
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 CATS aims to tie the past to the present
Northern Iowan 103:46, p.1
Connecting Alumni to Students (CATS) is a newly formed group aiming to keep alumni connected to the university; photo.
2 UNI staff honored with the Sue Follon Exemplary Service Award
Campus News Network 12:12, p.1
Awards were presented to Linda Chapin, Connie Hansen, and Jane Moen; photo.
3 UNI staff honored with Sue Follon Exemplary Service Award
Public Relations News Release 2001:296, p.1
Linda Chapin, Connie Hansen, and Jane Moen were awarded the Sue Follon Exemplary Service Award.
4 Accident article did not tell whole story
Northern Iowan 84:4, p.3
Believes story on Gilchrist Hall fire was inaccurate and that effects of fire were substantial.
5 UNI-AOP to honor educator/adminstrator of year, scholarship recipients; install new officers, Wednesday (May 14)
Public Relations News Release 1986:427, p.1

Romanin is administrator of the year; recognized ten members who have/will be retired; scholarship winners were announced; new officers were installed.