Carver--Lowell L. (Class of 1930)

Displaying 1 - 43 of 43 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Lowell L. Carver
Alumnus 31:3, p.12
Of Ames, Iowa; has been associate professor of industrial education at Iowa State College since 1939. He previously taught at Wellman and Grundy Center, Iowa, Geneseo, Illinois, and Kenosha, Wisconsin.
2 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Carver
Alumnus 28:4, p.31
The former Ruth Eells and her husband are the parents of Lowell Craig, who was born on June 29, 1944.
3 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Carver, (Ruth Eells)
Alumnus 24:3, p.31
The former Ruth Eells and her husband announce the birth of a daughter, Jane Ann Carver. They reside in Ames.
4 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Carver
Alumnus 24:1, p.25
The former Ruth Eells and husband Lowell reside in Ames. Lowell is beginning his first year as instructor in the Industrial Arts Department at Iowa State College. Previously, he taught in Geneseo, Illinois, and Kenosha, Wisconsin, high schools.
5 Lowell Carver
Alumnus 22:2, p.25
Instructor of woodworking and mechanical drawing at the public schools in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he lives with his wife, the former Ruth Eells.
6 Six student writers will read original selections before the Women's Club of Grundy Center
Public Relations News Release 1934:971, p.1
Program for the event.
7 Ruth Eells
Alumnus 17:4, p.30
Married Lowell Carver on August 12, 1933.
8 Ruth Eells, Lowell Carver wedding is event to Saturday
College Eye 25:11, p.3
9 Lowell Carver
Alumnus 17:1, p.29
Teaches manual arts and coaches in Grundy Center, Iowa.
10 Baseball
Old Gold 0:0, p.158
Season highlights and schedule; photos.
11 Lowell Carver
Alumnus 15:1, p.26
Accepted a position as coach in Wellman, Iowa. While at the College, he was president of the Wesley Foundation, vice president of the Minnesinger Glee Club, a member of Lambda Gamma Nu and Phi Tau Theta fraternities.
12 Baseball nine closes strongest season
Alumnus 14:3, p.21
Season record was 10-2; season wrap-up; photo.
13 The victories pounded out over ten out of twelve schools
Public Relations News Release 1929:540, p.1
Baseball team wins ten out of twelve games this season.
14 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
Graduate photos.
15 Baseball
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Season summary; photos.
16 Minnesingers
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Personnel; photos.
17 Eta Chapter Phi Tau Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.260
Officers and members; photo.
18 Iowa State Teachers college diamond athletes
Public Relations News Release 1929:479, p.1
The Base ball team plays Luther today; players positions analyzed.
19 Iowa State Teachers College diamond squad, 12 in all
Public Relations News Release 1929:458, p.1
Baseball team opens season by traveling to University of Iowa, Lake Forrest College, Kalamazoo Teachers College, and Michigan State.
20 The date of the annual Senior Prom
Public Relations News Release 1929:439, p.1
Date of Senior Prom announced; committee members given.
21 Dignified seniors at Iowa State Teachers college will dance
Public Relations News Release 1929:426, p.1
Senior Prom planned; committees listed.
22 Double workouts three times weekly for the next few weeks
Public Relations News Release 1929:396, p.1
Baseball team prepares for upcoming season.
23 College "swat kings" ready to swing clubs
Alumnus 14:2, p.21
Baseball season preview; photo.
24 Record diamond squads
Public Relations News Release 1929:315, p.1
Varsity and freshman baseball teams make initial appearance.
25 Headed by Kemper Huber
Public Relations News Release 1929:310, p.1
Senior Matinee Dance committee forms.
26 Y. M. C. A.
College Eye 21:9, p.5
Held weekly meeting; Lowell Carver's talk was postponed.
27 Minnesingers elect officers
College Eye 21:8, p.5
Roster of officers.
28 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 21:7, p.4
Fraternity news.
29 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 21:2, p.3
Groden Groh died; roster of officers; smoker held at the house.
30 Wesley Foundation news
College Eye 20:38, p.8
Will hear address on religion of the future.
31 Minnesingers hold summer tryouts
College Eye 20:37, p.1
Roster of members.
32 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.281
Honorary members, associate members, chapter roll, and pledges; photo.
33 Troubadour Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.201
Personnel; photo.
34 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:34, p.6
Pledges on probation, visitors, spring dance, teaching contracts signed.
35 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:26, p.5
Visit family, visitors expected, two members on Minnesinger trip.
36 Methodist Men's Club
College Eye 20:25, p.5
Entertain pledges and guests at dinner.
37 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:23, p.8
House party, dances, basketball tournament, and visitors.
38 Baseball candidates begin active drill
College Eye 20:19, p.4
Roster of pitchers and catchers signed up.
39 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:18, p.6
Visitors, member weekend trips, winter dance plans announced.
40 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:9, p.8
Homecoming, visits, visitors, and alumni.
41 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:4, p.8
Visitors, visits home.
42 Wesley Foundation News
College Eye 20:3, p.2
Professor Goetch led discussion; planning social evenings on Friday. Officers announced.
43 Troubadours Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.205
Club officers; members; photo.