
Displaying 1 - 50 of 82 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Caucus results cause delay, confusion
Northern Iowan 116:33, p.1
Technical difficulties resulted in Democratic caucus result delays. As of printing, Pete Buttigieg narrowly led the state, followed by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden. UNI hosted two locations. In the West Gymnasium, Sanders received four delegates, Warren three, and Buttigieg two. In Maucker Union, Sanders received three delegates, and Warren, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar two. Student Erin Thomason, who served as the precinct chair for the West Gym, discussed the technical difficulties they encountered.
2 Iowa braces for 2020 caucuses
Northern Iowan 116:32, p.2
Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses will be held on February 3. A record number of 28 Democrats are seeking the nomination. Incumbent Donald Trump will likely receive the Republican party's nomination. There is a brief listing of Democratic candidates, if they visited UNI, and their main focus. The list includes Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tom Steyer, Andrew Yang, Michael Bennet, Michael Bloomberg, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, and Deval Patrick.
3 UNI hosts mock caucus in Maucker
Northern Iowan 116:31, p.1
UNI students and faculty participated in a mock caucus on January 27 ahead of the Iowa caucuses. The event was hosted by the American Democracy Projects, Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), and the political science department; photos.
4 AOC, Michael Moore stumped for Bernie
Northern Iowan 116:30, p.1
United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Mark Pocan, and filmmaker Michael Moore held a town hall at UNI in support of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Sanders could not attend the event, held in advance of the Iowa caucuses, due to the impeachment trial of President Trump. Each spoke on their reasons for supporting Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez answered questions; photos.
5 University to host mock caucus
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.2
The political science department, American Democracy Project, and Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) will host a mock caucus event designed to introduce students to the caucusing process. Participants will be led through the processes that both parties use to conduct their caucus. UNI had the highest midterm voter turnout of Iowa universities; photo.
6 Buttigieg hosts town hall
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.1

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg hosted a town hall in Maucker Union on January 15 in advance of Iowa's February 3 caucus; photo.

7 Camp Kamala launches across Iowa
Northern Iowan 115:46, p.2
U.S. senator Kamala Harris announced her candidacy for president, and her staff will be hosting Camp Kamala organizing training programs across the state. UNI's will take place on April 18; photo.
8 The importance of Iowa politics
Northern Iowan 115:22, p.3
Horning discusses the importance of Iowa politics and their impact on a national level; photo.
9 IA caucuses: field of (broken) dreams
Northern Iowan 112:34, p.3

Carr-Murphy gives an opinion on the results of the Iowa caucuses and Jeb Bush's candidacy; photos.

10 Caucusing around campus: Democratic
Northern Iowan 112:33, p.1

The Iowa caucuses were held on February 1, and Maucker Union was the Democratic location for two precincts. Bernie Sanders won; photo.

11 Caucusing around campus: Republican
Northern Iowan 112:33, p.1

The Iowa caucuses were held on February 1, and Peet Junior High School was one of the Republican locations. In Iowa, Ted Cruz won, followed by Donald Trump, then Marco Rubio; photo.

12 Hillary Clinton did not win the IA caucus
Northern Iowan 112:33, p.3

In a letter from the editor, Fisher discusses the issues that occurred at the Iowa Democratic caucus, disputes that Hillary Clinton had a clear victory, and urges readers to sign a petition for a recount; photo.

13 Where campus residents can caucus
Northern Iowan 112:32, p.2

The Iowa caucuses take place February 1. Students registered to vote who live on campus will caucus at either the West Gym or Maucker Union if they are Democrats, and Peet Jr. High or Holmes Jr. High if they are Republicans. Locations can also be found online; photos.

14 All-staff opinion column: Who are you caucusing for and why?
Northern Iowan 112:32, p.3

Northern Iowan columnists discuss who they will support at the caucuses: Carr-Murphy for Bernie Sanders, Slaughter for Donald Trump, and Cobb for Bernie Sanders; photos.

15 Caucus for climate
Northern Iowan 112:32, p.3

Ruggiero believes climate change is the most important issue going into the caucuses, and discusses examples of clean energy in Iowa.

16 Caucus tip: remember the role of government
Northern Iowan 112:32, p.3

Gravert discusses the role of government in light of the upcoming caucuses; photo.

17 Caucus for your candidate
Northern Iowan 112:31, p.1

The Iowa caucuses will take place on February 1; photos.

18 Walking the plank in Iowa
Northern Iowan 112:30, p.1

Justin Scott of the Freedom from Religion Foundation encourages students to support secular plank resolutions at the Iowa caucuses and hopes to partner with UNI Free Thinkers and Inquirers; photos.

19 Rock the mock caucus
Northern Iowan 112:29, p.1

Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) and the political science department will host UNI-'s first-ever Mock Caucus on January 27 in the Maucker Union ballroom; photo.

