# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Mental health advocacy group hosts benefit Northern Iowan 115:33, p.1 |
To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) will host their annual charitable art benefit in the Maucker Union Ballroom on February 12. Proceeds go to the Covenant Clinic Psychiatry youth in-patient clinic; photo. | |
2 | Breast cancer campaigns do little to help cause Northern Iowan 114:17, p.3 |
Columnist Cobb discuses how campaigns go about raising awareness for breast cancer. In her opinion, many organizations are more interested in increasing their own public awareness rather than promoting prevention and research; photo. | |
3 | Colorful Miles for Miracles 5K Northern Iowan 114:9, p.5 |
UNI Dance Marathon hosted their annual 5K to raise money for the University of Iowa's Stead Family Children's Hospital. This years theme was a color run; photo. | |
4 | Panther Portrait: Out of the Darkness Campus Walk Northern Iowan 112:52, p.5 |
Upsilon Nu Iota hosted the Out of the Darkness Campus suicide awareness walk on April 16; photos. |
5 | SLC gives back during National Volunteer Week at UNI Northern Iowan 112:51, p.4 |
Service and Leadership Council (SLC) provided opportunities during National Volunteer Week, including Service Project Night in Maucker Union on April 13; photo. |
6 | Relay for Life Northern Iowan 112:50, p.1 |
Relay for Life took place on April 9 in the McLeod Center; photos. |
7 | Honors week: Comics, trivia and pomp Northern Iowan 112:49, p.4 |
Multiple events will take place during Honors Week, April 11-15. They include: a book discussion of "Enrique's Journey" by Sonia Nazario, hosted by Sigma Delta Pi in Lang Auditorium; a quiz bowl, hosted by the Honors Student Advisory Board (HSAB) in Maucker Union; professor Harry Brod and his class on the topic "Graphic Novels: Narrative Art and Sequential Story Telling" in the Honors Cottage; Phi Alpha Theta's induction ceremony and speaker Chris Shackelford in Seerley Hall; honors Olympics hosted by HSAB; Sigma Gamma Epsilon hosting an earth science museum in Latham Hall; and Phi Sigma Pi hosting a movie screening called "Lift the Blindfold - A Documentary on Homelessness in New York" in the Honors Cottage. |
8 | For the kids Northern Iowan 112:42, p.1 |
UNI Dance Marathon held their fifth annual Big Event in Maucker Union on March 5; photos. |
9 | New philanthropy event set to thank and give back Northern Iowan 112:36, p.5 |
The UNI Foundation and Alumni Association are hosting the week-long We Are One UNI philanthropy event; photo. |
10 | MLK Day of Service draws crowd Northern Iowan 112:29, p.1 |
Over 300 volunteers packaged meals on MLK Day of Service at Maucker Ballroom for the Northeast Iowa Foodbank; photos. |
11 | ADPi's lone survivor Northern Iowan 112:24, p.4 |
Alpha Delta Pi's "Survivor" event, based on the television show, was held in Maucker Union on November 16; photo. |
12 | PR class plans to paint the town red Northern Iowan 112:19, p.2 |
Gayle Pohl's public relations event planning class will hold "Paint the Town Red," a fundraiser for the American Heart Association, the week of November 9-14 on College Hill and Main Street. |
13 | Noehren Hall 'great scare for a great cause" Northern Iowan 112:19, p.4 |
Noehren Hall held a haunted house fundraiser for Halloween, with proceeds going to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank; photo. |
14 | Halloween tradition dripping with antici...pation Northern Iowan 112:18, p.2 |
Alpha Psi Omega is holding their annual showing of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC). This is the 40th anniversary of the movie and the 90th anniversary of Alpha Psi Omega; photo. |
15 | Love your melon day Northern Iowan 112:17, p.1 |
Members of Love Your Melon sold stocking caps outside of the Maucker Union on October 22 to raise money and awareness for children battling cancer; photo. |
16 | Flex meal project to return Northern Iowan 112:15, p.1 |
