.1
Campus Ministry hosts speaker David Gievett for two night sessions.
6 Campus Ministries Association Ecumenical Choir
Northern Iowan 91:15, p.4
Will practice.
7 'Preview UNI' summer orientation staff begins work with sessions Monday (June 15)
Public Relations News Release 1987:400, p.1
Fourteen students volunteer to lead summer orientation sessions for incoming freshmen. The nine sessions of Preview UNI include programs on financial aid, campus organizations, and the ROTC. Includes a list of volunteers.
8 'Preview UNI' summer orientation staff begins with sessions Thursday (June 12)
Public Relations News Release 1986:455, p.1
Fourteen UNI students have been selected out of sixty to lead two thousand entering freshmen and their parents in orientation sessions this summer.
9 Registration open for UNI weekend workshop on human relationships and sexuality April 4 and 5
Public Relations News Release 1986:312, p.1
The workshop is offered by the UNI Human Sexuality Task Force; the program aims to provide accurate information and dispel common myths and fears.
10 Registration open for UNI weekend workshop on human relationships and sexuality Feb. 28-March 2
Public Relations News Release 1986:234, p.1
This weekend workshop is the second of three sessions planned for this year; the workshop will present accurate information and dispel myths in a non-judgmental setting.
11 What's up
Northern Iowan 79:44, p.3
Meetings and activities; Jon McNammee will speak; Iowa Shakespeare Festival.
12 Rise early for sunrise service
Northern Iowan 76:45, p.4
College religious organizations will hold an ecumenical Easter service on top of the Union.
13 Workshop to explore sexuality
Northern Iowan 76:19, p.4
The Human Sexuality Task Force will host a weekend workshop on human sexual attitudes.
14 Join in a Thanksgiving fast before Thanksgiving feast
Northern Iowan 76:18, p.2
Reminds students to think about the meaning of Thanksgiving.
15 Scott seeks WISH funds
Northern Iowan 73:3, p.5
A UNI association is seeking funds to continue visitation project in married student housing..