Canfield--Michael E. (Class of 1984)

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Canfield 'zeroes' KCRS
Northern Iowan 78:41, p.4
Mike Canfield talks about funding for KCRS.
2 Big win for Martin
Northern Iowan 78:38, p.1
Rusty Martin wins 60% of vote; all three referenda issues pass; photo.
3 Financial aid, ERA hot issues at second forum
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.1
Panhellenic Council holds candidate forum; candidates express views.
4 Barrer, Canfield scorned
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.3
Student calls both Barrer and Canfield "Reagan Clones".
5 Vote for 'anybody but Canfield'
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.3
Student believes Mike Canfield's views have been inconsistent on the issues.
6 Presidential candidates battle for votes
Northern Iowan 78:36, p.1
Candidates state positions at forum; photo.
7 IaPIRG responds to candidates
Northern Iowan 78:36, p.2
Sandy Sutton believes that ISPIRG has been unfairly treated by UNISA presidential candidates.
8 Scherzo
Northern Iowan 78:36, p.2
UNISA presidential candidate will cut funding to the radio station on which he is currently being interviewed.
9 UNISA presidential candidates differ on goals, fund allocation, political involvement
Northern Iowan 78:35, p.4
Mike Canfield, Dana Barrer, Mark Horan, and Rusty Martin express views; photo.
10 Urge greater protective steps
Northern Iowan 78:11, p.2
Students call for more lighting on campus to deter would-be rapists.
11 UNISA officers and senators assume offices
Public Relations News Release 1980:521, p.1
The University of Northern Iowa Student Association will take their offices and serve the student body.