Pi Sigma Epsilon is bringing back their Flex-Meal project aiming to allow students to donate their unused flex-meals to community members. |
17 | Organization offers LiNK to those fleeing North Korea Northern Iowan 112:12, p.1 |
As part of Refugee and Immigrant Support and Empowerment (RISE) Week, non-profit organization Liberty in North Korea presented about their mission to assist North Korean refugees on October 6 in Maucker Union. Other events included "Be in the Know: The Refugee Crisis in Europe," "Every DREAMer Has a Story," "Personal Accounts from Burma," and "How Can We Help Our Neighbors?" |
18 | Cookie 5k-ing against cancer Northern Iowan 112:11, p.1 |
UNI Dance Marathon held a Cookie 5k race to raise money for the University of Iowa Children's Miracle Network; photos. |
19 | Love your melon Northern Iowan 111:54, p.1 |
The non-profit organization "Love Your Melon" is coming to the UNI campus; photo. | |
20 | Scavenging for awareness Northern Iowan 111:53, p.1 |
The sixth annual Quest to Unravel Alzheimer Scavenger Hunt took place around the UNI campus; photo. | |
21 | KSig dodges for diabetes Northern Iowan 111:52, p.1 |
Kappa Sigma held their annual "Dodging for Diabetes Research Foundation" in the middle courts of the WRC. | |
22 | Walk to "shed light" Northern Iowan 111:50, p.4 |
The Out of the Darkness walk was held to raise awareness for suicide prevention. | |
23 | Yellow brick road to hope Northern Iowan 111:49, p.1 |
Students and staff walked Mcleod for twelve hours during Relay for Life, hosted by The American Cancer Society; photo. | |
24 | Villains, heroes and all in between Northern Iowan 111:44, p.2 |
"RodCon" is being held by the Rod Library for the second year in a row. | |
25 | Dance Marathon Northern Iowan 111:42, p.1 |
Over a thousand students rallied for the fourth annual dance marathon in the Maucker Union; photo. | |
26 | CATS for philanthropy Northern Iowan 111:37, p.1 |
Connecting Alumni to Students will be beginning their "pay it forward" campaign; photo. | |
27 | Actions mean more than words Northern Iowan 111:31, p.1 |
Renae Beard promotes actually making changes in the world instead of just buying products that claim to do it for you; photo. | |
28 | Appreciation for Dance Marathon Northern Iowan 111:31, p.1 |
Each year hundreds of people gather at the annual dance marathon to support patients at the Iowa City Childrens Hospital; photo. | |
29 | With December comes a time to give thanks Northern Iowan 111:25, p.3 |
Student Renae Beard encourages students to give back for the holidays, keep a positive attitude, and help those in need. | |
30 | United Way "champions" aim high Northern Iowan 111:23, p.2 |
UNI and Cedar Valley United way teamed up to support charities and families in need. | |
31 | PSE is utilizing unused flex meals Northern Iowan 111:23, p.1 |
Pi Sigma Epsilon has found a way to use flex meals to help those in need; photo. | |
32 | Students making a difference through volunteering Northern Iowan 111:17, p.4 |
Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of community service, in which UNI has participated since 2009. | |
33 | Charitable Chili Northern Iowan 111:16, p.6 |
UNI 4 Kids is hosting a chili cook-off in order to raise money for charity. | |
34 | Letter to the editor Northern Iowan 111:16, p.5 |
Gabbi DeWitt of the Pink Ribbon Run Committee writes to the Northern Iowan thanking Gamma Phi Beta and the Student Alumni Ambassadors for their help with the Pink Ribbon Run; photo. | |
35 | Red Cross looking for blood donations Northern Iowan 111:8, p.2 |
The Red Cross has set up thirty-three blood drives in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area; photo. | |
36 | Ice Water Challenge for a cause Northern Iowan 111:1, p.9 |
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has gone viral. The challenge helps raise money, and awareness, for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; photo. | |
37 | Are altruistic acts truly selfless? Northern Iowan 110:44, p.3 |
