Carlson (Hillman)--Junealice (Class of 1946; Commons Staff)

Displaying 1 - 32 of 32 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Nelson named social director of Commons
College Eye 40:40, p.1
Brief profile of Louise Nelson.
2 Junealice Carlson
Alumnus 33:2, p.23
Married Richard E. Ward on December 27, 1948.
3 Carlson resigns her position as social director
College Eye 40:14, p.1
Married Richard E. Ward in December.
4 Commons social director resigns
Alumnus 33:1, p.5
Junealice Carlson marries Richard Ward.
5 Social Life Committee chooses new members
College Eye 40:1, p.4
Aim to get more students involved in social activities planning.
6 Social usage classes now in progress
College Eye 40:1, p.6
Junealice Carlson and Ramona Heffner will lecture.
7 Activities planned for mothers
College Eye 39:28, p.1
Will include variety show, dinner, and spring play; photo.
8 Mothers will be entertained here weekend Apr. 24
College Eye 39:27, p.1
Schedule of Mother's Day activities.
9 Tea will honor women grads
College Eye 39:27, p.4
Will include style show on appropriate attire for Commencement activities.
10 Social life survey will be conducted
College Eye 39:27, p.4
Will attempt to learn what students want in the way of social activities.
11 Commons has busy year; Carlson has headache keeping order
College Eye 39:15, p.6
Students use the Commons heavily for dancing, card games; hard to keep up with cleaning and maintenance.
12 All college style show here tonight
College Eye 39:9, p.1
Will contrast Gibson Girls style with modern fashion; photo.
13 Vance Dixon plays for Pigskin Prom on Saturday night
College Eye 39:8, p.6
14 Courtesy will be stressed in week here
College Eye 39:8, p.1
Will help students to remember the common courtesy.
15 To honor team at dance after Augustana game
College Eye 39:7, p.5
A dance will be held after the final home game of the season.
16 Variety program is battle of wits
College Eye 39:2, p.8
Part of Dad's Day program.
17 Junealice Carlson new social director takes over June 1
Old Gold 38:34, p.1
Brief profile; photo.
18 June Carlson new social director
College Eye 38:30, p.1
Profile of Miss Carlson, who will replace Miss Roose.
19 Junealice Carlson, Mary Ella Young, Rita Sebby, and Corrine Merkel
Alumnus 31:1, p.25
Are instructors in the schools of Gowrie, Iowa. Carlson teaches vocal music in high school and grade school. Grade school teachers are Young, first grade; Sebby, third grade; and Merkel, fifth grade.
20 Summer commencement held
Public Relations News Release 1946:277, p.1
Hubert H. Humphrey gave the commencement address. Malcolm Price presented diplomas to the graduates.
21 Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.83
Graduation photos.
22 Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Students are honored by being named a Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; photo.
23 Eighteen elected to college who's who
Alumnus 30:1, p.1
Roster of students selected.
24 Students selected as members of Who's Who Among Students
Public Relations News Release 1945:295, p.1
Eighteen I. S. T. C. students named in publication. Scholarship, leadership, character, and extra-curricular activities are used to select students.
25 Symphony orchestra to hold winter concert
Public Relations News Release 1945:282, p.1
I. S. T. C. orchestra has seventy members and will hold their winter concert in the college auditorium.
26 Three student soloists to perform at recital
College Eye 37:5, p.1
Performance programs.
27 The Particular Pi Thets
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Brief description of the group; photo.
28 Radio classes learn by experience as they attend KXEL classroom
College Eye 36:33, p.3
A look at some of the work done in the radio survey class.
29 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.130
Brief description of the group; photo.
30 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.125
Started in 1904, this social sorority held a Homecoming luncheon for alums, sleigh riding parties, theatre parties and a few bowling parties. This group also finds time to write letters to the servicemen and buy bonds; photo.
31 Concert Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.153

Roster of members of the Concert Symphony Orchestra, Edward Kurtz as Conductor; photo.

32 Elementary Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.123
Activities, officers, and members; photo.