20 "My fellow Americans," from President Trump
Northern Iowan 112:29, p.3

Carr-Murphy writes a satirical piece imagining a State of the Union address given by Donald Trump; photos.

21 Paul courts youth vote at UNI
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.1

Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul visited campus on October 13; photos.

22 End Iowa's early caucus
Northern Iowan 111:21, p.3
Student Corey Cooling talks about his opinion on the early caucus and how he feels it should stop.
23 Collaboration of theatre and politics
Public Relations News Release 2011:101, p.1
UNI will host a week long collaboration project between the theatre companies, New York City's The TEAM (Theatre of the Emerging America Movement) and Portland Oregon's Sojurn Theater. The two companies will study the Iowa caucus and then create a play.
24 Caucus provides new experience for many students
Northern Iowan 104:28, p.4
Students talk about their caucus experiences.
25 "News Talk" to discuss caucuses
Public Relations News Release 2007:352, p.1
Jens Krogstad will be leading a discussion on the Iowa caucuses January 5.
26 Ins and outs of Iowa Caucuses
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.1
Iowa caucus process explained; photo.
27 UNI Residence Halls to open early for Iowa Caucuses
Public Relations News Release 2007:295, p.1
The residence halls will be opening January 3 for students wishing to participate in the Iowa caucuses.
28 NI year in news
Northern Iowan 100:55, p.1
Recap of news stories and photographs from the 2003-2004 school year; photo.
29 Rest in peace: Howard Dean's plummet
Northern Iowan 100:40, p.7
Analysis of the errors made by Howard Dean in his campaign and how his grassroots network can be converted into a potential tool for bolstering Democratic support.
30 Close second brings Edwards back in Wis.
Northern Iowan 100:38, p.1
John Kerry wins Wisconsin primary, but a close second place finish by John Edwards keeps the race alive; photo.
31 Iowa caucus: connection is key to start
Northern Iowan 100:32, p.1
Iowa caucuses believed to have significant impact on presidential nominations nationwide.
32 Kerry makes caucus comeback; Edwards takes second, Dean third
Northern Iowan 100:30, p.1
Senator John Kerry wins the Iowa caucuses with a near-record number of Iowans (122,000) turning out; photo.
33 Candidates' true colors burn through caucus fog
Northern Iowan 100:30, p.5
Praises John Kerry and John Edwards for their post-caucus behavior while admonishing Howard Dean for his.
34 Reflections on a raucous caucus
Northern Iowan 100:30, p.5
Gives observations on the Iowa caucuses.
35 Iowa caucus -- is it still important?
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Professor Maureen Berner says that having a larger state begin the presidential race would provide different results.
36 Democratic caucuses take place Monday: what you need to know
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.1
Information given on status of Democratic race in Iowa; student panel held in Union to discuss candidates; photo.
37 Kerry has what it takes
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.6
Endorsement given to Senator John Kerry.
38 Edwards edges other offerings
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.5
Endorses Senator John Edwards for the Iowa caucuses.
39 Hollywood heavies hawk Howard Dean
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.1
Rob Reiner and Martin Sheen appear on campus to endorse Howard Dean; photo.
40 Student voices
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.7
Students respond to the question "Are you planning on caucusing this year, and if so, who for?; photos.
41 What's Up
Northern Iowan 100:25, p.3
Meetings and events planned; Presidential hopeful John Kerry to speak; Bill Teaford will discuss causes; Steven Pinker to lecture.
42 UNI Department of Political Science offers mock caucus
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Participants will review the purpose of the caucus system with their party representatives.
43 Stop and smell . . . the politics
Northern Iowan 99:58, p.5
Encourages students to get involved in politics; recognizes Iowa as a prime place to do so because if its importance in presidential elections.
44 Iowa's caucus craze
Public Relations News Release 2001:301, p.1
Allen Brierly will talk about the caucuses in Iowa which are held to discuss the 2002 elections.
45 Despite hype, caucuses revive hope for America
Northern Iowan 96:33, p.6
Iowa caucuses prove to be a democratic process where Americans come together to express their opinions and feelings about the country.
46 Caucus creates discontent among voters; a political reporter's opinion about Iowa's democratic process
Northern Iowan 96:32, p.1
News writer discusses lack of participation at local caucuses and the political process; photo.
47 The nation focuses tonight on the Iowa Caucuses
Public Relations News Release 1999:0, p.1
Jon Hall and Allen Brierly will speak on their findings of a study of the Iowa caucuses, and what we should expect from this election.
48 Caucuses serve important function in Iowa
Northern Iowan 96:30, p.7
Voting in Monday's caucus can make a difference for a candidate.
49 Iowa prepares for first caucuses in the nation
Northern Iowan 96:30, p.1
Iowa Caucus will be held Monday.
50 Continued caucus research by University of Northern Iowa faculty members sheds light on upcoming elections
Public Relations News Release 1999:188, p.1
Professors Allen Brierly and Jon Hall are continuing an Iowa Precinct Caucus Survey Project.