Carter--Jimmy (President of the United States)

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 PRG demands explanation of extraterrestrials
Northern Iowan 105:13, p.1
Americans urged to write to the next President of the United States demanding the "formal acknowledgement of the extraterrestrial presence."
2 Sensible bills introduced in Congress
Northern Iowan 104:51, p.7
The House of Representatives has had two bills introduced dealing with medical use of marijuana.
3 Babelogue
Northern Iowan 81:45, p.2
Discusses the situation of his friend, Russell James "Rusty" Martin.
4 Former Senator Dick Clark to visit UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 1981:172, p.1
Dick Clark, currently a senior research fellow with the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, will speak twice during his two week visit on the subject of U. S. Policy toward South Africa.
5 Yes, we are in for surprises: Disagrees with Hessburg
Northern Iowan 77:29, p.2
Student attacks Carter campaign and looks toward the future.
6 All my chillin'
Public Relations News Release 77:22, p.2
7 Viewpoint
Northern Iowan 77:16, p.2
Compares Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter.
8 Carter the 'clear choice' . . .
Northern Iowan 77:15, p.2
Feels President Carter should be re-elected.
9 Says Anderson, not Carter, is clear choice
Northern Iowan 77:13, p.2
Claims John Anderson, not Jimmy Carter, is the clear and logical choice for President.
10 Carter 'clear and logical?'
Northern Iowan 77:12, p.2
Attempts to discredit Joel Alter's view that Jimmy Carter is the "clear and logical" choice for president.
11 Viewpoint
Northern Iowan 77:11, p.3
Urges people to vote for Jimmy Carter in the upcoming election.
12 Three UNI EOP staff members attend White House dinner
Public Relations News Release 1980:115, p.1
Members of the UNI Educational Opportunity Program Norris Hart, Charlie Robinson, and Clavin Hall attended a dinner at the White House and met President Jimmy Carter.
13 Interest rate increases, new loan program announced at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:102, p.1
Interest rates increase for Insured Students Loans and Direct Student Loans.
14 Lynn Cutler to speak Thursday October 2 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:99, p.1
The democratic candidate for the U.S. Representatives from the Third District Lynn Cutler will speak on campus.
15 Untitled
Public Relations News Release 77:6, p.2
Depicts a person applying for manager of Jimmy Carter's campaign.
16 'We deserve three candidates'
Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.2
Wants President Carter to debate all opponents in the upcoming election, including John Anderson.
17 You can lead a horse to water, but . . .
Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.2
Cartoon depicts presidential candidates Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter not wanting to debate John Anderson.
18 Do you agree with Carter's decision not to debate Reagan and Anderson?
Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.2
Students give their view on President's Carter decision not to debate; photo.
19 Expensive inaction
Northern Iowan 76:58, p.2
In an election year, inaction is not a good move.
20 Untitled
Northern Iowan 76:55, p.2
Comments on the presidency of President Carter.
21 'Struggling to keep free from propaganda'
Northern Iowan 76:31, p.2
Feels President Carter is spreading propaganda about the draft.
22 Student precincts offer contrast to state; Democratic caucus results
Northern Iowan 76:29, p.1
Jimmy Carter and Edward Kennedy both received a small percentage of delegates at the UNI precincts that they did state-wide.
23 'Carter has failed to be effective as a leader'
Northern Iowan 76:17, p.2
Feels President Jimmy Carter has not taken the initiative to learn how to work with Congress to accomplish his goals.
24 Objects to tax
Northern Iowan 76:8, p.2
Believes the Carter administration is not helping middle-income people with its windfall profits tax.
25 Alcohol, drugs are significant in UNI social life, poll shows; students also think the label "suitcase college" applies
Northern Iowan 74:45, p.1
Results of NI poll on drinking, drugs, weekends, faculty, and President Carter.
26 No reply to invitation
Northern Iowan 73:46, p.6
President Carter has not replied to an invitation to speak at UNI Commencement.
27 Let's not cut student loans
Northern Iowan 73:41, p.2
Does not agree with President Carter's plan to cut student loans.
28 Meet the major contenders to become the next President of the United States
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.8
1976 Presidential Candidates to speak; Jimmy Carter is among the speakers.