Cell Phones

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Be social, get off of handheld media
Northern Iowan 117:40, p.3
In the author's opinion, people should be more conscious of the time they spend on social media and its potential adverse effects; photo.
2 Wellness Services: stay safe this spring break
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.3
Student Wellness Services offers tips in regards to alcohol, sexual health, friends, and phone safety.
3 Is gamification the future of productivity?
Northern Iowan 116:32, p.3
In the author's opinion, gamification - combining work and play for a more satisfying daily life - is a valuable philosophy and can add elements of fun to work otherwise thought of as a necessary evil; photo.
4 Is your phone your life support?
Northern Iowan 115:7, p.3
In the author's opinion, people can easily become addicted to their cell phones and other mobile devices, and Miene challenges readers to interact more with people around them.
5 Earn money by locking phone
Northern Iowan 114:24, p.3
A phone app called "Pocket Points" allows students to earn rewards at local businesses by locking their phone during class and not use it; photo.
6 Phone psychology
Northern Iowan 114:17, p.1
Adam Butler, a psychology professor at UNI, warns of the potential psychological effects of over using one's smartphone. There may be a connection between smartphone use and a person's mental health; photo.
7 New iPhone? More like WhyPhone
Northern Iowan 114:15, p.3
Columnist Schrad discusses the trend to constantly update cell phones every year and the new iPhone X; photo.
8 Personal tech devices belong in classroom
Northern Iowan 112:7, p.3

In the author's opinion, professors should not restrict students from using personal electronic devices in the classroom; photo.

9 Life-aid ask Kyle
Northern Iowan 111:6, p.4
Student Kyle Marlin gives advice on how to handle college related stress including club involvement, organization, and plan making.
10 University releases new mobile app
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1
UNI recently released a mobile application to help students connect to the university. The app provides a schedule of UNI events, menus for dining centers, maps, and emergency contact information. Students can access app this from any smartphone.
11 UNI goes mobile with custom designed MyUNI mobile app
Public Relations News Release 2013:153, p.1
There is now a MyUNI mobile app available for smartphones. Some of the features of this app include access to eLearning, dining center menus, and new about the college.
12 Research group works to close the gap between smart phones and the classroom
Public Relations News Release 2011:80, p.1
Students and professors are working together to try and incorporate smart phones into a classroom setting.
13 Technology overload
Northern Iowan 107:10, p.8
Many students are in constant need of information. They are checking Facebook, tweeting, texting, or emailing most of the time. They forget how to have an honest conversation. Everyone needs a break from technology.
14 Cellular Addiction
Northern Iowan 107:2, p.11
Believes cell phones do not belong in the classroom. Students should be paying attention to the professor during lectures. Cell phones are a tremendous convenience, but they should not rule your life.
15 Don't Text and Drive, Kids
Northern Iowan 106:59, p.3
Students, faculty, and staff urged to curtail the use of texting while driving. It is now against the law; photo.
16 Don't text and drive, kids
Northern Iowan 2009:59, p.3
Students urged to not text while driving. In fact, it is now illegal in Iowa; photo.
17 Grammatically speaking
Northern Iowan 106:40, p.5
Grammar checker can be frustrating, but bad grammar in newspaper articles or letters is even worse. Electronic devices and teachers are most commonly blamed. The devices are only as smart as the user.
18 Texting while driving may potentially be banned
Northern Iowan 106:33, p.1
Iowa lawmakers are considering making texting while driving illegal. Four different bills have been proposed to deal with distractions while driving; photo.
19 Texting while driving becomes a growing concern
Northern Iowan 106:25, p.10
Distracted drivers account for almost eighty per cent of all auto accidents and nearly sixty-five per cent of near accidents in the United States. Many states are considering ticketing those who text while driving; photo.
20 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.9
Responses to the question; What do you think of students who text during class?
21 Cell phones promote antisocial behavior
Northern Iowan 106:11, p.6
The instant access to friends via texting, the Internet, and Face book make talking to people in person an old art form.
22 Cell phone savvy gives job seekers edge
Northern Iowan 105:51, p.9
U.S. Cellular suggests students who are seeking jobs should include a cell phone number on the application and resume in addition to a land line. This information will help ensure receiving a call from a potential employer; photo.
23 Dependence on cell phones
Northern Iowan 105:44, p.3
The convenience of using cell phones noted. Expanded functions of phones questioned.
24 Cell phone etiquette
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.7
Students reminded that cell phone conversations should be off limits in areas such as museums, theaters, dentist and doctor waiting rooms, locker rooms, and classrooms.
25 Phoning home
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.7
Parents do worry if their son or daughter fails to call following a return trip to campus.