Wonders if volunteering is truly a selfless act. People receive gratification for it. So how can it be completely selfless? | |
38 | UNI Dance Marathon exceeds fundraising goal Public Relations News Release 2013:201, p.1 |
UNI Dance Marathon raised $176,498 exceeding its $125,000 goal. This is the third year UNI has participated in Dance Marathon. UNI Dance Marathon is placed in the top 18 programs in the nation. The money is donated to the Children's Miracle Network. | |
39 | UNI to host third annual Dance Marathon Public Relations News Release 2013:192, p.192 |
UNI will host the third annual Dance Marathon. This event raises money for the Children's Miracle Network and the University of Iowa Children's Hospital. Participants stay on their feet for 12 hours and spend time with children will serious illness. | |
40 | Greek chapter of the week: Alpha Phi fraternity Northern Iowan 110:38, p.4 |
Alpha Phi is a large Greek presence on campus. They do several different volunteer activities as well as holding the Red Dress Gala to raise money for local charities. | |
41 | For the volunteers: UNI charity group praises participants Northern Iowan 110:33, p.1 |
As a part of Dancer Appreciation Week, Dance Marathon participants took the stage at the men's basketball game last Wednesday. They showed a video to spread Dance Marathon's mission. Students were encouraged to wear orange to the game; photo. | |
42 | UNI to host V-Day 2014 Public Relations News Release 2013:168, p.1 |
UNI will present a benefit performance of Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues". The proceeds from the event will go to Cedar Valley Friends of the Family, a nonprofit victim advocacy agency. There will also be several events about violence prevention. | |
43 | UNI to host seventh annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll Public Relations News Release 2013:108, p.1 |
UNI Alumni Association and Connecting Alumni to Students are putting on their annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll event. This is a mile-long run, and students are encouraged to bring clothing to donate to the Salvation Army. | |
44 | Wishmakers plan 3-on-3 basketball tournament Northern Iowan 109:43, p.4 |
Proceeds of the Swishes-for-Wishes basketball tournament go toward terminally ill children. The event is being organized by the Northern Iowa Wishmakers, and will be held in the Wellness and Recreation Center's upper gyms. | |
45 | Dance Marathon: in its 2nd year, UNI students raised more than $100,000 for University of Iowa's Children's Hospital Northern Iowan 109:40, p.1 |
UNI Dance Marathon was a day full of dancing, playing games, and fundraising. Students were able to raise over $100,000 making UNI one of the top twenty fundraising schools for Dance Marathon in the country; photo. | |
46 | Panther Portraits: Art from the heart Northern Iowan 109:35, p.7 |
There was an artwork sale to raise money to build a school in El Salvador. The sale raised around $1000, and the money will be donated in the name of Sarah Howard; photo. | |
47 | UNI students brave the cold for Polar Bare Run Northern Iowan 109:22, p.4 |
Assistant Director for the Office of Alumni Relations Connie Hansen deemed the event a success. Despite chilly temperatures and elections, the benefit brought in between 375 and 400 items. | |
48 | Essentials: please donate non-perishable grocery items or money Northern Iowan 109:21, p.9 |
$1 donations go to a family in need during the month of November. Purchases can be made and donated at Essentials at Maucker Union. | |
49 | UNI Proud hosts Drag-a-Ganza Northern Iowan 109:20, p.8 |
UNI's second annual Halloween Draga-a-Ganza dance was a success, raising $135 for the Community AIDS Assistance Program; photo. | |
50 | Annual Polar Bare Run set for Nov. 6 Northern Iowan 109:19, p.9 |
UNI will host the sixth annual Polar Bare Run. Donations for the one-mile event go to the Salvation Army. Students encouraged to give back to the community. |