Chadney--James G. (Anthropology Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 46 of 46 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Largest corporate gift to the University of Northern Iowa Foundation to be presented Thursday, June 24
Public Relations News Release 1998:426, p.1
Textiles and Apparel Program will receive $2.3 million software program. Remarks at the June 24 presentation to be made by President Koob, James Chadney, Howard Barnes, and Nan Frazee-Byington.
2 The Sixth Annual Student Research Conference at the University of Northern Iowa awards best presentation to Ryan Major
Public Relations News Release 1998:334, p.1
UNI held its Sixth Annual Student Research Conference on April 10. Ryan Major was awarded for his research project. Judges for the awards included Gerald Intemann and James Chadney.
3 Students First campaign will impact students both home and abroad
Northern Iowa Today 83:1, p.14
Muir Scholarship benefits international students; Alderman Scholars Program helps domestic students; brief biographical sketches of donors; photo.
4 UNI remembers Noack's dedication, leadership
Northern Iowan 94:33, p.9
Professor Virgil Noack will be fondly remembered by the UNI community.
5 Recently/soon to be published: James G. Chadney
Campus News Network 7:9, p.
James G. Chadney published in two books.
6 Mini-grants provide for infusion of technology
Campus News Network 3:17, p.1
Roster of winners and their topics of research.
7 Mini-grants provide for multicultural and gender diverse studies
Campus News Network 2:17, p.1
Roster of faculty awarded mini-grants.
8 Co-dependency topic of first women's studies forum, scheduled to begin Monday (September 9) at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:29, p.1
Schedule for the forum series on women's studies at UNI announced.
9 Summer fellowships announced
Campus News Network 1:11, p.
Roster of winners and their topics.
10 "Celebrating Women Month" activities planned for February and March by University of Northern Iowa Women's Studies Program
Public Relations News Release 1990:336, p.1
UNI will observe Women's History Month in March preceded by a kickoff event in February. Guest artists include Margaret Lucia and Julie Simson.
11 Anthropology Club
Northern Iowan 86:21, p.5
Professor Chadney will speak on gender.
12 Professors must select info from acceptable source
Northern Iowan 84:15, p.2
Believes creationism is unacceptable to scholars and, thus, is not taught in class.
13 India's tradition explored through variety of week-long presentations
Northern Iowan 84:15, p.11
Program of activities; photo.
14 'Exploring India's Cultural Traditions' topic for week-long series on University of Northern Iowa campus
Public Relations News Release 1987:78, p.1
The Committee on Asian Studies sponsors the "Exploring the Cultural Traditions of India" program, featuring a host of guest professors. The program will cover U. S./India relations, Hinduism, Indian dance, and the role of women in Indian culture.
15 Regents approve improvements
Northern Iowan 83:40, p.5

Will renovate Redeker plaza; recommends funding for boiler; John Ketter will retire; Rollin Evers will resign; approve appointment of Lowell Norland; approve phased retirement for five faculty; approve PDLs; photo.

16 UNI to offer eight telecourses for college credit
Public Relations News Release 1986:144, p.1
Eight telecourses are available to persons suffering from work and time restraints. Students view these programs from home, and complete course work by mail. The programs deal in education, astronomy, computer science, anthropology, and Jewish culture.
17 Writing plan approved
Northern Iowan 83:27, p.4
Faculty Senate approves committee recommendation; will institute Writing Across the Curriculum; approve report on athletics.
18 Senate OKs gen. ed. courses, including Religions of World
Northern Iowan 83:15, p.3
Approves 47-hour general education program; arguments for and against inclusion of Religions of the World; reject laboratory course requirement.
19 Winners announced for second annual UNI 'Trivial Pursuit Challenge'
Public Relations News Release 1986:297, p.1
Members of the team called "NATO" won the championship trophy; NATO and other team members listed.
20 M. Phil needs revisions
Northern Iowan 82:39, p.5
Professor Jim Chadney feels the Master of Philosophy degree might not have enough marketability.
21 UNI to offer five telecourses for college credit
Public Relations News Release 1986:198, p.1
Iowa Public Television will broadcast classes. Students will have access to a UNI instructor via, telephone, in writing, and personal contact. Examinations will be given close to the student's home and mailed to the university for grading.
22 New members to be honored
Northern Iowan 81:26, p.5
List of those initiated into Alpha Kappa Delta and Lambda Alpha.
23 Chadney: 'It's economical to hire East Indians'
Northern Iowan 78:41, p.7
Professor Chadney talks about his research in Portland, Oregon.
24 Anthropology series
Northern Iowan 77:49, p.4
Schedule of upcoming discussions.
25 Regents grant 18 professional development leaves for UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:373, p.1
The State Board of Regents approved professional development leaves for eighteen professors.
26 Archaeology Lab reopens for relocated classes
Northern Iowan 77:32, p.9
Faculty and students put old building into shape for classes.
27 Race relations class added
Northern Iowan 77:26, p.6
Jim Chadney will teach course on "Ethnic and Race Relations".
28 General education passed; faculty approves proposal by 83 to 70 vote
Northern Iowan 75:13, p.1
Results of five years of research and study; last minute amendments defeated.
29 Colloquium
Northern Iowan 73:41, p.3
Professor Rackstraw will lead Future Studies panel discussion on cultural attitudes and willingness to change.
30 Anthro degrees expand curriculum
Northern Iowan 71:26, p.11
Anthropology major and minor available for first time this semester; faculty talk about course of study; brief profile of faculty.
31 Thanks for the journey
Northern Iowan 70:39, p.3
Enjoyed trip to Chicago.
32 Asian Studies program rated "particularly strong"
Northern Iowan 70:15, p.6
Program evaluator offers opinion.
33 Present grading policy upheld by faculty
Northern Iowan 68:50, p.1
Pass/fail grading will not be expanded.
34 Regents approve leaves for 12 faculty members
Northern Iowan 68:47, p.7
List of faculty and their topics of research.
35 Perception symposium
Northern Iowan 68:35, p.8
Professors Behrens, Chadney, and Hanson will discuss perception.
36 Prof is planning a "party"
Northern Iowan 67:30, p.2
Complains about restrooms in Sabin Hall.
37 Chadney presents paper
Northern Iowan 67:21, p.7
Professor Chadney gives paper on caste and class.
38 UNI Prof Presents Paper at California Conference
Public Relations News Release 1970:223, p.1
James G. Chadney, UNI anthropology professor presented a paper recently at a meeting of the American Anthropological Assocation in San Diego.
39 55 Teachers Complete Social Studies Workshop at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:684, p.1
The workshop concentrates on new trends in social studies education in the elementary school; list of people in attendance
40 Anthropology Dept. makes book reviews available
Northern Iowan 66:47, p.4
Faculty review non-technical books and make reviews available to public.
41 Foreign area expert writes foreword for UNI publication
Public Relations News Release 1969:346, p.1
A forword for the "India Foreign Area Studies Syllabus".
42 UNI to offer extension course on television
Northern Iowan 66:30, p.6
Professor Chadney will offer social anthropology course.
43 UNI Extension Service to Offer 'Sunrise Semester'
Public Relations News Release 1969:238, p.1
TV course in social anthropology of Africa during the spring semester.
44 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.4
Campus news wrap-up consisting of short articles about many people and events; photo.
45 Cultural diversity brings unity
Northern Iowan 66:26, p.2
Professor Chadney attempts to meet Professor Fox's arguments about role for African-Americans in American culture.
46 Advice for Joe Fox
Northern Iowan 66:21, p.3
Believes African-Americans are demanding only a fair share.